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Social Anarchism and Organisation

category brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana | anarchist movement | feature author Sunday March 11, 2012 20:39author by Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro - FARJ Report this post to the editors

English translation of "Anarquismo Social e Organização", by the Anarchist Federation of Rio de Janeiro (Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro – FARJ)

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Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro

This document, first published in Portuguese under the title Anarquismo Social e Organização and adopted at the first Congress of the Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro in August 2008, seeks to map out the FARJ’s theoretical conception of an organised, class struggle anarchism and, “More than a purely theoretical document, [...] reflects the conclusions realised after five years of practical application of anarchism in the social struggles of our people”.

In what is perhaps one of the most comprehensive elaborations on the Latin American concept of especifista anarchism now available in English, Social Anarchism and Organisation traces and outlines the theoretical and practical influences on the FARJ’s conception of anarchist organisation and its strategy for social transformation.

The first Congress of the FARJ was held with the principal objective of deepening our reflections on the question of organisation and formalising them into a programme. This debate has been happening within our organisation since 2003. We have produced theoretical materials, established our thinking, learned from the successes and mistakes of our political practice it was becoming increasingly necessary to further the debate and to formalise it, spreading this knowledge both internally and externally. The document “Social Anarchism and Organisation” formalises our positions after all these reflections. More than a purely theoretical document, it reflects the conclusions realised after five years of practical application of anarchism in the social struggles of our people. To read it, click the links in the “Summary” below. The document is divided into 16 parts. It has already been published in Portuguese in a book co-published between Faísca and the FARJ.


Document approved at the 1st Congress, held on 30th and 31st of August 2008

The first Congress of the Anarchist Federation of Rio de Janeiro pays tribute to its comrades:

Juan Perez Bouzas (1899-1958)
Featured anarchist cobbler of Galician origin that,
with unusual talent and determination, highlighted the necessity
of the deepening of the struggle. In 2008 we remember the
fiftieth anniversary of his death (05/09/1958).

Ideal Peres (1925-1995)
That, with sensibility and ample vision of the political horizon,
guaranteed the maintenance of the social axis of anarchism
and the connection of generations of militants.

Plínio Augusto Coêlho (1956- )
Tireless in giving substance to our dreams,
connecting them to the long thread that binds us to those who preceded us
in the quiet or turbulent act of revolution.

"If you remained isolated, if each one of you were
obliged to act on their own, you would be powerless without a doubt; but
getting together and organising your forces – no matter how weak they are
at first – only for joint action, guided by common ideas and attitudes, and by
working together for a common goal, you will become invincible."

Mikhail Bakunin


0. Translator's Introduction

1. The Context of the 2008 Congress and the Debate About Organisation

2. Social Anarchism, Class Struggle and Centre-Periphery Relations

3. Anarchism in Brazil: Loss and Attempted Recovery of the Social Vector

4. Society of Domination and Exploitation: Capitalism and State

5. Final Objectives: Social Revolution and Libertarian Socialism

6. Organisation and Social Force

7. Social Movements and the Popular Organisation

8. The Specific Anarchist Organisation (SAO): The Anarchist Organisation

9. The SAO: Social Work and Insertion

10. The SAO: Production and Reproduction of Theory

11. The SAO: Anarchist Propaganda

12. The SAO: Political Education, Relations and Resource Management

13. The SAO: Relations of the Specific Anarchist Organisation with the Social Movements

14. The SAO: The Need for Strategy, Tactics and Programme

15. Especifismo: Anarchist Organisation, Historical Perspectives and Influences

16. Notes and Conclusion

Related Link:
author by libertarix - no tengopublication date Wed Mar 14, 2012 04:13Report this post to the editors

would someone be able to translate it to spanish?

author by Jonpublication date Thu Mar 22, 2012 17:55Report this post to the editors

libertarix, I've just seen this on the FARJ site: "a tradução para o espanhol está no final do processo de revisão, aguardem notícias em breve…" (The translation into Spanish is at the end of the review process, await news soon)

author by Berckmanpublication date Thu Mar 22, 2012 21:49Report this post to the editors

I'm working on a French translation.

author by el topopublication date Tue Mar 27, 2012 21:16Report this post to the editors

Hi Berckman,

we're also interested to translate it, maybe we can do it together?
samos has my email adress (I can't find yours anymore).


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Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Brazil/Guyana/Suriname/FGuiana | Anarchist movement | en

Sat 12 Nov, 14:24

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imageMessage to the Founding Congress of the Brazilian Anarchist Co-ordination (CAB) Jun 04 FAG 0 comments

In the days of June, in Rio de Janeiro, organised anarchism in Brazil will experience its greatest contemporary historical event. The Anarchist Congress, that will bring together groups from about 10 states across the country in debates, agreements and resolutions to act with common principles and tactics on the Brazilian reality, has a very special significance. Our conviction, in a more than 10 year process, says that militant anarchism holds indispensable contributions to the struggles for anti-capitalist social change. The meeting of militant forces that embody the same concept of work in co-ordination is a fundamental step in the journey of building political organisation that doesn’t just start now. [Português]

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text"Socialismo Libertário", No. 17 May 06 FAO 1 comments

The April-June edition of "Socialismo Libertário", jointly published by the FAO groups, is now available.

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The journal "Socialismo Libertário" is published quarterly by the Fórum do Anarquismo Organizado (FAO - Forum of Organized Anarchism). The current issue is now available and can be downloaded in PDF format.

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