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A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
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 Ilana Mercer Archive
Did Donald Trump unite the American Silent Majority behind things true and shared? These are economic prosperity, national pride and unity, recognizable neighborhoods—a yen that demands an end to the transformation of neighborhoods through centrally planned, mass immigration—and an end to gratuitous wars. Those were the questions asked in "The Trump Revolution The Donald’s Creative... Read More
For journalists to discourage an inquisitive stance, even distrust, toward government and the elections process is astounding. But not surprising. I’m thinking of CNN journo Brian Stelter who asserted—they never argue, do they? They only ever assert—that skepticism about voting irregularities in America is “dangerous.” Well, a journalist decrying inquisitiveness and skepticism: Now that’s dangerous.... Read More
Against Hillary's Malevolent Matriarchy
In recent interviews, Donald Trump's wife, Melania Trump, observed wryly that almost every malicious, lie-filled article about herself or he husband was written by a … female. Indeed, women seem to have a particular stake in bringing Mr. Trump down. The contrast between Mrs. Trump and the many histrionic shrews prosecuting her husband is stark.... Read More
“Strengthening families” is big in Hillary Clinton’s immigration platform—not American families, but families of undocumented Democrats. To that end—and “within her first 100 days in office”—Hillary has vowed to “introduce comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to full and equal citizenship.” These newly minted Democrats will be speedily naturalized (likely in time for Hillary’s second... Read More Unz Review columnist Ilana Mercer is interviewed by the SGTreport, The Corporate Propaganda Antidote, about her book, "The Trump Revolution: The Donald's Creative Destruction Deconstructed," and the very real threat Donald Trump represents to the corrupt, entrenched, deep state, which has been in control of the US government for decades. Ilana explains, "The Trump... Read More
Almost every penny left in the grubby hands of federal officials is squandered, wasted, misused or misallocated. Every penny kept from the federal behemoth is private property conserved and saved. One of Donald Trump’s virtues is that he appears smart enough to instinctively know what I just said. It benefits business and everyone else if... Read More
“We can deploy a half a billion more solar panels. We can have enough clean energy to power every home. We can build a new modern electric grid. That's a lot of jobs; that's a lot of new economic activity.” So intoned Hillary Clinton, during the first presidential debate at Hofstra University, New York, on... Read More
If African-Americans didn’t get out and vote for Hillary Clinton, they would be dissing him and his legacy. So warned President Barack Obama, in a speech at the Black Caucus Foundation in Washington DC, on September 17. The woman whose election promises portend a war on whites, Walmart and the wealthy has nothing to fear.... Read More
Can we cut the cr-p, kids? Forgive my language, but, as Ecclesiastes teaches, there’s a time for everything. The time to cuss is now. "Radical Islamic terrorism": He has to be able to say it! This, preach conservative talking heads, is the acid test for electing the next American president. Is this convoluted concept one... Read More How does evidence against something, become evidence for that very same something? Plain evidence against the good health of Hillary Clinton has become, with the aid of the malfunctioning media, evidence for her stamina. “She has the constitution of a boar,” said a defender on Fox New, following Mrs. Clinton’s very pubic collapse at... Read More
If you strapped Bill Clinton to a polygraph (or some lie detector that can’t be fooled by the Clintons)—I suspect he, too, might confess to a preference for Vladimir Putin over Barack Obama. Mr. Clinton had been appropriately scathing, in 2008, about Obama’s mythical status in the media. A “fairy tale,” he called the current... Read More
Following Donald J. Trump's sublime immigration address, critics—essentially all Big, Crooked Media—charged that Trump's Arizona speech represented a sharp departure from the tone he took earlier that day, with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. A reversal, if you will. Nonsense. With President Nieto, Donald Trump was at once patriotic, forceful and diplomatic. In close to... Read More
