The ‘Obama eats crow’ Caption Contest

This is the 137th world-famous FOTM Caption Contest!

Here’s the pic:

trump-meets-pos-nov-10-2016About the pic: President Elect Donald Trump visits the White House, Nov. 10, 2016.

You know the drill:

  • Enter the contest by submitting your caption as a comment on this thread (scroll down until you see the “LEAVE A REPLY” box), not via email or on Facebook.
  • The winner of the Caption Contest will get a gorgeous Award Certificate of Excellence and a year’s free subscription to FOTM:D
  • FOTM writers will vote for the winner.
  • Any captions proffered by FOTM writers, no matter how brilliant (ha ha), will not be considered. :(

This contest will be closed in a week, at the end of next Tuesday, November 22, 2016.

To get the contest going, here’s my caption:

Trump: “Hmm, did you say ‘Donald Trump will never be President?’”

For the winner of our last Caption Contest, click here.

Seen any good pics that you think would be great for our Caption Contest? Email them to us! :D


Is WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange dead? – the connection with Pamela Anderson

WikiLeaks and its co-founder and editor-in-chief Julian Assange are the unsung heroes of the 2016 Revolt of the Deplorables — the overthrow of Hillary Clinton and the election of Donald Trump to the presidency.

If it were not for WikiLeaks‘ publishing of the hacked emails of Hillary, the DNC, and her campaign chair John Podesta, we would never know about their machinations, deceit, corruption, media collusion, lawlessness, and satanism. See, for example:

On the evening of Oct. 16, 2016, the Alternative Media was alit with rumors that Julian Assange had died.

What triggered the rumor was WikiLeaks‘ activation of its “dead man switch” — decryption keys (like passwords) for its files. WikiLeaks quickly put the rumors to rest with a tweet that they had activated the “dead man switch” contingency plan after Assange’s Internet service was intentionally cut off by a state actor. The internet is one of the few, if not the only, available ways for Assange to maintain contact with the outside world because he has been locked up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for more than four years, after he sought political asylum in 2012.

Two days later in a tweet, WikiLeaks identified the Obama administration — specifically Secretary of State John Kerry — as the “state actor” behind the severing of Assange’s Internet connection. (For more, see “The Evil Empire strikes back: WikiLeaks’ Internet connection severed; RT’s bank accounts frozen”)

Although since then Assange’s voice was heard in a telephone call, freelance journalist Jim Stone maintains Assange has been assassinated. The notion of assassination is not far-fetched given Democratic Party operative Bob Beckel’s call to assassinate Assange as far back as 5 years ago in December 2011, as well as then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton once asking, “Can’t we just drone this guy?”.

Stone writes:

“Wikileaks confirmed gone, I believe this is 100 percent real

15 of the top people at Wikileaks were nailed at the same time Julian Assange had his ‘internet cut’. I watched the live cam all night and they took Assange away in a black armored van. If he was still at the embassy, he’d have appeared at the window and has not. Now it appears one of the top wikileaks staff has spoken out, and I believe this is 100 percent accurate because it matches my own observations PERFECTLY

Stone refers his readers to a curious exchange on November 17 on the internet forum 8chan, in which someone with the alias wikileaks!/VUsDxRzwY who claims to be a WikiLeaks employee wrote:

“I’m one of the 15 WikiLeaks personnel that were raided at the same time Julian’s intemet was cut at the Ecuadorian embassy. I was issued a national security letter and a gag order, and all my computer equipment was seized. We had several contingency communication plans in place, and I have been unable to contact Julian or any WikiLeaks personnel except for one through our alternative communication channels. Julian is missing as are most of the WikiLeaks personnel that I had regular communications with. WikiLeaks personnel are NOT in control of the official Tvvitter account. The WikiLeaks IAMA on Reddit was NOT conducted by WikiLeaks personnel….

There has been an incredible charade to keep up the appearance that Julian is fine. Several trusted people are obviously under duress as I cannot imagine any reason why they would promote the charade.

I want to stress that we are no longer in control of WikiLeaks. I advise whistleblowers to NOT SUBMIT LEAKS since we are not in control of our infrastructure. The people in control of our infrastructure WILL use it to IDENTIFY and PROSECUTE whistleblowers.”

