Trump v. Clinton: Maybe YOU aren’t undecided, but send this to those who might be

With the help of patriots in Michigan, we have put together a video that we hope is one final thing to help persuade those sitting on the fence that by voting for Donald J. Trump as President there is a very good chance America will have a fresh start and thus America will be safe and prosperous again.

And, in combination with what we learned from the stunning announcement yesterday that the FBI was re-opening the Clinton e-mail scandal investigation, maybe this video and yesterday’s news will be the final straw for Americans who don’t want to see the American Presidency dragged through the mud for years to come if Hillary and slick Willy are returned to the Oval Office.

Consider this: If Hillary is elected (she is ill), it will be John Podesta and Huma Abedin running the country while Bill roams the corridors in search of interns.

Take an hour this weekend and watch this compilation of news and videos that you might have missed (here is the link in case you can’t see the embed: )

Leftists and assorted Commies plan to protest opening of Trump hotel in Washington, DC

When I attended that Rally4Refugees that fizzled and flopped near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC last Sunday, I was handed a flyer (below) by one of many hard Lefties in attendance.

trump hotel
Trump International Hotel at 1100 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington is scheduled to open on September 12th.

You may remember the Answer Coalition (a pro-Palestinian organization among other things) from during the Bush Administration when they organized anti-war rallies.  I went to some of those to counter protest and got a good laugh at the assorted misfits and old hippies (thousands of them!) costumed, marching, chanting and beating on five gallon plastic buckets.

Well, you can expect that they will be back now as their dear leader Barack Hussein Obama (the President who brought peace to the Middle East, LOL!) is headed out the door and there is a good chance Donald Trump will be moving into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Their opening salvo against Trump will be in DC on September 12th when they plan to protest the Trump International Hotel grand opening.

Here is the flyer that was being handed out at the Rally4Refugees last weekend:

Trump hotel flyer


I’ll have more on this soon. It might be a great opportunity to show support for The Donald.

Go here for updates (great pics) on Trump International Hotel news.

Join the Tea Party for Trump!

This is the most important election of our lifetimes! We all know it!

Sorry, I had such big plans for this website as we head toward November and without a doubt the most important election in our lifetimes!  But, I could not have foreseen how my first love—Refugee Resettlement Watch—would take off as the country starts to understand the enormous impact that bringing in tens of thousands of impoverished and not-carefully-vetted refugees would have on home towns everywhere.

If Hillary wins, she will see it as a mandate to open our gates even wider to the third world—wider than even Obama has.

Hopefully I can rectify my absence and post more here as we head toward the homestretch of Election 2016.

Trump highway sign
I’ve just returned from a 13-state road trip throughout the Midwest and the West. I visited 20 towns and cities and met with grassroots activists concerned with the influx of large numbers of refugees who are not assimilating and who are changing the social, cultural and economic makeup of our communities. This is a billboard on Highway 76 outside of Denver. It was one of only three Trump signs I saw while traveling over 6,000 miles in my car. The good news is that I saw zero signs for Hillary.

August 28th organizational meetings nationwide!

I was asked and have accepted a position as a founding member of ‘Tea Party for Trump’ and share the roster with some of my early heroes of the Tea Party movement.  LOL! Having started RRW in 2007, I think I was Tea Party before there was a Tea Party launched nationally in 2009!

Tea Party for Trump is building teams of campaigners in every state.  The first organizational meetings are happening a week from today!  So please, please consider gathering together with some of your best Tea Party warriors on August 28th and plan for action beginning right after Labor Day.

Here is what we are saying:

Our combined 200+ years of grassroots activism will go straight to the battlegrounds of the 2016 election. We all saw the party conventions: one party painted a sobering, realistic view of the world as it exists today with a plan and players to fix it. The other party painted a pollyanna fantasy where nothing is wrong and things couldn’t be better. Grownups must deal with reality on reality’s terms, and that means a Republican President in 2016. Are you okay with 1.2% GDP growth and 94 million working age Americans out of the labor force?

Our goal is to provide the teams for phone banks and door-to-door operations. We will work with other organizations and their strategies in each state.

We will begin with Ohio, the state most ripe for Trump’s picking, and add additional battleground states as funding and time permit.

This is a separate effort from the Trump campaign and is seeking to enhance the campaign’s grassroots effort to get out the vote.

Go here to sign up and someone will be in touch about your first organizational meeting to be held next Sunday!

Don’t miss ‘Clinton Cash’ the documentary tonight!

I just finished watching the 1 hour and 4 minute disturbing documentary based on Peter Schweizer’s book ‘Clinton Cash.’

Clinton Cash
Find it at Amazon.

Apparently you can only get it tonight (or so I am told!).

The thing I found most informative was further confirmation that using a ‘humanitarian’ cover (as with the refugee program) is a sure fire way to avoid suspicion while raking in big bucks.

Another thing I found interesting is that from many of the places where Bill Clinton had his hand out for the Clinton Foundation, refugees were (and are) flowing to the US.  The film mentions Bill and Hillary’s connections in South Sudan, the DR Congo, Columbia and Haiti (all US refugee sending areas of the world).

Could there also have been some deals with big US corporations looking for the importation of cheap labor to America?

Click here for the Youtube at Breitbart tonight. (It is up to 181,061 views now)

And, don’t miss ‘Hillary’s America!’ now showing in a theater near you.  I saw it in St. Cloud, Minnesota with some great American patriots!

Paul Ryan in toughest campaign of his career; accused of funding Muslim migration to America

If you are a follower of Refugee Resettlement Watch you know I’m on a roadtrip in the American heartland.  I’m visiting refugee resettlement hot spots in a month-long tour.

Ann with Paul Nehlen
In Janesville with the candidate yesterday!

