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Protesters took to the streets of Miami Friday night to protest Donald Trump's election. At one point, crowds marched onto and blocked Interstate 395. (Nov. 11) AP

About 2,000 demonstrators marched down Fifth Avenue in Manhattan on Saturday in a fourth day of anti-Donald Trump protests nationwide. Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., also saw continued demonstrations that have swept the country since Tuesday's election.

While most protests have been peaceful, there have been some spurts of violence and at least one shooting.

A gunman firing first into the air then at a protester injured one man, apparently shot in the leg, during a confrontation Friday night and early Saturday on a bridge over the Willamette River in Portland.

The victim was taken to a hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries as police sought a male suspect, who apparently fled in his vehicle.

The latest round of protests on Saturday developed in New York, where demonstrators rallied first at Union Square then pushed into the street in a march toward Trump Tower, where the president-elect lives.

Fifth Avenue was crowded for blocks with about 2,000 protesters in a peaceful demonstration as police lined both sides of the street and followed along on foot and on motorcycle.

In Chicago, hundreds of people including families with small children chanted “No hate. No fear. Immigrants are welcome here” as they marched Saturday through Millennium Park, a popular downtown tourist attraction.

Yoga teacher Sonja Spray, 29, said she heard about the Saturday morning demonstration on Facebook and decided to join the protest over Trump's election, the Associated Press reports. She carried a sign reading, “WOMEN are NO JOKE."

In Portland, demonstrations began as a peaceful rally at City Hall on Friday afternoon only to be stopped by police after protesters reportedly split into groups and vandalized parts of the city.

Through the night, flash bangs and tear gas were used to disperse protesters. Police advised the crowd that their gathering was considered an unlawful assembly and they were subject to arrest.

The shooting on Portland's Morrison bridge broke out following a confrontation between a man in a vehicle and a demonstrator, police said. It wasn't clear whether the dispute stemmed from politics.

"The suspect got out of the vehicle and fired multiple shots injuring the victim," police said in a statement. The victim, according to one witness, was shot in the leg, reports.

On Twitter, police said the suspect is described as African-American male in his late teens, wearing a dark hoodie and saggy blue jeans.

The chants at the protests in recent days have become familiar: "Love Trumps Hate," "Hey hey, ho ho, Donald Trump has got to go," and still others buoyed by expletives. The protesters say they are aware their words and actions cannot reverse Tuesday's decision, but many said they want to raise awareness about their opposition to a campaign that included revelations about disparaging remarks Trump made regarding women and threats to build a wall between the United States and Mexico to keep immigrants out.

In Manhattan, Leslie Holmes, 65, a website developer from Connecticut, said she was joining her first protest since the anti-war marches of the 1970s.

She described herself as an armchair liberal but declared, “I’m not going to be armchair anymore.”

“I don’t want to live in a country where my friends aren’t included, and my friends are fearful, and my children are going to grow up in a world that’s frightening, and my granddaughters can look forward to being excluded from jobs and politics and fulfilling their potential. So I’m here for them,” she said, according to the Associated Press.

In Los Angeles, about 150 protesters were arrested after they failed to disperse at about 1:30 a.m. Saturday, said Officer Aareon Jefferson. It was close to the same number that had been arrested the previous night for another demonstration.

The 1,000 protesters marched through the city’s downtown streets, chanting and carrying signs, followed by a large group of police. They disrupted traffic, but no other major issues were reported.  Demonstrations are expected to continue Saturday as protesters are planning to march from MacArthur Park, west of downtown, an area of older apartment buildings that is home to many Latinos.

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Spurred by fear and outrage, protesters around the country rallied and marched Friday as they have done daily since Donald Trump’s presidential election victory. (Nov. 11) AP

Trump said via Twitter on Thursday that the protests are being fueled by the media, and he called them "unfair" — but he backpedaled Friday morning, tweeting that he loves that "the small groups of protesters ... have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!"

In Miami, hundreds of young people packed into Bayfront Park shouting "Not My President" and "Black Lives Matter" as they bounced signs above their heads reading "Hate Ain't Great" and "You're Fired," a reference to Trump's reality TV show The Apprentice.

The crowd, numbering into the thousands, also blocked both lanes of Interstate 395 for about half an hour before proceeding downtown.

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Pictures of people wearing safety pins are popping up on social media as a way to protest Donald Trump. USA TODAY NETWORK

In Burlington, Vt., about 200 people gathered in City Hall Park, heeding a call issued via Facebook by University of Vermont sophomore Emily Flaherty. The 20-year-old said it was the first time she'd done anything like this.

"The election of a man who has bragged about sexually assaulting women, called them pig and dogs, who is unapologetic about his conduct, makes me feel unsafe and sick," Flaherty said.

Former Vermont state legislator Judy Rosenstreich encouraged those in the crowd to use their emotions to propel them into politics and public service.

"Regardless of the fact that Trump was elected, we're not going to compromise a single advancement we have made," Rosenstreich, a Democrat, told the crowd.

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In a series of tweets, the conservative pundit mocks anti-Trump protesters' weight. USA TODAY NETWORK

In Iowa City, Iowa, hundreds of demonstrators marched through downtown and shut down Interstate 80. Earlier Friday, about 200 students walked out of classes at City High School, marching into downtown.

Armani Smith, a 17-year-old senior, said he helped stage the walkout that included a march through streets packed with traffic.

"After the election, a lot of people at City High were down, crying, very sad — a lot of teachers were crying," Smith said. "Basically who I'm looking to is Martin Luther King. He taught me a lot of things when I was young, that peaceful protest can accomplish some change in society."

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Contributing: Chris Woodyard and Charles Ventura from Los Angeles, Dan D'Ambrosio of the Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Lamaur Stancil of The Treasure Coast News, Lauren E. Hernandez of the (Salem, Ore.) Statesman Journal, the Iowa City Press-Citizen, WXIA-TV, Atlanta, and KGW-TV, Portland, Ore.

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