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In the mind of Nate

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Here I go again

Hello everyone,

Last week I posted my first entry in a very long time. Actually that's really saying it mildly, it's been well over a year. Well, what can you do. As we all know consistency is a key element to success, although we all need a break once and awhile for various reasons.

Mine were based on a need to shelter myself from most situations as to better reevaluate certain parts of my life after suffering from PTSD.I also discovered things about myself that Doctors had not been able to detect in all the years that I have been alive, (and I did end up writing some new music that will be released as material for a solo project). Nothing major,so don't worry however that was the case with certain things. Something so minor can affect our decisions and lives so greatly its unbelievable.

As I learned in my marketing research: if it works don't change it, if it doesn't let it go. Not always easy when emotions are involved and this can go for business matters as well. After all, my unofficial definition of professionalism is to not let personal feelings and opinions effect business decisions. I have bent the rules somewhat and decided to focus on one of my flaws: obsession. It happens to us all, but sometimes it can get out of control(think Capt. Ahab in Mobey Dick) I do find myself at times obsessing over a particular band(don't we all) I think it is good at times. After all, life is limiting and your obsession can lead to plenty of knowledge. You can find yourself being able to know every song from a particular artist,their history,influences and how they shaped the act that you know and love. If you do this several times a year, you'll be a music guru in no time.Just keep your obsession to yourself with the exception of your friends and social media posts. I'm not condoning anyone rooting through anyone else's trash cans because you love their music.

One band I have been focusing on heavily the past few weeks is the Jackson 5, my first concert I saw actually was them performing on a reunion tour. Here's a Throwback Thursday pic me right before I left to go see them at Madison Square Garden.

They actually made a miniseries called, "The Jacksons : an American Dream" that shows how they went from kids from a poor family to superstars,learning the ropes of the music business and their own personal struggles as they went along. An unbelievable feat, especially by today's standards. I can't imagine most kids prying themselves away from a video game for more than an hour or so, let alone rehearsing daily and going on tours.One part of the film that stood out for me, was when they were in the studio recording their hit "I'll be There" and Motown Records founder, "Barry Gordy" suggests Michael add the line "just look over your shoulder honey",nothing major but just a small example of producing which is supposed to add a certain flare to a song that makes it more appealing. They are a prime example of teamwork as well as choreography,vocal arrangement and harmonies.Everyone studies someone else of course to become inspired.They learned by watching James Brown,the Four Tops,the Temptations and the likes.Of course,this is also the group that produced who we now refer to as the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. The youngest of the group and lead singer who was originally overlooked because he was barely old enough to be in grade school at the time of the band's formation. But he showed his Father and Brothers at an early age that he had what it took to perform with them. He even did a few solo albums as child. None of them as successful as his record breaking album "Thriller",which happens to be the best selling album of all time. But perhaps these early albums helped him to be able to create such a sucessfull album as Thriller.Thriller that and the fact that he once again has Quincy Jones producing for him. Which by the way is often used as an example to audio engineering students because of the unique,but highly effect way in which it was mixed. Want to know what I mean? ask any audio engineer to show you(sorry,can't always give away the farm)

I am currently recording a new Imbolg album. We are taking the time to record,edit and figure out which parts fit,or need to be redone,etc. Don't want to bore anyone with details(i'll save that for the behind the scenes video). I feel that in the past I may have rushed through the recording process and allowed many mistakes to be revealed that may have impacted us negatively. So we are taking our time, listening to each others ideas and partnering with our Engineer,"Brett Weatherstone" at Lo-Key Studios in order to create the best album we can.

Like I said earlier, consistency is key and although we don't have our album ready yet,but I have been doing quick update videos to keep people posted about the progress of the album,personal shout outs to fans,friends and family and of course me playing part of a song I just learned recently. Dont expect anything too elaborate , just me playing acoustic guitarvand singing.