In his August 20 rally in Fredericksburg, Va., Donald Trump continued to say things surprisingly basic. Or, "insubstantial," if you believe the presstitutes (with apologies to prostitutes, who do an honest day's work and whom I respect). I paraphrase: We are going to take our country back. It is going to be a new day... Read More
The Clinton Media have gone from malfunctioning to mad, from “dishonest” to deranged. Their coverage of the 2016 election is no longer tinged by liberal bias, but is about moving viewers and readers into a parallel universe, an alternate reality of the media’s making. The media monolith’s latest imbecility is to offer effusive plaudits for... Read More
First he exposed the History Channel’s miniseries “Roots”as root-and-brunch fiction. Now, the courageous epistolary warrior Kunta (Jack) Kerwick has turned his attention to correcting lies about slavery, promulgated in media and scholarly circles. A point forcefully made by Kerwick is that although a vibrant, indigenous slave trade was conducted well into the nineteenth century in... Read More
Programmed as they are in feminist myth-making, journalists, young and old, often ask incredulously, “Why would western girls travel to join ISIS fighters?” “ISIS men don’t believe in equality between the sexes.” At heart, neither do women. Not when hormones rage. Islamic State projects strength. Strength is an aphrodisiac. Women are biologically programmed to be... Read More
In a new book, “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed,” I argue that Donald J. Trump is the quintessential post-constitutional candidate. In the “Opening Statement,” titled “Welcome To The Post-Constitutional Jungle,” oldies will recognize a nod to the Guns N' Roses classic, “Welcome to the Jungle,” as well as to broadcaster Mark Levin's... Read More
They’ve been killing their way across Europe and the USA. They’re the Mohameds, Omars, Syeds, Tashfeens, Tareks, Maliks, Ibrahims, Brahim, Yassins, Rafiks, Khalids and Najims; Messrs. Abaaoud, Abdeslam, El Bakraouis, Abrinis, Abballas (blah-blah). But about them, the Twittersphere yields more plain spoken truths than the expert Idiocracy. The latest Muslim immigrant to unleash himself on... Read More
Just you wait. In the fullness of time, Donald J. Trump will be blamed for “creating the atmosphere” that led to the Texas cop massacre of July 7. However, at least by the same standards applied to Mr. Trump, Barrack Hussein Obama should be fingered for encouraging Micah Xavier Johnson to “shoot a dozen Dallas... Read More
During the Bretton Woods Conference, in 1944, Lord Halifax is said to have “whispered to Lord Keynes: ‘It’s true: they have the money bags but we have all the brains.’” By “they,” Halifax meant the Americans. His frustration with the American mind—so prosaic and anti-intellectual—during the critical Bretton-Woods negotiations seems as valid today. As odious... Read More
It’s award time at the Department of Homeland Security. So fleeting has been the focus on the systemic, intractable failures of the DHS apparatus—that failed functionaries feel sufficiently at ease to move on to the business of backslapping and promotion. But first, the latest outrage to emerge from Barack Hussein Obama’s Islamophilic Federal Bureau of... Read More
Democrats are frenetically trying to pass legislation that’ll make it impossible for anyone on the government’s terrorist list to legally purchase a firearm. Their renewed Brownian motion is due to the murder, last Sunday, of 49 gay club-goers in Orlando, Florida. The Muslim American perpetrator also wounded 53 more. The premise of passing such a... Read More
Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential nominee for 2016, has something in common with Donald Trump: Sinophobia. During a 2011 visit to Zambia, she warned about “a new colonialism in Africa.” This time, the Chinese were to blame. As Clinton sees it, the Chinese are extracting wealth from the continent by buying its raw... Read More
Prominent neoconservative Bill Kristol shared his election-year hallucinations with the nation. From the ashes of the Republican primaries would rise a man to stand for president against victor Donald J. Trump, a Sisyphean task that has been attempted and failed by 17 other worthies. This individual is David French, an attorney, a decorated Iraq War... Read More
There were likely no kids on board EgyptAir Flight 804 that crashed into the Mediterranean Sea, on May 19. Had there been kids on board, we’d be hearing about it a LOT. Of the 224 people on board the Russian metro jet airbus—it crashed in March—17 were children. I know this because each time TV... Read More
A Norwegian male was raped by a Somali asylum seeker. The last term—Somali asylum seeker—is something of a contradiction like the first (Norwegian man). The asylum-seeker honorific is given to practically anyone from the Dark Continent or the Middle-East who washes up on Continental Europe’s shores. The politician, Karsten Nordal Hauken, who says he’s heterosexual,... Read More