That 8chan page has since been deleted, but not before someone captured a screenshot (click to enlarge):


The next day, Nov. 18, WikiLeaks tweeted that the WikiLeaks staffer on 8chan is a fraud:

“Black-PR campaign posts going around recently trying to suppress submissions to WikiLeaks. False, but who benefits?”

To which twitterer Johan asks:

“Why haven’t we seen the video proof of life that you promised for Assange? Is WikiLeaks compromised?”

Another twitterer named Yor writes:

“Their [WikiLeaks’] Twitter, reddits, failed AMA [ask me anything]. The concern is real and we get radio silence.”

The Dark Canuck writes on Godlike Productions, Nov. 18:

“It is too bizarre. The other day a cat appeared at the window of the embassy wearing a collar and tie. To me this is pure mockery.

We haven’t seen Julian so much as peak his head around the curtain in over a month. The first face we see at the window is this cheshire cat.”

Another poster Emmc2 writes on Godlike Productions:

“It’s all too weird:
1) Wikileaks tweets photo of armed police outside the embassy.
2) Internet gets cut
3) Massive DDoS attack [referring to the DDoS cyber attack on the U.S. east coast and across Europe on Oct. 21, 2016]
4) Strange, out of character, misspelled tweets from Wikileaks.
5) Missing letters in tweets spell out “help him”.
6) No proof of life for Assange
7) Wikileaks tweets an odd questionnaire asking what we would like as proof of life.
8) Pamela Anderson visits Assange (wtf)
9) Podesta email leaks continue.
10) Assange ‘appears’ by phone for some conference. Not a valid proof of life.
11) Pamela Anderson visits Assange a second time!

Wikileaks suffered a massive DDoS attack and there has been NO credible proof of life ever since…. The US Govt had a history of using celebrities for espionage. Pamela Anderson is a decoy. They knew that she would generate news stories and photos with her visits and therefore perpetuate The LIE that Assange is still in the embassy and well. Why didn’t Pamela tweet any selfies with Assange?? That’s certainly within reason to expect. Why would a liberal go out of her way to visit the man who was actively working on taking down the most prominent liberal candidate in history [Hillary Clinton]? It makes no sense whatsoever.

Then the anonymous Wikileaks employee posts those messages. Everything that person said makes perfect sense. Especially with what we’ve uncovered regarding ‘Pizza Gate’ [a reference to Comet Ping Pong, a pedophile pizza restaurant in D.C. linked to John Podesta’s brother, Tony]. This is huge. A real life Bourne Identity/Homeland unfolded in real time before our very eyes. And it’s still going on. Be smart. Be careful. Don’t stop. Let the light in.”

All of which brings us to Pamela Anderson, 49, the aging actress whose air-brushed naked image adorned the cover and centerfold of pornographic Playboy magazine 15 times, and who recently co-authored an op/ed with a “celebrity” rabbi decrying pornography and porn addiction. Notwithstanding her op/ed, Anderson continues to be photographed scantily clad, with her silicone-inflated breasts bulging over her low-cut tops.

Indeed, Anderson did visit Assange on the same day that his Internet connection was severed. As reported by Time:

pamela-anderson-visits-julian-assange-oct-17-2016As WikiLeaks continues to publish emails apparently obtained from Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, the website’s founder Julian Assange received an unlikely visitor over the weekend.

Pamela Anderson, the Canadian-American actress best known for her work on the 1990s TV series Baywatch, visited Assange at the Ecuadorean embassy in London.

The Associated Press reports that the 49-year-old actress, who says she supports Assange and has concerns for his family and well-being, came bearing gifts. Among them was a vegan lunch.

Think Pamela Anderson as honeypot is farfetched?

Remember my post “Evidence that Hillary Clinton and her associates are satanists” — on the association of Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, and the Podesta brothers with a satanic “performance artist” named Marina Abramovic?


Abramovic is known for her “spirit cookinga “sacrament” in Thelema, a religion founded by British occultist-satanist Aleister Crowley whose motto was “Do As Thou Wilt,” in which menstrual blood, breast milk, urine and sperm are mixed to create a “painting.” Mike Cernovich identifies spirit cooking as an “occult practice used during sex cult rituals, as explained in the book Spirit cooking with essential aphrodisiac recipes.”

