
Marxism 2016 Opening Night

* attendees purchasing tickets at opening night will not be allowed in if arriving more than 15 minutes after commencement time (event begins at 6:30pm)

Discount tickets this weekend!

New interactive conference program

Marxism 2016 Program and Tickets now available

The provisional program for the Marxism 2016 conference is now available! Featuring over 100 sessions across 4 days and the screening of four films as part of the Radical Reels film festival.
Click here to view the featured speakers at the conference
Click here to view the full conference program.
Tickets for the conference can now be purchased online here.

Socialism 2015 Talks now online!

Audio recordings of the talks at the Socialism 2015 conference in Sydney are now available online.
Click here to view the full list and to listen to them online. They are also available for download to be played on mobile devices and MP3 players.

Marxism 2015 Talks now online!

Audio recordings of the talks at the Marxism 2015 conference are now available online.
Click here to view the full list and to listen to them online. They are also available for download to be played on mobile devices and MP3 players.
Footage from the Opening Night Panel and from Black Panther Emory Douglas' session on Revolution, Art, and the Power and also available here.

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  • Socialist Alternative is an anti-capitalist Marxist organization. We are active around many left-wing issues in Australia, and have active chapters in most cities and major campuses. If you’re interested in getting involved, you can contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or check out our newspaper Red Flag.

  • Red Flag Newspaper

    Marxism 2017 is proudly supported by Red Flag - Socialist Alternative's fortnightly left-wing newspaper. Visit redflag.org.au to have a read, or to subscribe and have it delivered fortnightly to your door.

  • Socialist Alternative produces a bi-annual Marxist journal which is available for purchase. Read previous online or order the latest edition at marxistleftreview.org