Autonomy & Authority

The revolution in Rojava: an eyewitness account

An interview with the three authors of a new book — “Revolution in Rojava” — about their experiences and observations witnessing the birth of a new society.

Autonomy & Authority

Zapatistas propose indigenous woman for Mexican presidency

“May the earth shake at its core…” was the title of the announcement. And, indeed, the news came like an earthquake — and not only for Mexican politics.

Education & Emancipation

Students in the UK prepare for a new wave of rent strikes

Any movement tactic proposed today needs to suit a precarious student population that’s working more hours, carrying more debt and paying more for housing.

Education & Emancipation

Syriza tramples anarchist prisoner’s right to study

It’s been nearly two years since Nikos Romanos ended his iconic hunger strike to claim his legal right to educational leave, but little has changed since.

The Flip Side

Conservation is about the survival of ecological communities — but what if poaching were the only solution for the survival of a human one?

Seeding Fear

This short documentary co-produced by Neil Young tells the story of Michael White, a fourth generation farmer, who went toe to toe with Monsanto.

The Camp — Eko

This final part of a mini series on the dreams and struggles of refugees in Greece tells the stories of those stuck at the unofficial Eko refugee camp.

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