Election Day 2016 Where To Vote

Election Day 2016: Where should you go to vote?

November 8th at 6:50 AM

Election Day 2016: Where should you go to vote?

It’s finally that day, folks! The ultimate Pokemon confrontation: Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton. But it all seriousness, the choice you make today will certainly affect your life in the immediate future, and probably even further down the road. So go out and vote! Oh, you have no idea where to do it? There’s a handy Google trick for that. More →

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Internet Usage

Mobile internet usage surpasses desktop usage for the first time in history

November 2nd at 10:35 PM

Mobile internet usage surpasses desktop usage for the first time in history

For the first time in history, more users last month accessed the web from mobile devices like smartphones and tablets than they did from desktops or notebooks. According to data released by StatCounter earlier this week, 51.3% of all web visits last month came from mobile devices compared to 48.7% of visits from traditional computing platforms.

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Is Twitter Down Right Now

This is why your internet is screwed up this morning

October 21st at 9:07 AM

This is why your internet is screwed up this morning

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up each morning? You grab your iPhone or Android phone, of course, and you check for the latest posts on Twitter. Next, maybe you dig into Reddit to see what happened overnight. Then you hop in the shower and stream some music from Spotify. Except on Friday morning, you had trouble doing any of those things. In fact, you might still be having trouble doing any other those things right now.

Want a quick fix? Turn the Wi-Fi off on your phone and try again using cellular data. An unknown person or group launched a major DDoS attack on a major DNS host in the early hours of the morning, and it’s impacting a number of popular websites and services that people are trying to access through their ISP. More →

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3D Recreation Of Galaxy

This amazing torrent-powered site lets you explore our galaxy in 3D

October 18th at 8:00 PM

This amazing torrent-powered site lets you explore our galaxy in 3D

Oh, the wonders of the internet. There’s so much buried treasure out there that it’s impossible to find it all… which is why the Internet is Beautiful subreddit on Reddit is such a great resource. People head there (somewhat infrequently, sadly) to dump fun and interesting sites they find around the web, and this incredible site built by programmer and designer Charlie Hoey definitely fits the bill. More →

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How is Wikileaks publishing files even after Assange’s Internet was cut?

October 18th at 7:30 PM

How is Wikileaks publishing files even after Assange’s Internet was cut?

Cutting the Internet cord on Julian Assange has not silenced the WikiLeaks mastermind, who likely has multiple backup systems in place to ensure his reign of terror on the politically powerful continues long after he loses web access.

Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London for five years, but Wikileaks managed on Tuesday to unleash yet another massive dump of emails hacked from key Hillary Clinton aide John Podesta. Those disclosures came a day after his international hacktivist group said their leader’s access to the cyber world was severed by the South Ameerican government.

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Danny MacAskill's New Video

You would die if you attempted any of these incredible bicycle tricks

October 13th at 10:33 PM

You would die if you attempted any of these incredible bicycle tricks

Professional biker-man Danny MacAskill does tricks that I’m pretty sure defy the laws of physics, or at least the laws of good common sense. He sometimes does these tricks on top of an actual mountain.

Good thing he’s the one riding the bike and not you or me, in other words.

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Yahoo Mail Email Forwarding

Did Yahoo just shut down basic email forwarding to stop users from leaving?

October 11th at 7:45 AM

Did Yahoo just shut down basic email forwarding to stop users from leaving?

Two massive security and privacy scandals hit Yahoo in the past weeks, and each one of them is a good enough reason to leave Yahoo Mail and your Yahoo properties behind and never look back. First, Yahoo had to admit that around 500 million accounts were hacked back in 2014. Then, reports revealed that the government pressured Yahoo into spying on all its users — the company did so by modifying its anti-malware tool to scan emails for accounts belonging to terrorist groups.

Yahoo proved it can’t keep Yahoo Mail secure, and that it can’t fight the government on your behalf. Naturally, some users opted to leave the service. But they soon discovered that Yahoo shut down email forwarding, a basic email feature that has been around for ages. More →

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Internet Speed

Nokia to demo Internet transfer technology that’s 1,000 faster than Google Fiber

September 21st at 8:30 PM

Nokia to demo Internet transfer technology that’s 1,000 faster than Google Fiber

Thanks to the proliferation of streaming services like Netflix, having a reliable ISP capable of delivering high download speeds is more important than ever before. That being the case, it’s not at all surprising that ISPs are continuously duking it out with each other in an ongoing race to determine who can offer users the fastest transfer speeds with minimal downtime.

Today, some of the fastest Internet service around comes from services like Google Fiber and Verizon FIOS. But now comes word via ZDNet that we may have a new data transfer champion in our midsts. According to the report, Nokia later this week will demonstrate a new transfer technology capable of delivering a jaw-dropping one terabit of data per second (equivalent to 1,000 Gbps) via optical fiber. The technology is the result of joint research carried out by Nokia Bell Labs, the Technical University of Munich and Telekom Innovation Laboratories.

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North Korea Internet

North Korea only has 28 websites

September 20th at 8:00 PM

North Korea only has 28 websites

It’s hard to reconcile the modern world we live in — where information is readily accessible and flows freely — with the reality of what life is like for the vast majority of North Koreans who remain under the draconian rule of an oppressive regime that, quite literally, does everything in its power to shield its populace from any information that isn’t tailor-made or approved by government officials.

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