Joseph of Exeter

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Joseph of Exeter was a twelfth-century Latin poet from Exeter, England. Around 1180, he left to study at Gueldres, where he began his lifelong friendship with Guibert, who later became Abbot of Florennes. Some of their correspondence still survives.


His most famous poem is De bello Troiano ("On the Trojan War") in six books, most of which was written before 1183, but which was finished after 1184. When his friend Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury, set off to the Holy Land on the Third Crusade, he persuaded Joseph to accompany him. After Baldwin's death in 1190, Joseph returned home. He immortalized the crusade in his poem Antiocheis, of which only fragments survive.[1] Several other poems, now lost, have been attributed to him, but there is no way of knowing if they were actually his work.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Mortimer, Richard Angevin England 1154-1258 Oxford: Blackwell 1994 ISBN 0-631-16388-3 p. 210