I will probably make a few more of these videos as we continue to record. Hopefully the album will be done by the Summer. Please check in with us for more updates on our Facebook Page. And for info on the new songs I spoke about here is a link to the page for My solo project. Of course I had to include the group I spoke most about in this entry,so you can see for yourself what I meant:

I always include the song that inspired the title of each entry:
Thanks Again for reading, Nate

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Back with a Bang! featuring an interview with Michale Graves

Hello everyone. I would like to say that it is great to be back blogging. And as the title suggests, what better way to comeback than to interview Ex-Misfits Singer Michale Graves while on his "When Worlds Collide" tour. The tour has not come through my town yet,but the last time I saw him perform was at a show that I had the distinct privilege of opening up for him. The energy from Michale and his band that night was unprecedented. I was able to get in touch with Michale while he is out on tour and this is what he had to say:

Nate:How did you first discover your love of music?
Michale:My home growing up in New Jersey was filled with music – classic rock n roll, early punk and big voices like Sinatra and Elvis

Nate:How did you develop the Michale Graves image and persona?
Michale:I had been interested in the theater for years – in front of and behind the curtain. Over the years I have evolved both the voice and my make-up – to now what we call the “Skel-crow”

Nate:Who are your influences?
Michale:Metallica, Megadeth, the Ramones

Nate:Tell me about this new album,what inspired the theme of this one? what songs stand out? how is this different from your previous releases?
Michale:The title that Mark (my business and music collaborator) came up with was “When Worlds Collide” and from a vocal and style standpoint that is exactly what this album is – called it “Graves fusion". There is punk, rock, heavy metal, monster rock – all on one album. The range of song (11 on the album) are all very different yet still within the same family to be on the same album. “Bedlam” is an absolutely frenetic train ride…while “When Worlds Collide” is a more focused rock song….

Nate:Mark Allen Stuart is producing this album, how did this collaboration come to light(should I say dark lol)and how is it working along side of him as you both molded these albums into finished products?
Michale:Mark and I meet 4 years ago. We met several times in person and decided to become business partners about 5 years later. Mark not only operates the business and produces our music but he also writes and directs our video projects.

Nate:How did the songs evolve from your ideas on paper to the final recordings?

Michale:Mark created the concept for the album – 9 of the songs are based on classic horror or sci fi films. After the concept is created we discuss each title and have “homework” to watch the original film. Then I write the music and I send a demo to Mark. We then work out the final lyrics. The 2 songs that weren’t based on classic films are “3 Days til Dawn” – that is a unique concept Mark had for a potential film project. The last song “Dying on Sunday Morning” takes up where “Crying on Saturday Night” left off.

Nate:Are there any personal favorite songs on this album? If so what are they and what are they about?
Michale:That’s like saying who is my favorite child….:-) I think that “Robot Monster” is a really big song….very heavy – and 3 Days til Dawn is like listening to a monster movie.

Nate:What is the message that you are trying to give to your fans with When Worlds Collide?
Michale:The message is that we are in a very turbulent yet dynamic time….think about it, don’t let it get by you.

Nate:Will there be any music videos?
Michale:Yes we did a music video for “Old Dark House”. Mark had the idea of using footage from William Castles classic “House on Haunted Hill” and he reshot the beginning with me doing the intro and we used some fans in the video as well.

Nate: How did the album art come to life? was this your concept? who did the final draft?
Michale:Mark does all of the art concepts - directed Tony Treloar for the art.

Nate:What is band line up for this album and tour?
Michale:We have Loki, JB and Tony Bones again on this tour

Nate:What is it like being on tour with these guys both on and off the stage?
Michale:After 55 venues…you get to know each other really well. But they are great –real pros

Nate:Comparing this to previous tours, what is something that you hope will happen again on this tour?
Michale:We are focusing on the new music this tour. We will play the classics and I know how people love them, but I still go out and people ask “You don’t have any new work since the Misfits?” So the new music is really important to me.

Nate:How is the tour going so far?
Michale:Actually – it is starting out as the best tour ever! Huge crowds and really happy people!

