Niki Sharma
Niki Sharma is a lawyer who practices aboriginal law in Vancouver.

She was elected in Vancouver's local government on the Park Board. She served as the chair of the board and worked on creating a more inclusive and sustainable park system.

She now serves on the board of the Vancouver PuSH International Performing Arts Festival, Battered Women's Support Services and the Women's Advisory Committee to the City of Vancouver.

She is passionate about creating a greener and more compassionate world.

Entries by Niki Sharma

White Canadians, Be Honest: Do We Need To Be Afraid Of You?

(112) Comments | Posted November 11, 2016 | 4:51 PM

Dear White Canadians,

When I was a little girl, I remember clearly the first time that I was called a racist name, that moment where I understood that I was not equal. There is a pain in these experiences that stays with you for life. I am sure that...

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Sexual Assault, Lies And Videotapes

(29) Comments | Posted October 14, 2016 | 5:21 PM

Celebrity male douchebag, woman claims sexual assault years after it happened, wave of people try to discredit her, more women come forward, douchebag continues to deny that anything happened, douchebag gets away with it.

Does this not feel like major déjà vu? Have we not played this disturbing game far...

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We Will Not Be Fooled By The Lies Of Today's Far Right

(20) Comments | Posted June 27, 2016 | 11:34 AM

It is hard not to feel like we are now living in a changed world. A world where it is again possible to win major political victories by spouting fear, intolerance and nationalism. There is a frightening rise of discourse in many countries that contains echoes of ethnic superiority and...

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Dear Loretta: Your Racial Slur Disturbed Me, But I Won't Delete It

(55) Comments | Posted March 25, 2016 | 10:51 PM

Niki Sharma is a lawyer and former Vancouver Park Board chair. She's currently running for one of three Vancity Board of Director positions. On Thursday, she received a racist comment on her campaign page.

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Dear Syrian Refugees: Canada Is Not Immune To Racism

(14) Comments | Posted January 12, 2016 | 11:41 AM

To my newest neighbours and soon-to-be Canadians,

Many of us are working hard to welcome you and hope that you will find peace and safety in our country. Good people are organizing across the country in homes, community centers and places of worship to do our best to respond to...

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Justin Trudeau Sets A New Standard For White Male Privilege

(196) Comments | Posted November 10, 2015 | 12:19 PM

It is hard to imagine a more storybook rise to power than the ascent of our current Prime Minister. A charmed prince regaining his father's throne and filling people with hope for a bright new day. It is a story that is all too familiar to us as we learn...

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We Should Not Let Racialized Fear Define Our Political Future

(241) Comments | Posted October 12, 2015 | 12:48 AM

At Ross Street Sikh temple in South Vancouver, there is a beautiful little museum to commemorate the Komagata Maru that chronicles the story of this tragic mark on Canadian history.

There is one section of the museum that features newspaper articles from the time that the ship and its passengers...

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