Abramovic is also known for a so-called performance art event of the simulated dismemberment and cannibalism of two human females, at the Annual Gala of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) on Nov. 12, 2011. The females were lifesize cakes — a blonde and a brunette who were the representations of, respectively, Debbie Harry (of the rock band Blondie), and Abramovic herself.

Here are some images from the simulated cannibalism art event:

Among the “celebrity” attendees at the simulated cannibalism was none other than Pamela Anderson, as seen in a photo gallery of the MoMA occult gala on Imgur:


Other “celebrities” in attendance included Hollyweirdos Minnie Driver, Kirsten Dunst, Lisa Edelstein, Will Ferrell, Jamie King, Johnny Lee Miller, Nicole Richie, and Angelina Jolie’s brother James Haven, as well as others whom I don’t recognize.

Admittedly, all of this is bizarre. On the other hand, this election has been stranger than fiction.

In the end, there’s a very simple way for WikiLeaks to prove that Assange is alive:

Have him appear at a window of the Ecuador Embassy and wave to us.

H/t MoxXV at Reddit


Donald Trump’s media summit was a ‘f—ing firing squad’

Works for me. Biased liars had it coming.

media's O amnesia

Via NY Post: Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post. “It was like a f–ing firing squad,” one source said of the encounter.

“Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.

“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added. A second source confirmed the fireworks.

“The meeting took place in a big board room and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news anchors from all the networks,” the other source said. “Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong.’ He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars,” the source said.


“Trump didn’t say [NBC reporter] Katy Tur by name, but talked about an NBC female correspondent who got it wrong, then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who hosted a debate – which was Martha Raddatz who was also in the room.”

The stunned reporters tried to get a word in edgewise to discuss access to a Trump Administration.

“[CBS Good Morning co-host Gayle] King did not stand up, but asked some question, ‘How do you propose we the media work with you?’

Chuck Todd asked some pretty pointed questions. David Muir asked ‘How are you going to cope living in DC while your family is in NYC? It was a horrible meeting.”

Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway told reporters the gathering went well. “Excellent meetings with the top executives of the major networks,” she said during a gaggle in the lobby of Trump Tower. “Pretty unprecedented meeting we put together in two days.”

The meeting was off the record, meaning the participants agreed not to talk about the substance of the conversations.

The hour-long session included top execs from network and cable news channels. Among the attendees were NBC’s Deborah Turness, Lester Holt and Chuck Todd, ABC’s James Goldston, George Stephanopoulos, David Muir and Martha Raddatz. Also, CBS’ Norah O’Donnell, John Dickerson, Charlie Rose, Christopher Isham and King, Fox News’ Bill Shine, Jack Abernethy, Jay Wallace, Suzanne Scott, MSNBC’s Phil Griffin and CNN’s Jeff Zucker and Erin Burnett.

Arthur Sulzberger, publisher of The New York Times, plans to meet with Trump Tuesday. There was no immediate comment from the Trump Team.



Propaganda from CNN: “These kids are writing letters to Trump asking him to be kind”

What else would you expect from the Clinton News Network?


From CNN: In a time when most kids these days only write letters to Santa and begrudging thank you notes, these kids are showing how much this election impacted even the youngest future constituents.

After Election Day, Seattle mom Molly Spence Sahebjami helped her five-year-old son write a letter to President-elect Donald Trump asking him to be kind.  Sahebjami told CNN there are a lot of parents she knows who “don’t know what to say” to their kids after such a divisive election. The solution: let kids say things for themselves.

Let the kids "say it for themselves"...

Let kids “say it for themselves”…

So Sahebjami started the Facebook group “Dear President Trump: Letters from Kids About Kindness.” It now more than 10,000 members.

The rules are simple: Be under the age of 18, be a productive communicator and explain why it’s important to be kind.

If you don't want anything happening to your African-American friends, keep them out of Chiraq

Pro-tip: If you don’t want anything to happen to your African-American friends, keep them out of Chiraq.

“There were things that Donald Trump had said during the campaign that, beyond politics and policies, were just unkind about certain groups of people. And kids knew that,” Sahebjami said.

Many of the letters do prove her point, mentioning many of the groups that President-elect Trump may have insulted during the campaign.  One letter, shared by a parent on Twitter, asks that Trump “be President of all Americans,” including his gay, lesbian, African-American and Hispanic friends.