Nate:What is your favorite thing about being on tour?
Michale:Simple – meeting the people – its why I do it.

Nate:What are favorite cities to play in and why?
Michale:Really as long as fans are there – I would play on a bus Really I like each city for different reasons.

Nate:Would you like to say something to your fans?
Michale:Thank you thank you thank you – for all of the continued support!!!

For more information on upcoming tour dates, please see the poster below and for more information on how to Purchase When Worlds Collide and Michale's Other releases please Visit:

Hydraulic Entertainment

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Symbolism: An exclusive Interview with up and coming Artist Justin Symbol

Hello all, I know it's been ages since I have posted. However, I'm sure we can all agree that it has been a long cold winter and for many reasons I needed to stay dormant and step away for a bit(I will elaborate further in another post).Anyway, I am a fan coming back in a big way and I thought that writing a post about one of the best new artists around would be the perfect opportunity to do so. I am speaking about none other than Justin Symbol. It has been great to watch Justin come into his own over the past few years, sharing the stage with him and trading ideas with him has been a true blessing for me and I hope more artists have the same rapport and support for one another that Justin and I have. I chose to name this interview "Symbolism" because of the religious cult like fanaticism that his fans(more commonly known as Fuckheads) have taken to Justin and his music. Please enjoy and I hope this gives both his current fans and those who just discovered his music the insight into his sound and how he operates.See all tour dates listed below.

Nate:How long have been playing as a solo artist?

Justin: this project began in the 2014 when I started playing shows alone with just a synth/drum machine, and it expanded from there.

Nate:Past Bands?

Justin:I was in two other notable bands, BLACKBOMBS and Nursing Home, both industrial rock/metal type three pieces. I was in Nursing Home still when I started performing and releasing material under my own name, and it grew from there. By the time I released my debut solo album: V Ω I D H E A D, I had quit Nursing Home and made Justin Symbol the priority.


Justin: O.G. Industrial stuff like Throbbing Gristle,Skinny Puppy and early Ministry, then 90s shit like NIN, Marilyn Manson and Smashing Pumpkins.. I also liked Crystal Castles a lot. Mommy wow, I'm a hipster now!

Nate:What is the Message behind your music?

Justin: I'm just telling my story and how I view the world. And it's pretty damn exciting!

Nate:How did you come up with your stage show & presence?

Justin: I love the glam and theatricality of 70s rockers like [David] Bowie and Alice Cooper. Trashy exploitation films and pop art stuff. Also just the people I hang out with, drag queens, dominatrixes, performance artist's makeup artists etc. all have played a role in my show.

Nate:What can a new fan expect to see & hear at one of your shows?

Justin: Songs they know and love from the record played with a much more rock n roll energy and theatrics, and something highly inappropriate. Someone's always mad at me at the end of each show...

Nate:Tell me about your latest releases?(including remixes & videos)

Justin: I just released the F U C K H E A D remix album, which is remixes of songs from V Ω I D H E A D by electronic/industrial artists like Psyclon Nine, BILE, Statiqbloom, Stereo a Assassin, etc. and also two new songs "Scarecrow" produced by my friend FLO and "Kingdom of Feat", a duet with Verena May. the album is a beast encompassing all genres of electronic really took on a life of it's own, and I'm very proud!

Nate:So you are about to go on your first Nationwide tour with William Control, how did this come about?

Justin:It was a friend of a friend situation, and I'm really excited to be doing this! We are crossing through Nebraska as we speak!

May 17 Webster Studio New York,NY

May 18 Brighton Bar Boston,MA

May 19 VOLTAGE Philadelphia,PA

May 20 The Broad Berry Richmond,VA

May 22 Masquerade Atlanta,GA

May 23 Local 662 Tampa,FL

May 25 TBA Houston,TX

May 26 The Prophet Bar Dallas,TX

May 27 The Greenroom at Warehouse Live Houston,TX

May 28 Korova San Antonio,TX

May 31 Joes Grotto Phoenix,AZ

Jun 03 SOMA San Diego,CA

Jun 05 Chain Reaction Anaheim,CA

Jun 07 Strummers Fresno,CA

Jun 08 Metro Oakland,CA

Jun 11 Studio Seven Seattle,WA

Nate:What are you anticipating on this tour?

