Obama hits Trump tie with Putin, Erdogan on Syria
Trump hopes to steal a march on Obama in the war on ISIS by a move to retake Raqqa before Mosul’s capture. Obama throws a spanner in the works by arming Syrian Kurds.
Nov 14, 2016, 8:19 AM (IDT)
Waiting for Trump – War on ISIS Is at a Standstill
The US president-elect on Syria and Iraq: “We need different thinking in this country.”
Traditional Polls Are Dead: Long Live Online Surveys
How all the polls crashed - except for two surveys which used novel methods.
The US-Led Mosul Offensive Way behind Schedule
Towards week’s end, the Iraqi army’s advance slowed without entering the city.
Arak IR-40 heavy water reactor
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis Nov 12, 2016, 4:26 PM (IDT)

On Nov. 2, a week before the presidential election, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna reported Iran in violation of the nuclear deal by producing 130.1 tons of heavy water at the Arak plant, 100kg more than allowed. Was Tehran testing Donald Trump’s resolve, after he called the 2015 nuclear accord “the worst deal ever” which he vowed to dismantle?

Russian Prime Minister at Western Wall, Jerusalem
DEBKAfile Special Report Nov 11, 2016, 7:57 AM (IDT)

As Medvedev visited the Western Wall in support of Israel’s rights in Jerusalem, a mighty Russian fleet was preparing to deliver a crushing blow to Syrian rebel groups holding out in Aleppo - that is until Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton to become next US president, taking Putin by surprise.

DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis Nov 9, 2016, 10:20 AM (IDT)

Before the votes from all 50 US states were finally tallied, the Republican candidate Donald Trump had ramped up the 270 electors he needed to open his path to the White House and defeat his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. This climax marked the end of America’s epic roller-coaster battle for the presidency that broke all the rules of past US electioneering campaigns.

DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis Nov 7, 2016, 10:55 AM (IDT)

Bipartisan congressional committees are likely to spend years scrutinizing the allegations of Hillary Clinton’s email misuse and abuse of her office as Secretary of State to benefit the Clinton Foundation. Their investigation of the FBI’s actions in the election campaign may take longer.



DEBKAfile Special Report Nov 5, 2016
Jordanian special forces chase Islamist terrorists

Jordanian forces, along with US special forces and helicopters, are engaged in a massive manhunt for the Islamist gunmen who murdered three US military trainers and seriously injured others Friday, Nov. 4 at the Prince Faisal Air Base near the southern Jordanian town of Al-Jafr. 

DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis Nov 1, 2016

Whoever is elected US president on Nov. 8, he or she will land in the middle of a foreign policy shambles and face a pressing need to rebuild America’s fences in most parts of the world, including the war-ridden, messy Middle East. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, whose approaches are so different in every respect, will both find it impossible to isolate America from the Middle East  debkafile reviews the problems facing each of them in their first year as president and how each will tackle them.

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Oct 29, 2016
Shiite militias drive US-supplied MI Abrams tanks

The US-led coalition offensive for liberating Mosul from ISIS suffered two ominous downturns on its 10th day, Friday, Oct. 28, debkafile’s military sources report. One: Pro-Iranian Iraqi Shiites stand ready to “imminently” launch an attack on Tal Afar, sparking the threat of sectarian violence; and, two, the Islamic State is poised to launch surface missiles with a range of 500km against Baghdad, as well as Jordan and Israel.

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Oct 26, 2016

Hizballah staged two drive-by shooting attacks into northern Israel Wednesday, Oct. 26, slightly injuring an Israel soldier. The two rounds of gunfire came from a moving vehicle driving on the Lebanese side of the border fence and were aimed at soldiers posted at the border security fence at Metula, Israel’s northernmost town. The IDF was ready for the second round and returned the fire, hitting at least one target.

DEBKAfile Special Report Oct 22, 2016

The raid of Kirkuk launched by the Islamic State Friday began to spread Saturday, Oct. 22 to Layla, 21km to the4 south and a road intersection to Baghdad.

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Oct 15, 2016

Presidents Putin and Erdogan have signaled Barack Obama that their sole interest in the future of Syria lies in the military enclaves both are constructing in the north. 

Iranian radar in Yemen hit by US Tomahawks
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis Oct 14, 2016

Iran’s Navy commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari announced Thursday, Oct. 13, that the Iranian 34th Fleet had deployed warships to the Bab al-Mandeb strait opposite the shores of Yemen. 

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Oct 5, 2016

 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been forced to give up his grand plan to pipe gas from Israel’s offshore fields to Turkey for sale in European markets after France and Germany refused to deal with Turkey's Edrogan.

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