The group purposefully doesn’t ask children to write letters to “President-elect Trump” because Sahebjami hopes the project will continue into Trump’s presidency. Kids are also welcome to write letters to Trump’s wife, Melania.

“Kindness is not a partisan issue,” Sahebjami said. And if these letters can teach America anything after this dumpster fire of an election year, it’s that it’s cool to be kind.

Remember kids…it’s cool to be kind!










Whoopi Goldberg, who named herself after her farts, says Trump voters are uninformed and lazy

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the meaning of the expression “do your homework” is “to study a subject or situation carefully so that you know a lot about it and can deal with it successfully”. Not doing your homework, in turn, means you have not studied a subject or situation carefully, and so know nothing or little about it. Not doing your homework also implies laziness.

Not doing your homework — being uninformed, ignorant and lazy — is exactly how Whoopi Goldberg characterizes Donald Trump and those who’d voted for him.

Bye bye Whoopi!

Whoopi Goldberg, 60 (or more likely 67, according to a 1984 New York Times article), is a high school drop out who changed her name from her nondescript birth name, Caryn Elaine Johnson, to Whoopi because of her flatulence. As she once explained: “If you get a little gassy, you’ve got to let it go. So people used to say to me, ‘You’re like a whoopee cushion.’ And that’s where the name came from.” (Wikipedia)

In what passes as conversation on the Nov. 17 episode of the execrable daytime gabfest The View, Ms. Farty Whoopi disdainfully called Trump and his supporters people “who didn’t do their homework”.

As recounted by Kristine Marsh for LifeNews, the conversation began with co-host Sunny Hostin blasting Donald Trump for not having any political experience, comparing the job of presidency to surgery: “Think about it. Who would go to a doctor that doesn’t have a medical degree and say, ‘You can operate on me’.”

Libertarian co-host Jedediah Bila pointed out that surgery is not the same as running for political office, to which Hostin replied that surgery is actually less important than running for political office.

Frustrated with Hostin, Bila appealed to Whoopi with a brown nose (no pun intended), saying that Whoopi should run for office (despite not having any political experience) because she has “common sense,” which is why many people listen to her.

Whoopi accepted the compliment and touted herself and Hillary Clinton for being informed — “I’ve actually looked stuff up” –unlike Trump and those who’d voted for him. Whoopi then contrasted Trump, “who doesn’t seem to do the homework, who doesn’t seem to have any idea how things actually run,” with Hillary, “who knew what she was doing.”

When Bila expressed skepticism, Whoopi disdainfully replied, “Well then you haven’t done your homework.”

Referring to Hillary’s use of an unsecured email server to conduct her secretary of state business, Bila pointed out that if Hillary knew what she was doing, she would have known that some of the emails were labeled confidential.

To which Whoopi condescendingly said: “Let me explain something to you — you can bring those e-mails up as much as you want. She wasn’t hacked, everybody else was.”

Here’s the full transcript of the November 17 The View:

HOSTIN: Think about it. Who would go to a doctor that doesn’t have a medical degree and say, you can operate on me.

BILA: No, I’m sorry, this is different. I’m sorry, politics is different.

HOSTIN:  Who would do that.

BILA: [shaking head] No.

HOSTIN: So why is someone without any political experience being advised by someone that has no political experience.

BILA: What’s missing in politics is common sense. I would rather have a small business owner who has hired and fired workers, who has seen the impact of minimum wage laws

HOSTIN: [shocked face] Being the president?

BILA: I would rather have that person as an adv — there are people out there that believe if you open the telephone book and pick out a random name, that person will have a lot more common sense than the average person in D.C.and sometimes I agree with that.

HOSTIN: The next time you need surgery, come to me.

BILA: Surgery is different. Surgery is different.

HOSTIN: I’ll do a good job. I’m married to a doctor and so I have a lot of experience.

BILA: It’s policy, it’s very different.

WHOOPI: He’s got —

BEHAR: That’s funny.

BILA: It’s not surgery.

WHOOPI: In a way, maybe it is.

HOSTIN: It’s possibly less important.

BILA, addressing Whoopi: There are people when you speak that clamor for you to run for president, and there’s a reason for that. [ Applause ] Because you talk common sense.

