
East West Link homes could be used to help family violence victims

Dozens of properties acquired to make way for the East West Link could end up being used to help women and children fleeing violent homes.

Weeks after the Royal Commission into Family Violence handed down its historic report, the Andrews government is considering taking empty houses and businesses that were acquired by state and transforming them into affordable housing for survivors.

While Daniel Andrews has remained tight-lipped about the idea ahead of this month's state budget, it is believed the move could form part of a so-called "housing blitz", with a special taskforce being set up to help the government find the best solutions to free up stock – both of which were key recommendations by the Royal Commission.

Advocacy groups say freeing up empty East West Link homes would be a no-brainer given statistics showing that more than 1100 people fleeing family violence were turned away from homelessness services in the past financial year alone.

But some also warn that much more should be done, and have called for a state-wide audit to identify properties and land that could also be used to tackle the backlog.

"The Royal Commission rightly said there would be a housing blitz, and one of the first things we need to do is look at the vacant properties that exist across a range of government departments," said Tony Keenan, the chief executive of Launch Housing, Melbourne's largest independent provider of homeless services.


The East West Link was a proposed cross-city road tunnel connecting Clifton Hill and Flemington, but the project was scrapped by Labor last year, costing taxpayers about $1.1 billion dollars.

However, before Labor won the election, about 102 properties were compulsorily acquired under the Napthine government – 85 residential and 17 commercial – along with 44 properties that were voluntarily purchased.

Of that total, 37 properties are vacant and available to be leased, while 16 require structural work before they can be occupied safely. A luxury apartment block in Parkville was also bought, comprising 175 homes. All but four are being privately rented.

Asked if the government would use the available properties to help domestic violence victims, Housing Minister Martin Foley did not rule it out, saying a new Family Violence Housing Assistance Implementation Taskforce was being creating to provide the government with clear advice on the best way forward.

"Whether it's crisis accommodation, support to stay in the family home, or alternative housing, we know that housing needs to be appropriate and meet the needs of women and children escaping family violence. We are carefully considering all of the Royal Commission's recommendations, including those that relate to housing," Mr Foley said.

Housing was a key issue for the Royal Commission, with some of its other recommendations including rental subsidies for survivors and changes to tenancies laws allowing women to stop their personal information being added to tenancy blacklists.

While freeing up properties around the East West Link was not one of the 227 suggestions in the commission's report, such a move would nonetheless have bipartisan endorsement, with opposition spokeswoman Georgie Crozier telling The Sunday Age: "Victorians have not purchased these homes because they know it's inevitable the East West Link will be built to relieve traffic congestion, so it makes good sense in the meantime to use these homes to support victims of family violence."

Domestic Violence Victoria chief executive Fiona McCormack said the Royal Commission heard first hand about the impact of a lack of affordable options for women and children, "but we've got a bottleneck getting women into refuge because we can't actually exit them out into safe and affordable accommodation."

"So we absolutely support the retention of publicly owned social housing," she said.

Jenny Smith, chief executive of the Council to Homeless Persons also backed the idea. "Family violence is the biggest driver of homelessness in this state so it would make sense that women and children escaping those situations would benefit from this housing," Ms Smith said.

- with Jill Stark.