Justin:death and chaos! Haha no...I expect to learn and grow much as an artist, and to bond with bandmates:, drummer "Will E Vill", guitarist "Soda" and bassist "Fox", both from Nox Cult!

Nate:What other bands are you hoping to tour with in the future?

Justin: Combichrist, Motionless in White, Ministry, Skinny Puppy, Marilyn Manson, Wednesday 13, Orgy, Deadstar Assembly

Nate:Tell me about your Indie Gogo campaign? Why are you trying to raise funds? and what can people get as a reward for donating?

Justin:We are raising funds to make our first tour a success by ensuring we have enough money for gas, food and shelter. We've all saved but unexpected shit comes up, and the biggest challenge by far is having gas money to drive all the way back to NYC from the last tour date in Seattle! Were offering awesome merchandise packages as a reward for donations!

Check out the campaign here:

Other Links:

Official Website:


Instagram @justinsymbol

Saturday, November 1, 2014

a look at the Halloween season with interview from Scream Queen Genoveva Rossi

Hello everyone, Yes I should have posted this a few days ago. But at least we still are reeling from all the Halloween excitement, well I know I am. It seems like Halloween comes and goes so fast and we never get to do everything we had planned for. Didn't go to enough parties,didn't eat enough candy,didn't go to enough places to pick pumpkins and apples, or Didn't watch enough Horror movies.

It has always interested me as to how the movies in general come to life, the story, the production, the casting and how the actors came to be. A few years ago I was given the chance to see a movie come to life as it was being made. Some friends of mine created a film called "Jack O' Slasher" and I was given a small part in the film. Even though it was an independent production, It was like just like what I heard being on a Hollywood movie set would be like. Getting into costume,preparing mentally,snacking,and hours of hanging out getting to know the other people in the film and crew.

Although I haven't been involved in much acting since then(with the exception of a small role on Law & Order SVU which will air at the end of the month)I did get to witness a friend of mine continue to pursue her acting career beyond the Jack O'Slasher film while making some great strides, even working with a big name in the film industry. I am speaking of my long time friend and Scream Queen Genoveva Rossi, I just finished interviewing her and here is what she had to say:

Nate:How long have you been acting?

Genoveva: "Since nursery school when I did my 1st play which I played a ladybug in."

Nate:What are your favorite horrors movies?

Genoveva:"The Exorcist, The Amityville Horror, The Pit and the Pendulum, Night of the Demons, Night of the Living Dead, and Black Sunday"

Nate:How did you get into acting?

Genoveva:"I had an interest in acting since childhood and had been acting in some school plays. In college I began acting in dramatic shorts. Shortly after college I had the opportunity to act in my first horror film and I jumped on it. I decided to focus on my acting and focused a lot of my attention on the horror genre. Now in the last for years I have been in over 55 horror films. Things have been very bloody and very busy!"

"Horror has always been my favorite genre as a fan so it was a natural genre to focus on as an actress. It is a really challenging and gives me the opportunity to embrace a lot of unique characters and act in some really intense scenes. It's a real challenge both as an actress and an artist. Things happen in horror that just don't happen in other genres. . ."

"Career-wise I feel like the horror genre has welcomed me with open arms. In a short period of time I have acted in a lot of spectacular horror films and I have gotten the opportunity to work with so many talented people in horror; both actors and directors. It is a real honor to be in so many films that are distributed worldwide. Also, it has been fantastic being a guest at horror conventions and seeing my work at film festivals. It has been a wild ride so far and I am thankful for everything."

"I have acted in genres outside of horror including drama, and comedy, but horror is the genre that I have gotten the most attention for. I am considered a well-known "scream queen", which means that I am recognized for my work in horror on an international level within the horror community. I do a lot of international interviews for podcasts, websites and magazines. Horror has a very loyal, international following."