WHOOPI: Here’s the difference. When I speak, at least you know that I’ve actually looked stuff up. So I understand, you know. So people think I might be more aware. They also know that I’ve had a wide variety of lives and so they think maybe I know some stuff. But when you have someone who doesn’t seem to do the homework, who doesn’t seem to have any idea how things actually run

BILA: Talking about Trump, not Kushner, right?

WHOOPI: Well, I’m talking about both of them because I don’t know — I can only tell you what I’ve seen. You know, when you bring up Hillary, I think to myself, you know what, she may not have been the best candidate for people, but I know she knew what she was doing.

BILA: I don’t. I don’t.

WHOOPI: Well then you haven’t done your homework.

BILA: Oh I’ve done my homework.

WHOOPI: No, no, you haven’t done your homework.

BILA: If she [Hillary] knew what she was doing though she would have known that those documents that were labeled confidential — she was briefed on that.

WHOOPI:  Let me explain something to you — you can bring those e-mails up as much as you want. She [Hillary] wasn’t hacked, everybody else was. That’s all I’m saying.

BILA: We don’t know that.

Hillary’s email wasn’t hacked?

That is so ridiculous, it’s almost funny, because in the last days of the presidential campaign, none other than Hillary Clinton herself accused Russia of hacking her emails, as well as those of the DNC and her campaign chair John Podesta, which were published by WikiLeaks, to intended damaging effect. (See “Who really hacked the WikiLeaks emails? – Russia, Romania or the CIA?”)

By the way, Ms. Farts, in April of this year you threatened you would leave the U.S. if Trump was elected President. Why are you still here?

See also:


Hillary supporters send death threats to Electoral College

The Left, who portray themselves as “tolerant” and “pro-diversity,” are anything but, as amply illustrated by the death threats issued at Trump and those who’d voted for him. See:

Of the many death threats made by Hillary supporters, the most serious that warrant our attention — and dissemination via your email and social media — are death threats targeting Electoral College voters who, on December 19, will actually determine who will be America’s next President.

Fearing a tyranny of the majority, our Founding Fathers created the Electoral College — as well as the U.S. Senate — to protect small states from being dominated by states with large populations. As you can see in this map of the 2016 election, the blue spots are cities and urban areas with large populations. If the Electoral College were abolished, it would be the mostly Democratic urban residents who get to decide who win presidential elections.


All states except Maine and Nebraska have chosen their Electoral College electors on a “winner-take-all” basis since the 1880s. Under the winner-take-all system, the state’s electors are awarded to the candidate with the most votes in that state. Although there have been very few occasions when an elector voted contrary to a pledge, no federal law actually requires electors to honor their pledge, which explains Hillary supporters’ last-ditch effort to subvert and upend the 2016 presidential election via death threats to the Electors.

Michael Gerstein reports for The Detroit News, Nov. 17, 2016, that an online petition on signed by more than 4.3 million people is calling on the nation’s electors to vote for Clinton instead of Trump:

“We are calling on the electors to ignore their states’ votes and cast their ballots for Secretary Clinton. Mr. Trump is unfit to serve. His scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience make him a danger to the Republic.”

But some Hillary supporters are threatening the electors with death.


Michael Banerian, an Electoral College voter for the state of Michigan, says he has received emails, including death threats, urging him to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Banerian, 22, is a political science senior at Oakland University and a youth vice chair of the Michigan Republican Party.

On Dec. 19, Banerian is scheduled to join 15 other Michiganians to cast their electoral votes for Republican President-elect Donald Trump. But the Michigan Republican Party claims that Hillary supporters have deluged Banerian and other GOP electors with pleas and nasty emails to reverse course and cast their ballots for Clinton. Banerian said:

“You have people saying ‘you’re a hateful bigot, I hope you die.’ I’ve had people talk about shoving a gun in my mouth and blowing my brains out. And I’ve received dozens and dozens of those emails. Even the non-threatening-my-life emails are very aggressive. Even if I could, I wouldn’t be remotely interested in changing my vote. The people of Michigan spoke, and it’s our job to deliver that message.”

Banerian’s claim is verified by The Detroit News. The newspaper confirmed one message containing a death wish and another containing a death threat, in which the sender threatened to “put a bullet” in Banerian’s mouth.

