Sushi in Waldo

We tried Kokoro Maki House at 75th & Wornall last night. It’s like a fast food joint rather than a restaurant, but the food was really good. We had a rainbow roll, salmon sushi, and ramen. Definitely going back, but for takeout rather than eat-in.

The prices were reasonable, especially for the quality. The texture of the salmon was outstanding, and I think the spicy ramen might just get me through this next winter.

Reviews like these from Trip Advisor were why we tried the place—also, it’s only two miles from home. Charles Feruzza, in the Pitch review, thought the sushi was “solidly average” but really liked the Korean food. Maybe we’ll try Korean next time.

Good news and bad

The good news is I have three new bass traps in my studio, that I built personally. With two more to come soon.

The bad news… well, let me tell you about that. I have a staple gun that looks like it was built backwards. It’s really big on one end and small on the other. What seems natural to me (and to everyone else I know who’s picked it up) is that the staples should come out of the small end. I don’t know why, it just seems that way. Stapling fabric onto the bass trap frames, several time I picked it up the wrong way, but always caught myself before using it. Until right after I came home from buying more staples, anyway.

I picked up the stapler to get back to where I stopped before the errand. I lined up the end  on the fabric and pulled the trigger. Bang! But there was no staple in the fabric. It took a moment to realize I’d held it backwards. I thought, at least I missed hitting myself. Then I looked at my middle finger. Wait a minute, THERE’S A FUCKING STAPLE STICKING OUT OF MY FINGER!!! I felt surprise that it didn’t hurt, and then grabbed it and yanked as fast as I could. It hurt plenty when it came out. And bled a fair amount for a puncture.

So, that’s the bad news. All told, I’m happy to have the bass traps. And seriously thinking about throwing that staple gun away.

Facebook links: forward into the past, part 2

Tape Op’s Larry Crane on Sound City

Louis CK on racism

Erik Voeks – Burnin’ For You

Krugman: Marco Rubio has learned nothing

Bill Moyers: Why US internet access is slow, costly and unfair

Centro-Matic – Triggers and Trash Heaps

Scientists discover gene and part of brain that make people gullible

Love Is Only Sleeping – The Monkees

Hitchhiker gives best interview ever

Drum solo!

No austerity anywhere in the world has ever restored a national economy

In Your Eyes – The Reivers

The Atlantic: Why the “citizen militia” is the worst pro-gun argument ever

Creole Gumbo Recipe from Smithsonian Magazine

The Onion: 62-year-old man with gun the only thing standing between nation and government takeover

Footage from vintage Jon Brion show (Elliott Smith covers John Lennon and Big Star)

How Japanese kids learn to multiply in primary school

The two sentences that should be part of all discussions of the debt ceiling

The Hitler gun-control lie

Never trust a Photocopier


Robert Reich: “entitlement reform” is a hoax

The legendary J&H Productions tape

In the House, a deck stacked for Republicans

The illusion of choice: infographic on media consolidation

A plethora of cat videos:

The difference between Hindus and Sikhs and Muslims

Beautiful, beautiful pics of aurora borealis

KSHB interviews with the Rainmakers

Hidden Pictures live at the Jackpot, Lawrence KS: For the Sake of the Streak video

Facebook links: forward into the past, part 1

One of the big annoyances with Facebook, for me, is how hard it is to find anything you posted more than a couple days ago. There are some links that I like to refer back to now and again, and it’s a whole lot easier on a blog like this than on FB.

This is somewhat easier with FB’s timeline, so I’m going through mine to find any links I would prefer to not lose track of. Starting with May 2009….

Sippin’ Green Fairy – a story on absinthe.

Joni Mitchell plays “Amelia” live with Pat Metheny

Rainmakers “Rockin’ at the T Dance” live in Finland.

Jimmie Spheeris “The Nest” and “I Am the Mercury” album cover video on YouTube

Firesign Theater “Temporarily Humboldt County”

Scientific American: Evolution Details Revealed Through 21-Year E. coli Experiment

Happy 40th Birthday, Internet!

Beautiful 360° panorama of the Milky Way

Sweetwater Interview with Ken Scott — lots of other interviews linked in the sidebar.

 Ants That Count!

The Twilight Hours (former members of Trip Shakespeare)

The Wilders “Sorry I Let You Down” live in Glasgow, Scotland

 The Death of Mistakes Means the Death of Rock’n’Roll

Crescent Triton in front of crescent Neptune — beautiful image

 Garfunkel and Oates “A Turn For the Douche”

Whew! That’s it for 2009….