Nate:Name some projects you have been involved in?

Genoveva:"Apocalypse Kiss (with D. C. Douglas, Michael Berryman, and Tom Atkins) , A Dark Place Inside, I Spill Your Guts, Hunters (with Linnea Quigley), The Sadist (with Linnea Quigley), , Tapestry (with Stephen Baldwin, Tina Louise, and Burt Young)"

Nate:Who are your favorite people to work with?

Genoveva: "Hard to say, but it was really an honor to work with Michael Berryman, D.C. Douglas, Jason Vail, Linnea Quigley, Stephen Baldwin, Burt Young, and Tina Louise. They are all people I look up to as actors and artists. I am deeply grateful for the talented people I have worked with in the horror genre and beyond! I feel so blessed."

Nate: Tell me about working with Steve Baldwin?

Genoveva:"He is a deeply spiritual person and a very bright, shining personality. He has a very warm, friendly nature and was an extremely talented actor!"

Nate:Is he your favorite Baldwin?

Genoveva: "I love all the Baldwins, but since I worked with Stephen he will always hold a special place in my heart."

Nate:What are your upcoming projects?

Genoveva: "I am very excited to be working on James Balsamo's vampiric horror/comedy Bite School. Adam Ahlbrandt's disturbing films Hunters and The Sadist. I just worked on Liam Makrogiannis's Night of the Magician. I just finished work on and attended the premiere of Not Another Bad Horror Flick."

"At this point there are really three films I think I am the most known for. Please look for me in A Dark Place Inside (directed by Mike O'Mahony), Apocalypse Kiss (directed by Christian Jude Grillo), I Spill Your Guts (directed by James Balsamo)."

"I have a lot of projects in the works! Stay tuned! Stay connected with me for more info!!!"

(see the links below)

Every month I write a feature of Malevolent Magazine called A Day In The Life Of A Scream Queen, which follows my bloody adventures in the horror genre. Find it online to see info on Not Another Bad Horror Flick and my other bloody projects. Horror isn't just a genre, it's a lifestyle!

I hope you all had a great Halloween, an encase you were wondering, here is what I decided to dressed up as:

Check out Genoveva on IMDB

My Facebook



Be sure to take a look at some scenes from Genoveva's films here:

And of course, a song from one of my favorite bands,the Misifts about Halloween:

Here is my band's version of the same song:

Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Summer to Remember (Better late than Never)

