
A democracia direta é realmente possível? - Echanges et Mouvement

Texto que analisa a democracia (direta e indireta), criticando-a sob o aspecto concreto, prático. Procura mostrar que rituais democráticos de qualquer tipo se baseiam numa ficção que superestima a teoria e a consciência. Imagina-se que a suspensão da práxis durante cerimônias de debate e votação permitiria transformar a sociedade, enquanto na prática elas são condenadas, não a transformar, mas a reproduzir as relações sociais de exploração e desigualdade, sendo verdadeiras técnicas de mediação/integração capitalista.

Riots in the Potteries in 1842

The Potteries represent the peak of the general strike of 1842. In addition to shutting down most mines mills and workshops in the area, groups of workers attacked and successfully toppled much of the local government and capital. This account though hostile in every respect contains much historical information on the events.

Black representation after Ferguson – John Clegg

John Clegg, of the 'Endnotes' collevtive, examines the state of black politics in the US. Published in 'The Brooklyn Rail', May 3rd, 2016

An open letter to the comrades of the Revolutionary Workers League – American Fraction of the Left Communist International (1937)

Written as an appeal to the Trotskyist group the Revolutionary Workers League, who published the letter, along with a fairly standard Trotskyist response, in the October 1937 issue of their publication 'The Fourth International.'

Aspects of the Russian Question – American Fraction of the Left Communist International (1949)

Written by D for the March-April 1949 issue of International Bulletin, the publication of the American Fraction of the Left Communist International.

Capitalist democracy: a contrast between the position of Lenin and that of Trotsky – American Fraction of the Left Communist International (1948)

Written by "G.S." in the March 1948 issue of International Bulletin, a publication of the American Fraction of the Left Communist International.

Trotskyism and the Labor Party – American Fraction of the Left Communist International (1949)

Written by D.A. for the January-February 1949 issue of International Bulletin, a periodical put out by the so-called American Fraction of the Left Communist International.

What we stand for – American Fraction of the Left Communist International (1949)

Platform of the American Fraction of the Left Communist International. It was written by D.A. and appeared in the January-February 1949 issue of International Bulletin.

El capitalismo: una introducción

Breve introducción de al capitalismo y su funcionamiento.

Autonomia Operária e autonomia dos proletários - Neg/azione

Texto também clássico do movimento da autonomia italiano, de 1976. Critica as tendências militantistas e vanguardistas que existiam nesse movimento, que tentavam canalizar para a "política" e para a "ideologia" a luta dos proletários.