Leftism Is A Business

by Brett Stevens (November 14th, 2016)
Leftism Is A Business

Uber-skeptics like the people who will survive this dark era in history tend to view all human interactions as businesses. This is not because they like business, but because they are realists: all people act in self-interest, and in civilization, since the primary skill required is to induce others to do things for us, self-interest […]

Trump Evaporated White Guilt

by Johann Theron (November 13th, 2016)
Trump Evaporated White Guilt

The 2016 US election was remarkable in so many ways, but none more so than this statement: Watch for an increase in babies 9 months from now. This statement exemplified the almost orgasmic emotional release felt by millions of people around the globe, even in Russia. Interestingly this was not the first time in history, […]

Outliers (#31)

by Brett Stevens (November 13th, 2016)
Outliers (#31)

This week took a historic turn with the “American Brexit” kicked off by the election of Donald J. Trump at the 45th President of the United States. That, in turn, has prompted vast searching on the Right for what our mission is and what are the achievable steps to walk us back from an Enlightenment™-based […]

Everyone Is A Racist

by Brett Stevens (November 13th, 2016)
Everyone Is A Racist

Very few people want to admit this, but everyone is a racist. The term “racist” refers to any one of the following, depending on who you ask: Someone who recognizes innate differences between the races in the “Human Biodiversity” vein. Someone who prefers one race over another, including limited to their nation or local community. […]

Position: Reparations — Only With Repatriation

by Brett Stevens (November 13th, 2016)
Position: Reparations — Only With Repatriation

As is typical for the Left, an attack based in guilt is forming, namely over the legacy of slavery. The United Nations wants the USA to pay reparations for slavery. The editors of this journal agree but for entirely different reasons. The UN believes: “Past injustices and crimes against African-Americans need to be addressed with […]

Leftists Attack The Electoral College

by Brett Stevens (November 13th, 2016)
Leftists Attack The Electoral College

As Malcolm Pollack reports, Leftists are using state laws in blue states to try to force the de facto dissolution of the electoral college. They are attempting to replace the republican nature of the American system with mob rule so that the most populous states can dominate the rest: The Electoral College is all that […]

Trumpism Is Not An Attack, But A Defense

by Brett Stevens (November 13th, 2016)
Trumpism Is Not An Attack, But A Defense

Over at The New York Times, the usual gang of idiots make the case for refusal to accept a Donald Trump presidency. They couch this in moral language: Evil settles into everyday life when people are unable or unwilling to recognize it. It makes its home among us when we are keen to minimize it […]

Dissident Right Requires Force, Not Humility

by Johann Theron (November 13th, 2016)
Dissident Right Requires Force, Not Humility

Someone recently stated that men of the dissident right are above all characterized by their humility. That may be true in the American sense of humility meaning politeness without ostentation, but in terms of the characteristics needed for survival it does not make sense. The dissident right are men of intelligence. The unfortunate thing is […]

California Exit Alles

by Jonathan Peter Wilkinson (November 12th, 2016)
California Exit Alles

I once lived in Los Angeles. I need to be fair and temperate here because I lived there for two years as a Graduate Student and rented an apartment that would violate UN humanitarian ideals. My experience of California is not a fair or accurate barometer to what the place has to offer the world. […]

Future Survival – Part 3: Imperfection

by Johann Theron (November 12th, 2016)
Future Survival – Part 3: Imperfection

Humanity must consider the possibility of a world order comprised of multiple independent civilizations which can scale independently. Globalism posits the idea of a single global civilization which is by definition not scalable because it controls all territory with this one type of civilization, repeated like wallpaper across the globe. Our democratic leadership decided to […]