Hello everybody, Last year I did an end of the summer post and I didn't want to create a carbon copy of that. And yes I know it is October. However, after looking back at the Summer of 2014 this entry will be not be a mere Summer recap post. I don't even know where to begin to describe what I expected to happen, what did happen and how it changed me forever. For a very long time I have been suffering from many personal demons including anger,depression,hopelessness and abandonment. Topped with the pressures of everyday life and trying to keep a band moving it can be quite taxing. Luckily, I allowed myself to loosen the grip on how I felt things should be and learned to "go with the flow" a bit. With the help of a few great friends that I had made recently I learned that I need to put these bad traits behind me and I can't thank them enough for helping me change for the better. Yet I know that I still have much to learn and that my personal evolution has just begun. We all have our own paths to follow and I feel blessed to have shared this time with a few special people. I also realized that the power of my words can both hurt and heal whether I was on stage or not. We ended up having a great time on my Birthday and at our Record Release party, held at the Salvation goth party. The kind of fun time that parts of are still a blur to me,lol. But all in all we all had a blast and I can safely say it was not only one of the best Birthdays I had but also one of the greatest nights of my life.
After the Record Release party, we performed at the Witchfest which was right on Astor Place in the heart of NYC. The day started out by us hurrying to the show while sitting in Saturday afternoon traffic, which until recently would have frustrated me to no end. Luckily for me I was learning to remain calm and reassured that things would still go as planned and of course my special Angel was right next to me reminding me of that. We ended up arriving at Witchfest just in the nick of time to play a few songs and preventing the crowd from entirely disappearing from the event. Now remember when I said I realized my words could heal? That afternoon I gave a gift to a certain someone hoping to make them understand a bit more about the Wiccan religion and it's symbolization. It was a dagger that was meant to protect whomever wore the pendant, which I felt was needed. I only mention this because the reaction from this individual may go down as one of the most touching experiences of my entire life. To my surprise She wept with Joy which I never expected to happen. I had simply thought I was given a small token to some one I care for dearly in hopes that it would keep her from harm. I even got to ride down Astor Place on the hood of my truck as if I was on top of the world or on some Parade float. We Took plenty of pictures, got interviewed and even showed off the ad we placed on the front Inside cover of Gothic Beauty Magazine. And later on that evening we met up with more friends and attended the Red Party.
All in all it was a great Summer, we learned to gel as a unit and except one another flaws and all. We found inspiration,love,romance,a Super Moon and the valuable yet sad lesson that nothing lasts forever no matter how magical these moments may feel. Although the memories you hold in your heart can last a lifetime and get you through any hard times you may have in the future. The feelings I have experienced during the Summer of 2014 will be with me until the end of my days and I assure you will live on past our time. As I stated recently: "Make Her your Wife and your Love will last a lifetime, make Her your muse and your Love will last an eternity".
Of Course this blog would not even exist without music and I usually only post one video. However, this Summer was So Amazing that I have to include several songs that will always remind me of this time. Thanks again for reading and God Bless you all, Nate xoxo

And for those who prefer the original:

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Elder: an exclusive interview with the NYC Dark scene's own DJ Patrick

Hello everybody, after my last entry I need to show everyone how resilient the life of a musician can be and how the next day can bring about great changes. So after a few deep breathes and listening speeches/watching scenes from Rocky, a movie that always lifts my spirits I decided to focus on some very great upcoming events I am involved with.

Very soon it will be my Birthday, and I will be fortunate enough to be performing at that day. Also, I have been lucky enough to coordinate the special day so that the Imbolg Record release party will be on the same day at a very great event here in NYC known as Salvation, which was created by none other than Joe Cyn, and the NYC Goth scene's most tenured DJ: Patrick. This is truly a great honor to be a part of this event, as excited as I am I still managed to come up with some questions for Patrick regarding his events and his very prosperous 20 year plus career as a DJ, here is what he had to say:

Nate: Have you ever played in a band?

Patrick: "I never played in band. I've never had the patience for all the practice it would require. I've always been highly critical of mediocre bands (which are overflowing in the Goth scene). My own standards would be impossible to live up to. So it would be kinda pointless."

Nate: When did you start to DJ?:

Patrick: "I started DJing in 1992 at the basement of the Pyramid. It was an event called Stigmata. They had a second room and wanted it to be all Goth. The first DJ's they hired were extremely pretentious and adhered to a strict dress code. The door person literally told the promoter he couldn't come into his own party because of his attire. They got the boot and I was in.

Nate: What made you become interested in it?

Patrick: "Becoming a DJ was never something I sought out, it just sort of fell into my lap. I was going to a party called Troublemaker at Mother on 14th street. The Late DJ Reese would include a lot of Goth in his sets. At this time all these great new Gothic bands were coming up (Rosetta Stone, London After Midnight, The Wake, etc), but they weren't getting spun in the clubs. I started bringing the early Rosetta Stone 12inches for Reese to play. The party's promoter Craig realized that I had a bit of a knowledge about the genre and asked if I wanted to spin at the new party he was doing."

Nate: Who taught you how to Dj?

Patrick:"When I started it was still only vinyl at most clubs. I was given a crash course on my first night and picked it up from there. I'm still not proficient with the technical aspects of DJing. I wouldn't know the first thing about setting up the equipment, but no one has picked up on that in my two decades of doing this. I think song selection and good taste in music is much more important than technical savvy anyhow."