51-year-old Kenneth Crider is another Michigan Electoral College elector who’s a heating and air conditioning professional from Livonia. Although he hasn’t received any death threats or intimidating emails, Crider said he has received more than 300 emails from people in other states asking him to vote for Clinton instead of Trump on Dec. 19, many of which were from teachers and professors trying to explain to him the gravity of the situation, urging him to change his mind. But Crider said he’s “100 percent behind Donald Trump.”

Indeed, Michigan law requires the state’s 16 electors to cast their votes for the presidential candidate who wins the majority of voters, said Secretary of State spokesman Fred Woodhams. With 96% of the votes counted, Trump wins Michigan with 47.6% (2,279,805 votes) vs. Hillary’s 47.4% (2,268,193 votes). Woodhams said that even if Banerian or another elector had a change of heart, other Michigan electors would just cast another vote for Trump.

Michigan Republican Party spokeswoman Sarah Anderson said that hearing from the electors that they have received death threats, “I’m interested in getting a consensus from the group … and seeing if it’s something that we should report to the police. It’s obviously something that we’re taking very seriously.”

Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Brandon Dillon condemned the death threat and intimidating message sent to Banerian: “That’s absolutely wrong, and anybody who sends a threat like that frankly should be prosecuted.”

Other states also report that their Electors have received death threats.

According to WND, Clinton-backers are targeting roughly 160 Republican electorates in the 15 states that Trump won and don’t have laws bounding the electorates to the winner: Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and West Virginia.

Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp issued a statement urging Georgians and others to refrain from using threatening and disparaging language to manipulate electors:

“The Presidential election is over but, unfortunately, the vitriol remains,” stated Secretary of State Brian Kemp. “Our office has received numerous reports of individuals hurling insults and threats at Georgia’s Electors because they are unsettled with America’s choice for President of the United States. This is absolutely unacceptable and those participating in or encouraging these efforts should stop. The electoral process in America has worked, and everyone – Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and others – should respect the will of Georgia’s voters and the Electors who represent them.”

Fox News reported that Arizona electors are also being harassing and threatened by Clinton supporters:

“Arizona’s presidential electors are reportedly being hit by a flood of emails and phone calls demanding they defy the voters in their state and choose Hillary Clinton instead of President-elect Donald Trump — as part of a last-gasp bid to overturn the election.”

BuzzFeed reported on Nov. 16 that national anti-Trump protest group #NotMyPresident Alliance has released the personal information of dozens of Electoral College members in states that voted Republican. The group distributed a spreadsheet to Hillary supporters which includes the electors’ personal phone numbers, addresses, religions, races, genders and candidate preference.

H/t Jim Stone


After Hillary’s loss, Seattleites try to feel good again by holding hands around Green Lake

Hands Around Green Lake Facebook photo

Hands Around Green Lake Facebook photo

From Seattle Times: Early Saturday afternoon, thousands of people alarmed by the election of Donald Trump sought comfort and community by joining hands in a loop of protest around Seattle’s Green Lake.

Teresa Kessenich-Chase, 35, a stay-at-home mother of three, said the presidential election result hit her hard. “I sobbed for three days. I couldn’t eat or sleep,” she said.

Determined now to become more politically active, she said she’s found solace in joining the “Pantsuit Nation” women’s movement on Facebook that celebrates Hillary Clinton.

Rallying around the Pantsuit...

Rallying around the Pantsuit…

Standing in the Green Lake circle, Kessenich-Chase held her 3-month-old in a baby carrier at her chest and a sign declaring “Racism, Misogyny and Xenophobia are non-starters with me.”

Ryan Fitzpatrick, 34, a marketing manager at a telecom company, brought his 3-year-old daughter, because he said he finds it “horrifying” that Trump will be the first president the girl will come to know. “All presidents before him have had some level of service to this country,” he said. “He’s done nothing in any form except for himself.”

As the midday event unfolded amid rain and dark skies, people chatted with those who happened to be next in the line and made intermittent attempts to send a wave flowing along the loop of joined hand.The circle was punctuated by protest signs and a few U.S. flags. Spots on the periphery were designated as drop-off points where protesters left goods for the homeless.

Modeled on a similar protest around Lake Merritt in Oakland, Calif., last Sunday, a Facebook event page asked participants to spend the first 15 minutes in quiet contemplation and then to let loose with “joyful sounds.” Some clapped and cheered. A small group sang “Amazing Grace.”

