12 EDL Thugs Due For Sentencing


The sentencing hearing of 12 defendants who have admitted public order offences in Brierfield last summer is due to get under way at Preston Crown Court tomorrow. The 11 men and one woman pleaded guilty to the offences at a hearing last month which followed a police investigation into a demonstration by suspected members of … Continue reading

Fascists on the streets of Liverpool – 12th July 2010 – Demonstrate!

The Liverpool branch of the British National Party will be holding a demonstration outside Liverpool Crown Court on Monday 12th July. Liverpool Antifascists are asking people to turn out in opposition to their presence. The fascist demonstration is in support of Peter Tierney, who faces sentencing that day for actual bodily harm. The BNP claim … Continue reading

Peter Tierney trial reconvenes, and puts the threat of the BNP into perspective

Since the original incident last April, the Peter Tierney saga has dragged on for far too long. Antifascists (and, no doubt, fascists) in Liverpool will be very glad when it is over. Nonetheless, whilst it continues, we cannot simply stand aside and ignore the fact that a high-profile member of the BNP is on trial … Continue reading

Peter Tierney trial moved from Monday 14th to Wednesday 16th June

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE URGENT! CHANGE OF DATE FOR PETER TIERNEY TRIAL AND PROTEST – WEDNESDAY 16TH JUNE! Liverpool Antifascists have learned that BNP member and donor Peter Tierney’s trial has been moved from Monday 14th June to Wednesday 16th June. The planned antifascist protest will now take place on this date. Tierney is accused of … Continue reading

Peter Tierney on trial (again)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Peter Tierney on Trial – protest against fascist violence On Monday 14th June Peter Tierney, high-profile member and donor for the Merseyside BNP, faces trial at Liverpool Crown Court. He is accused of assaulting a trade unionist and anti-fascist protester on St George’s Day last year. Court proceedings have dragged on for … Continue reading

Circus becomes farce in the Peter Tierney trial

Today, the jurors in BNP “super-activist” Peter Tierney’s trial for assault were discharged and it was announced that the trial would recommence with a new judge and jury on June 14th. The reason given for this was the emergence, yesterday, of an “undisclosed matter” which could prejudice the hearing of the case. It would now … Continue reading

Merseyside BNP show themselves up at the Crown Court

Today officially saw the beginning of Merseyside BNP “super-activist” Peter Tierney’s trial for assault. Though little happened in the courtroom, the space outside was alive with protests both for and against the fascist thuggery of the BNP. This marked Merseyside BNP’s first attempt at a formal protest since November 2008, and the event was nothing short … Continue reading

UPDATE: Peter Tierney’s court date moved – protest still on

Liverpool Antifascists have learned that, perhaps in a bid to deter protests, Peter Tierney’s trial for assault at the Crown Court has been moved from Monday march 15th to Wednesday March 17th. With the express aim of highlighting the violence used by even high-profile members of the British National Party, we will still be picketing … Continue reading

March 15th: Demonstrate Against Peter Tierney and the BNP!

Update: the date of court appearence has been moved from March 15th to March 17th. Details here. Merseyside BNP “super-activist” Peter Tierney faces trial on Monday March 15th. He is charged with assaulting an anti-fascist on St George’s Day, just one of many incidents in which members of Merseyside BNP have used intimidation and threats … Continue reading

Fascist violence on trial on March 15th

After Peter Tierney’s last appearence at Liverpool Crown Court, charged with assaulting an antifascist, we reposted an article from the Daily Post which reported that his trial would commence on February 15th. Soon after, both the plaintiff and witnesses brought it to our attention that the actual date was March 15th and that the Post reporter … Continue reading