November 7, 2016


'The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity' by James C. Russell

James C. Russell’s ‘Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity: A Sociohistorical Approach to Religious Transformation’ (GOEMC) is an excellent study on the evolution of Christianity from a predominantly Mediterranean religion to a northern European one. [1] The book is a “must read” for anyone studying Christianity from an identitarian perspective and it is commonly cited among elements of the metapolitical right.

October 25, 2016


I was recently interviewed by Leon Pittard at Fairdinkum Radio. It was a good experience. Leon is a talented host. Here's the [LINK].

October 4, 2016


Alt-Right John
Preliminary Note: As with all the ‘Identitarian Commentaries,’ I encourage you to have your Bible with you as you read the following document. I provide excerpts from the verses to illustrate the point; however, much of the context is lost when the excerpts are isolated in the way I have chosen to edit them. I pray I have represented the text in a God approved way.


"That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands," (1:1)

John opened his first epistle with an attack on the Gnostic idea that Jesus was not flesh and blood. John told his readers he saw Jesus with his eyes and touched him with his hands. If God was capable of becoming flesh than the material world is not evil. Christianity is a world affirming religion.

September 27, 2016


For the last year I've been working on Identitarian commentaries on books of the Bible [LINKS]. It has become increasingly clear to me that this work is the crucial work. Dialoguing directly with the Bible is probably the most consistent and clear way of "walking humbly with our God." If an ideology or position cannot stand comfortably alongside inspired word than it has no place within a Christian worldview.

I do not intend to publish anything else on this website until I have posted commentaries on the books of the Bible (perhaps also the ‘Apocrapha’). An exception to this will be a review of the book 'Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity' by James C. Russell which I have been working on for a while. I believe that piece of research is important for Christians to meditate on.

September 26, 2016


Alt-Right Paul
Preliminary Note: As with all the ‘Identitarian Commentaries,’ I encourage you to have your Bible with you as you read the following document. I provide excerpts from the verses to illustrate the point; however, much of the context is lost when the excerpts are isolated in the way I have chosen to edit them. I pray I have represented the text in a God approved way.

The epistle of Paul to the Romans was written to a European church within a European capital. The New Testament, including ‘Romans,’ was originally written in the European language of Greek. The structure, emphasis, and linguistic nature of the New Testament suggests it was written for a primarily European audience. Perhaps God was laying the foundation for a Euro-centric church.

September 22, 2016


The early medieval expansion of Christendom.
There was a time in the not so distant past in which "Christian" was synonymous with "white." This makes sense considering Europe and white people were the only existing society wide practitioners of Christianity in the world. While the other nations had rejected the gospel, white Europeans made it the central definer of their identity. In many ways, Christianity created Western Civilization and even the idea of the white race.

Please don't misunderstand; certainly there is a biological truth to identifying Euroethnic people as members of the same basic genetic group. However, their similar culture, ethics, and pan-national sense of unity is the direct result of the unifying influence of Christianity in the early medieval period. If Christianity had not conquered the West, the Northern Europeans may never have seen themselves as connected to the decadent southerners of the ancient world.

September 18, 2016


The Alt-Right Is Neither Christian Nor Conservative [LINK]
What is the Alt-Right: 3 Things You Should Know [LINK]
The Alt-Right is Proof Were in Late Stage Socialism [LINK]
Reactionaries in Our Time [LINK]