Anti-Donald Trump Protests Gain Strength Days After Election

People say they're willing to keep it up for the next four years.

11/12/2016 02:24 pm ET | Updated 3 days ago
Sebastian Murdock

NEW YORK ― Thomas Sites held an American flag in one hand and a sign that read “Veterans against Trump,” in the other. Sites served in the U.S. Army from 1970 to 1972, stationed in Czechoslovakia ― behind what was then known as the Iron Curtain. He lived through the Vietnam War. But he said America now faces a much bigger threat: President-elect Donald Trump.

It’s been four days since Trump’s unexpected victory and people across the country are still protesting in massive numbers.

Thousands, including Sites, demonstrated in New York City’s streets yet again on Saturday against the president-elect, marching toward Trump Tower and chanting, “Can’t build a wall, hands too small!”

A heavy police presence maintained order outside of the president-elect’s residence in midtown Manhattan, corralling many on the street.

People carried signs declaring everything from “hate won’t make us great” to “not my president,” a slogan that many across the country adopted this week following Trump’s surprise victory.

Britt Kubat, 34, held a sign that read, “Your vote was a hate crime.”

“I thought it was a good way to hold those accountable who voted for Trump,” Kubat explained.

Emily Wells, 34, said she’s willing to protest for the next four years.

“We cannot normalize this behavior,” Wells said of Trump’s record of racism and sexism. “The end game is to say to the country, to the rest of the world, that this is not normal and this is not what we want.”

Trump’s denial of climate change could spell disaster for the country and the rest of the world, added Joanna Underwood, 76.

“He believes climate change is a hoax,” she said. “That may be the most dangerous thing of all.”

For now, Underwood said she’ll keep marching until change is made.

“I think the purpose of these marches is to show people and the rest of the world that there is great distress and anger about Trump being the president-elect, especially since he didn’t win the full vote of the people.”

Sites, the Army veteran, said Trump is a threat to democracy.

“I’m here to defend what my country stands for,” Sites said while holding an American flag. “This is the greatest threat to my country since the Vietnam War. Being out here protesting is making me feel young again.”

Sebastian Murdock

People have been demonstrating every night since Wednesday from coast to coast. The rallies have remained peaceful for the most part, except for in Portland, Oregon, where someone was shot and injured early Saturday.

Protesters planned another rally Saturday in Los Angeles, where police arrested 150 people just a few hours before for refusing to disperse. Thousands gathered in downtown Chicago Saturday afternoon as well. A Catharsis on the Mall event, focused less on protesting and more on healing, will take place throughout the entire weekend in Washington, DC. And the momentum will likely be sustained in many places in between.

Trump, who since being elected has called to unite the country, blasted the demonstrations on Thursday:

The next day, he tweeted the opposite sentiment:

This story has been updated to include details about the heavy police presence in Manhattan.

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