Nate: Favorite bands?

Patrick: "My favorite classic Goth bands would be Christian Death(with Rozz[Williams]), The Cure, Siouxsie, Clan of Xymox and all the usual suspects. Although Devo is my favorite band of all time. It's all about the music that catches you around the age of 13. As much as I love a lot of new bands, I don't have 30 years of memories to go along with them, so I'm stuck with Devo. As far as more recent Goth or Dark/Post Punk type bands. I love The Exploding Boy, Sleepmask, The Soft Moon and Lebanon Hanover. There are a lot of bands on the periphery of the genre that I love (Cold Cave, Light Asylum, etc) but a lot of newer bands that embrace the Goth tag and actually fly the flag for this type of music usually suck. I listen to some of these acts and I feel like I'm listening to a comedy recording. The vocals are so deep that it becomes ridiculous and makes the whole scene look like a total joke. I'm being polite today, so I won't mention names."

Nate: What are some your favorite places to spin at?

Patrick: "I don't have any favorite places to spin, just as long as the sound system is descent and they have room in the DJ booth to spread out my CD books, I'm fine. I'm very low maintenance."

Nate: You recently attended the Wave Gotik Treffen Festival in Germany, can you tell us a bit about that?:

Patrick: WGT is the world's biggest Goth festival. It covers everything from Goth rock, Deathrock, EBM, Industrial, Post Punk and even some Gothic Metal. It basically takes over the entire city of Leipzig for 4 days. This years lineup included one of my favorite band The Marionettes. They have been inactive in recent years, so It was great to see them live. They have never played the states. There are other festivals around, but this is the big one. I always liken the opportunity to DJ at this event to an Oscar nomination. It's a great honor and I've been able to do it twice. It's one of those times that doing all this work for the scene over the years actually pays off. One of the best DJ experiences ever."

Nate: Past club events you have Djed at?

Patrick: "I've done so many events that it would be hard to list them all, but I'm probably most known for The Bank during it's peak years in the 90's, Communion at the Limelight( I was there for the last 9 months) and Albion/Batcave at Rebel. Salvation is about to have it's 7th anniversary, so a whole new generation is familiar with me from that party. It's unbelievable that some kids coming out now that weren't even born when I started doing this. I've had a regular residency at some club or another for 22 years running. No gaps whatsoever. I'm pretty proud of that streak.

Nate: Please tell us about Salvation(how did the party come about and what can people expect when they go there?

Patrick: "Salvation came about because Albion/ Batcave closed. It was the biggest Goth event NYC ever had, so it was missed when it ended. I was going to a Hipster venue and realized that the Saturday night was floundering. I asked the manager about it and he gave me one Saturday to throw an event. I contacted two other Albion DJ's Cyn and Templar and we laid out the plans. Templar left after a few parties, but he still guest Dj's at every anniversary. We try to keep the party focused on the music. We don't do theme night's and rarely use guest DJ's. Cyn spins Industrial/EBM and I focus on Gothic Rock and some New Wave. We try to keep the playlists current, by spinning a lot of new bands, but we also haven't forgotten the classics. You can expect to hear something familiar, but also something new and maybe something you haven't heard in a while. At least that's what we hope the experience will be. We are both pretty open to requests, so don't be afraid to ask. Sometimes the request is better than what we intended to play.

Salvation is held every month at the Windfall Bar and Grill located at 23 west 39th street in Manhattan. For more information on this upcoming Salvation please click here to see the Official event page and be sure to join the: Salvation Facebook Group for information on upcoming events.