Yesterday I was in Janesville, Wisconsin, Speaker Paul Ryan’s hometown, and had an opportunity to meet with some local citizen activists to tell them what to expect if Janesville should be targeted as a new resettlement site.

I also had the pleasure of meeting Ryan’s tenacious competitor Paul Nehlen.

Editor:  I am now over 1,200 miles from home and expect to put 4,000 or more miles on my car during my month-long swing through America! More as I get a few minutes at the computer.

Reporter Julia Hahn at Breitbart has been following the campaign closely. If you haven’t seen some of her good work, go here, here and here.

Here is how Hahn began her latest news on the campaign:

At a press conference held in front of Kenosha News, Wisconsin businessman Paul Nehlen demanded that House Speaker Paul Ryan take down his deceptive Wisconsin TV ads, in which Ryan claims he’s trying to keep Islamic terrorists from entering the country.

As speaker, Paul Ryan should be asked repeatedly in the coming weeks (the primary is August 9th) if he will cut funding for Obama’s promised expansion of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program for 2017 (Obama’s last decision on the program will be due before Congress in late September).

The primary is August 9th!

Visit Nehlen’s campaign website and consider donating to the only candidate who could stop Ryan’s open borders impulse!  If we get Hillary in the White House and Paul Ryan as Speaker, we are finished. America’s borders will be flung open and a free-for-all unleashed as the third world rushes in.

If you have a few days to spare, contact the campaign and do a road trip to Wisconsin’s first district and give a hand!

It’s the second generation Muslim immigrants who are killing us

One of Donald Trump’s earliest supporters, conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly, has penned a piece published at World Net Daily citing evidence that Trump is correct in suggesting at least a temporary ban on Muslim immigration (until we figure out what is going on).

phyllis trump
Schlafly endorses Trump in March 2016.

By the way, Schlafly lost some of her friends and longtime supporters when she early-on endorsed Donald Trump, but she has not wavered in that support.

Here she points out one of the most overlooked trends, so obvious to many of us, but apparently not to the Left or others who support MORE Muslim immigration: we can screen the first generation until the cows come home, but it is the second generation—the ones we fed, housed and educated on the taxpayer’s dime— which is killing us.

She uses the word “assimilation” but the Obama Administration has assiduously avoided that word which implies becoming American.  They prefer “integration” with an implied side-by-side tolerance, but sends the message to the immigrants/refugees that they don’t need to become Americans.

Schlafly at World Net Daily:

“We admit more than 100,000 lifetime migrants from the Middle East each year,” Trump said. “Since 9/11, hundreds of migrants and their children have been implicated in terrorism in the United States.”

Trump was right to include the children of immigrants as part of the immigration problem. The Orlando shooter, Mateen, was born in the United States, but a witness said he referred to Afghanistan as “my country.”

Besides Orlando, other mass killings have been perpetrated by the U.S.-born children of Muslim immigrants or individuals who were brought here as children by their Muslim parents. Examples include one of the San Bernardino killers; the Fort Hood shooter, Maj. Nidal Hasan; the Tsarnaev brothers, who bombed the Boston Marathon in 2013; and the man who killed four active-duty Marines and a sailor in Chattanooga in 2015.

Read it all here and then don’t forget the Minnesota Somali ‘youths’ wanting to join ISIS by the dozen.

Editor: Sorry I haven’t written much here recently, the refugee issue is reaching a critical mass and I can barely keep up there—at Refugee Resettlement Watch.

We must help remove Speaker Ryan, his stunning ignorance will cost us our country

One thing Orlando (and Trump’s response to it) has done is force our so-called leaders to, as we say in rural America, show themselves.


Although we already had ample evidence that Speaker Paul Ryan was doing everything in his power to undermine the Republican nominee for President of the United States, his rebuke of Trump yesterday sends a clear message about where the man stands.

He would prefer Hillary as President, or he wouldn’t have said what he did.

We have all known for a long time that Ryan is for open borders and can only presume that is because he must suck up to the donor class (most of whom are millionaires and billionaires who need cheap immigrant labor). Why he is also pandering to Muslims in the wake of Orlando is a mystery.

Also, Ryan has not lifted a finger to rein-in the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program. Is he under the thumb of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops which takes in millions each year to resettle Muslim refugees to your towns?

Support Paul Nehlen in Wisconsin!

But, Ryan’s clear ignorance about Islamic supremacism and Islam’s goals for the world should be enough to make everyone reading this willing to, at minimum, open your wallets and send his primary competitor Paul Nehlen a contribution.

The Republican primary election date is August 9th (just 8 weeks away!). Maybe you have a little time to share with his campaign as well.

For more, visit Matthew Boyle’s good piece on Ryan’s response to Orlando, here.   And, watch Ryan yesterday in response to Trump’s excellent speech from New Hampshire where he reiterated his call for a ban on Muslim migration to America until we can figure out what is going on.

And, just a reminder, when you hear Ryan’s blather about “moderate” Muslims remember Act for America‘s Brigitte Gabriel‘s line (I’m paraphrasing):

Moderate (peaceful) Muslims are irrelevant!  

Why? Because for many reasons they remain silent (with occasional perfunctory verbiage as they did in the wake of the Orlando massacre) as their fellow Muslims commit atrocities in the name of Allah. All devout Muslims know that Mohammed’s prescription is for Islam to dominate the world.

Again, go here to ABC News and watch Ryan yesterday.

Why is he still so ignorant?

Surely you have an extra $25 or so to send to Nehlen. Go here and send Ryan a message!

Endnote: Newt Gingrich has called for Congress to investigate ‘Islamic Supremacism.’ What are the odds that Ryan would ever go along with such a sensible idea?