As of May 7, the outgoing neoconservative priestly cast had raised its game. Since Donald Trump has effectively clinched the Republican Party’s nomination, based on his America First platform, they had an ultimatum for him: Stop your nonsense and we’ll take you back. If Trump quits denouncing George Bush and his Good War, and starts... Read More
“Unsophisticated rambling,” “simplistic,” “reckless.” The verdict about Donald J. Trump’s foreign policy, unveiled after his five-for-five victory in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Rhode Island and Connecticut, was handed down by vested interests: members of the military-media-think tank complex. People like Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. People Dwight Eisenhower counseled against, in his farewell address to... Read More
There are only two men in the 2016 presidential race: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Like or dislike her, there’s no questioning Hillary’s manly bona fides. Mrs. Clinton is as tough as she’s philosophically misguided. At the first Democratic debate, on October 14, 2015, Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley and Lincoln Chafee shuffled meekly to their... Read More
The reader should know that I cringe as I write this first-person account. Why the disclaimer? Opinion differs about how often to use the first person pronoun in various genres of writing. Certainly its overuse in opinion writing is a cardinal sin. To get a sense of how bad someone's writing is count the number... Read More
There’s a difference between (small r) republican principles and the Republican Party’s rules of procedure. But National Review neoconservative Jonah Goldberg doesn’t see it. Or, maybe Goldberg is using America’s founding, governing principles to piggyback the Republican Party’s oft revised and rigged rules to respectability. Conservatives who harbor the quaint expectation that voters, not party... Read More
In the 1990s, broadcaster Charles Sykes wrote an important book called “A Nation Of Victims: The Decay of the American Character.” Fast forward to 2016, and Mr. Sykes is defending a character on grounds he once rejected in his trailblazing book. When Mr. Sykes lamented the “The Decay of the American Character,” no reader was... Read More
“I think Islam hates us,” said Donald J. Trump days before the last, March 10 debate in Coral Gables, Miami. To mainstream media, this was a body blow as big as the blasts at the Brussels airport and metro station, on March 22. The debate moderator gave Trump room to retract. Or, rather, to furnish... Read More
With his decisive victory on Super Tuesday II (March 15), Trump is already winning for America. We’ve won a reprieve. There will be no 13th Republican debate. It was cancelled by the candidate. Megyn Kelly can save her new outfit and mink eyelashes for the next liberal shindig she attends. Despite the best efforts of... Read More
Mitt gives Mormons (whom I love) a bad name. I thought Mormons weren’t meant to bad-mouth others. Yet Mitt had nothing but bad things to say about Donald Trump, who is political tabula rasa, and has never passed a law in his life. Neither has Trump ever caused the death of a single Iraqi kid.... Read More
Van Jones was having a tantrum on TV. The former special advisor for green jobs to Barack Obama, and all-round politically privileged and successful African-American, was demanding that Donald Trump, forthwith, get “passionate” about the black community. Atone The Donald must for allegedly cozying up to the Klan. The dust-up was about David Duke, former... Read More
Donald Trump has buried George W. Bush, for good. Or so we hope. This might not be "Morning in America," but it is a moral victory for values in America. Somewhere in those Judeo-Christian values touted by “values voters” is an injunction against mass murder. Before the February 20 South Carolina primary, it looked as... Read More
Making America great again, the theme of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign, depends on dispelling the myths and myth-making that made America bad. Beginning with George W. Bush. Said Saint Augustine: "The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works." The Republican Party under Bush did the devil's work. Bar the sainted Ron... Read More
“Wish fulfillment is “the satisfaction of a desire through an involuntary thought process.” This Freudian term encapsulates the coverage of the riveting 2016 primaries by the Megyn Kelly wing (or coven) of the Murdoch Media. Yes, a news personality—a showgirl really—is running more of Roger Ailes' show than she should. And, as Newsmax reports, not... Read More
If Donald J. Trump wishes to lessen the impact of his disappointing second in the Iowa caucuses and walk back the tack he’s taken with Ted Cruz—he must begin to think big and talk big. Loud in not necessarily big. Call it triangulation, a concept associated with Bill Clinton’s successful strategies, or call it "the... Read More
The Iowa caucuses are upon us. Every sentient human being who has lived through The Trump Revolution thinks Donald J. Trump, the enfant terrible of establishment politics, will likely win the Republican caucuses, come February 1. As of January 27, an Iowa Monmouth University Poll places Trump at 30 percent to Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s... Read More
Former Fox News Channel broadcaster Glenn Beck, now of The Blaze TV, has been warning theatrically of an inchoate catastrophe should the country choose Donald J. Trump “as its next president.” Trump “will be a monster much, much worse" than Barack Obama, says Beck. Worse than George W. Bush? Will Trump be worse than the... Read More
Donald Trump’s mortal enemies in mainstream politics and media have shifted strategy. In the ramp-up to the Iowa, February 1 Caucuses, the culprits have been pushing presidential hopefuls Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio onto a defiant Republican base. The Cartel has taken to discussing Trump as a nightmare from which they’ll soon awaken. Candidate Trump’s... Read More
America, as one wag put it, is a “post-constitutional” country. Even worse, a plurality of Americans has now turned, en masse, against the First Principles of its founding. The organizing principle that currently informs American thinking is statism. It’s the state über alles: its laws, and the foot soldiers that enforce hundreds of thousands of... Read More
The following is Part II in a conversation with Jack Kerwick, author of "The American Offensive: Dispatches From The Front." Read Part I, “Black Muslims & the Racial-Industrial Complex.” Visit Jack’s Beliefnet blog—"At the Intersection of Faith & Culture"—friend him on Facebook, and email him at: ILANA MERCER: Barack Obama as a devotee of... Read More
The following is part I in a conversation with Jack Kerwick, author of "The American Offensive: Dispatches From The Front." Jack received his Ph.D. in philosophy from Temple University. A lifelong Roman Catholic, his work on philosophy, politics, religion and culture has appeared in various publications. He teaches philosophy at Rowan College at Burlington County... Read More
Donald Trump strode into the gaudy Venetian, in Las Vegas, for the CNN-Facebook Republican presidential debate, with a primary lead for the history books. As Weekly Standard put it, “Trump's lead over his primary opponents is larger than both Ronald Reagan's was in the 1980 race, and George H. W Bush's was in the 1988... Read More
Right after the Murder-by-Muslim of the San Bernardino 14, on Dec. 2, immigration lawyers peppered the press with praise for America’s fiancé K-1 visa program. This immigration program is "robust" came the message from the lobbyists. Onto this rickety scaffolding stepped the attorneys for The Fockers, I mean the Farooks. The family that spawned the... Read More
“HEY, it’s me, Salah Abdeslam. Did you see the attacks across Paris? Bismillah, may we have many more like them. Brothers Brahim Abdeslam, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, myself and others pulled it off. I’m still in Paris. I need a ride back to Brussels. Come get me.” After executing 130 people in Paris, Nov. 13, and maiming... Read More
In the West, crying and dying is framed as … winning. Or so an Extra-Terrestrial from Deep Space would conclude, should he look down upon the landmasses that make up The West. From his worldly perspective, ET will observe that when they are blown up by the Aliens in Their Midst, The West is wont... Read More
Ilana Mercer
About Ilana Mercer

ILANA Mercer is the author of "The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed," (June, 2016) and “Into The Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa” (2011) She has been writing a popular, weekly, paleolibertarian column—begun in Canada—since 1999. Ilana’s online homes are & Follow her on

The “war hero” candidate buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam.
Talk TV sensationalists and axe-grinding ideologues have fallen for a myth of immigrant lawlessness.
What Was John McCain's True Wartime Record in Vietnam?
The unspoken statistical reality of urban crime over the last quarter century.
Are elite university admissions based on meritocracy and diversity as claimed?
Hundreds of POWs may have been left to die in Vietnam, abandoned by their government—and our media.