Thanks again for reading and hope to see you on the 28th, Nate
P.S. here is some of what Patrick witnessed this year at Wave Gotik Treffen, enjoy:

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Most likely the MOST messed up band story you'll ever hear

Hello everyone. I know it's been nearly a month since my last entry. I have finally finished the Imbolg album. It is a great weight off my shoulders. Now I have plenty of work to do to promote the album and get the band back out performing shows. This has also meant that I am no longer working with the band Of beauty and Madness. As many of you know our lives have many turning points and things sometimes "run there course". However, it always best to see this early on and try to settle matters civilly as I had attempted to. Unfortunately, we have no control over the actions of others and my former partner at Forever Autumn Records and band mate grew to resent me due to his lack of time and inability to accomplish the things we had set forth to do together. I found myself taking on more responsibilities than I had bargained for and my efforts were unappreciated by all who are in the band, simply because they have never been in a band where two members are seasoned and knowledgeable on the business side and had no understanding of the promotional and publicity efforts I had put forth even after numerous explanations. Even the video I put together for the Indie gogo campaign was under scrutiny because it was an idea they didn't set forth first even though it promoted the band. It became a situation in which this band became jealous and skeptical of what I was trying to do instead of asking questions, even accusing me of being dishonest and a thief(would have been able to deal with people the music business for this long If I was?). One question that was asked that I am still dumbfounded by was : "what is the purpose of the label?". I felt I was being dragged down and that my reputation was being compromised by their lack of dedication and professionalism. I wasn't thrilled by one band members hate speech against Christianson her personal facebook page.We are all entitled to out opinions, but an unknown band should be trying to win people over, not upset potential fans by post negative articles about a religion the 1/4 of world's population believes in. I had no problem doing more than my fair share of work, but many people don't understand that this business is give and take. I found myself doing work, sacrificing time for people that do not understand all the work i've done or see that is necessary. And this was the result of me trying to sever ties with this band:

Thousands of dollars of my equipment discarded and left for anyone to take. Is this how people in the music business treat each other? NO, but this proved this person is about childish, petty antics and not about music. Was this in any way cool? No, but this is why a person like this shouldn't be involved in music. This person even had the nerve to attempt to have charges pressed on after I called him when I saw this picture, anyone would have been upset am I right?

I was fortunate to learn early on as a teenager that the business side of music is just as important as the writing and performing aspects. True, I am not wealthy by any means or living in a multi million dollar mansion and those that only see music as either Rags or riches have no idea what the music industry is all about. For example, the band KISS was signing autographs on what was their 3rd of 4th National tour I believe and a young fan asked: "what is it like to be rich and famous?" one of the band member's said: " I can tell you what it is like to be famous, but I cant tell you what it is like to be rich". I have stated before many get this Hollywood version of how success(in any field) works and they don't realize that a 90 minute movie is created to entertain, not to educate. People see a guy pick up a guitar in the first 15 minutes and mid way through the movie he is on the cover of every music magazine in the country. Those who get inspired by this rush to a music store and buy a guitar only to realize its not going to magically attract fame,money and women to you in the blink of an eye. Those who do this for the right reasons continue to do so through thick and thin, work with others in a reciprocal manner and realize you learn as you go. And most importantly, treat those around them with the respect they are seeking from others. After years of being hired by notable artists to get them paying shows, this band actually refused to working alongside of me on well paying shows, and even yelled at me when I explained how a record label recoups money from an artist.

I know that this may have many of you questioning my credibility as they have, or this may seem like me just venting. But like I had told one of the members of this band(when they questioned my authorization to post about the band on my blog) This blog is meant to tell my experiences as a musician and to educate. If someone else can learn from this and have a smoother path then me after reading this, so be it. Some younger artists question why those who have achieved success don't share their contacts or knowledge with others, THIS IS A PRIME EXAMPLE OF WHY. And this will not stop me from continuing to play music and help others, but I will be more selective about who I chose to help(since I received more gratitude from other bands that I barely did anything for).

Thank you all for reading both presently and in the past. I know it is best to cut my loses and learn from this, after all this does not define me, it is just one lesson in my quest for to be a life long musician. Many don't have what it takes, many can't handle the day in day out process of being an artist and that's why I had to move on before it consumed me. I hope all of you learn from what happened to me and continue to support what I am doing. I figured this song was the most appropriate to post,listen to the lyrics and you will know why. Thank you all,Nate