There is much concern by reactionaries about social media companies like Twitter and Facebook censoring right-wing and anti-mass immigration views. The most effective means at their disposal are quite subtle: rather than banning a writer outright, they just make it very difficult for outsiders to learn about them by manipulating search engines, popularity metrics, and the like.
It occurs to me that the Right has been effectively “shadowbanning” itself for decades, and this is the reason we are so vulnerable to this sort of attack. As I’ve written before, the Right blogosphere is not properly interconnected. Everyone should link to people both more moderate and more extreme (along each axis of extremity–no one should imagine he is perfectly moderate or perfectly extreme on all axes). Instead the Right is filled with stop points that effectively attempt to shadowban everyone to their Right.
Imagine a properly interconnected Right. Soft censorship from social media companies would be ineffective against it. Everybody links to groups at least one step to their Right, which makes it impossible to quietly block off everyone to the Right of some threshold of extremism. Nor would it be practical to declare anyone who links to an extremist to also be an extremist. If everyone just links to people one link to the Right, then transitively the company would have to block the entire mainstream Right as “extremists” just for linking people slightly less mainstream. This couldn’t be done without provoking outrage, and, to the extent the mainstream Right are “useful idiots” for the establishment anyway, wouldn’t even be considered desirable.
I could easily imagine creating links to the mainstream myself. If I had the time and energy, it would be clever to operate a more mainstream, accessible blog whose real goal would actually be to sneak in links to the true esoteric doctrine at Throne and Altar. One strategy would be to sometimes claim on my mainstream blog to disagree with, to be utterly scandalized by, what this “Bonald” says at his radical blog. But I give a link, and I make it sound interesting. Or maybe it works best to drop hints that there are deeper, secret layers of the truth that I dare not mention on my own (mainstream) blog, but I provide a link. Straussian levels of esoteric subtlety are not needed here.
I don’t have time to operate two blogs, though. I don’t even have the time (or, perhaps, the talent) to operate a single blog that’s genuinely influential. So there’s no way I could put together a second that would be more popular and not even express my true beliefs. This is where I am wanting the mainstream Right to start doing its job.
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