Psychotherapist Anna Rhodes, who played the late Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” on a handheld speaker, said the event should encourage people “to channel anger and pain into compassionate action.”

Many participants expressed a need to remain active as the Trump presidency plays out. Asked what most concerned him about that prospect, John Larreau, 32, a higher-education administrator, said, “Where do I start? So much about him terrifies me.”

Holly Hidenrick, 43, an IT project manager there with her 12-year-old daughter Blue, said Trump’s attitude toward women has spurred her to become more active in the Seattle chapter of Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In” movement to work for equal pay.

Read the whole story here.



White anti-Trump Rutgers U. lecturer taken to mental hospital for tweeting shoot white people

Kevin Allred is an adjunct lecturer with a M.A. degree at Rutgers University, which means he’s a temporary hired on “soft” money to teach one or two courses, not a “ladder faculty”.


On his website, Allred calls himself a “feminist author” and says he lives in Brooklyn, NY with his boyfriend and two elderly dachshunds.”

Allred teaches the branch of corrupt academia called gender studies. He garnered some publicity for creating a course called “Feminist Perspectives: Politicizing Beyoncé.” As described by Allred, the course analyzes race, gender, class and sexual politics based on the  pop singer’s role in pop culture. In a tweet, the fawning Allred calls Beyoncé “a legend”.

What you won’t get from Allred’s course is that Beyoncé and her husband, rap mogul Jay-Z who had a song to  “Lucifer” in his 2003 The Black Album, are satanists.

Beyoncé flashes the Illuminati "one eye" handsign

Beyonce flashes the Illuminati “one eye” handsign

On the morning after the historic election that voted Donald Trump as President, at 10:31 am on November 9, 2016, Allred, who says one of his “core values” is “critical kindness,” tweeted this death threat at Trump voters:

“if I see any Trump bumper stickers on the road today, my brakes will go out and i’ll run you off the road.

Here’s a screenshot of his tweet:


Allred continued his rants on November 13, beginning with this:

“look. every single person that voted for Donald Trump is a racist. or saw racism as easily overlooked. same thing really.”

Followed by these:

“no person that voted for Donald Trump can claim they care about women. NO ONE. white people, really need to sit with all that & feel it.”

“but additionally, every single person that voted for Donald Trump said kindness, empathy, fairness, equality, equity are not important.”


To Allred’s accusation that every Trump voter is a racist, tweeter Kirk PhD, a retired corporate psychologist rebutted that actually “more blacks n minority” voted for Trump than Romney.

The next day, Nov. 14, Allred tweeted a GIF of someone burning the American flag, with the message that the GIF expresses his “Mood since Tuesday [Election] night.”

He followed that tweet with this threat:

“will the 2nd amendment be as cool when i buy a gun and start shooting at random white people or no…?”

That threatening tweet no longer exists because, as Allred explained in a Nov. 19 tweet: “Twitter made me delete a generic sarcastic question abt shooting at white ppl”.

A student complained about Allred’s violent tweets and in the classroom, and Rutgers University finally took action.

Rutgers’ campus police asked the New York Police Department to conduct “a wellness check” on Allred in his Brooklyn home. The NYPD took him to Bellevue Hospital’s psych ward for evaluation. As described by Allred in a series of tweets on Nov. 15:

 “NYPD just came to my house bc Rutgers Police told them i’m a threat based on political statements i’ve made on campus and on twitter.”

“they’ve forced me to now undergo a psychiatric evaluation at the hospital. they brought me by ambulance tho i’m not under arrest technically”

“and this is for exercising my fucking first amendment rights. i’m being labeled a threat and put in a psych hospital”

“ok. they let me leave. this is a shitshow and is proof positive that Trump’s crackdown on free speech has absolutely begun.”

“even the doctors thought it was ridiculous to take me to a psychiatric hospital and force me into evaluation. it was fucking intimidation.”

On Nov. 17, unrepentant, Allred tweets:


Kevin Allred has no place in academe.

Rutgers University is a state university in New Jersey, which means it’s supported by taxpayers. Please spend a few minutes to contact Rutgers University’s president to lodge your protest against the university hiring someone like Kevin Allred. Let’s get Allred fired:

robert-barchiPresident Robert Barchi
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
83 Somerset Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1281
Phone: 848-932-7454
Fax: 732-932-8060
Email President Barchi

H/t IBTimes

See also:
