Our league is a carry over league with roster size of 35 maximum. Minimum usage of 50% plate appearances and innings pitched is required to carry over a player to the next season. The league is 100% netplay and we complete approximately 2 seasons per calendar year. Our schedule is broken into 15 day blocks where you play approximately 12-16 games per block. The league has four 5 team divisions with the division winners making the playoffs. The top 2 teams in each league win wildcard spots in the playoffs.

Interested in joining the Hardcore League? Read our Constitution, and if you like what you see, send an e-mail!

The Hardcore League World Series Champions for 1983: Mid-World Bumblers (97-65).

Top 1984 Draft Picks
Kirby Puckett
Eric Davis
Alvin Davis

Roger Clemens
Dwight Gooden
Bret Saberhagen
Current Season - 1984

1984 Owner List

1984 Schedule

1984 Unlimited Players

1984 Uncarded Players

1984 Transactions

Upcoming Season - 1985

1985 Baseball Rookies

1985 Draft Grid

Other Info
Hardcore Yahoo Group
All-Star Games
Draft Grid Index
Game Files
Hardcore League Rules
Hardcore Records
Manager History
Season Awards

More Links and Leagues

Draft Results