Rachel Notley

Video Skewers Those Who Blame Notley For Absolutely Everything

The Huffington Post Alberta | Michelle Butterfield | Posted 11.14.2016 | Canada Alberta

"Rachel Notley convinced my dog to eat his own poop."

Harassment Claims In PC Leadership Race Are Troubling: Notley

CP | The Canadian Press | Posted 11.09.2016 | Canada Alberta

Both female candidates in the race dropped out.

Notley Remembers A 'Gracious, Statesmanlike' Prentice

The Canadian Press | Lauren Krugel | Posted 10.20.2016 | Canada Alberta

Notley began her annual state-of-the-province address by lauding Prentice's contributions to public life.

Notley Promises Plan To Phase Out Coal Is Coming Soon

CP | The Canadian Press | Posted 10.19.2016 | Canada Alberta

The government has promised to end coal-fired electricity generation by 2030.

Can New Panel Help Diversify Alberta's Energy Industry?

CP | The Canadian Press | Posted 10.13.2016 | Canada Alberta

EDMONTON — The Alberta government has struck a panel to advise it on the best way to upgrade its energy industry. Energy Minister Marg McCuaig-Bo...

Pipeline Critics Must Learn To Compromise Or Be Left Behind

Robbie Kreger-Smith | Posted 10.13.2016 | Canada Politics
Robbie Kreger-Smith

We're being left behind by other countries and economies while we chase an elusive ideal under some imaginary rainbow. It's time for our leaders to stand up and draw a line in the sand and stop enabling these fanatics, lest they achieve their ultimate goal of completely shutting down our economic engine.

Notley Won't Team Up With Premiers To Fight Liberal Carbon Tax

CP | The Canadian Press | Posted 10.06.2016 | Canada Alberta

N.S., Saskatchewan premiers have been vocal critics.

Alberta University Steps Up For Muslims After Hateful Posters Hit Campus

The Huffington Post Canada | Mohamed Omar | Posted 10.05.2016 | Canada Alberta

Police are investigating the posters.

Notley Says 'No' To Trudeau's Climate Change Plan

CP | The Canadian Press | Posted 10.03.2016 | Canada Alberta

"Our province's economic interests should not be held hostage by politicians in Ottawa."

Wynne Now The Least Popular Premier In Canada, Poll Suggests

The Huffington Post Canada | Ryan Maloney | Posted 09.27.2016 | Canada Politics

Move over, Dwight Ball.

Alberta Pushes Ahead To Have $15 Minimum Wage By 2018

CP | The Canadian Press | Posted 09.13.2016 | Canada Alberta

By October it will have the highest minimum wage amongst all provinces.

Notley Says She Was 'Bemused' By Brian Jean's Joke

CP | The Canadian Press | Posted 09.01.2016 | Canada Alberta

She urged Albertans to hold politicians to a high standard.

Olympian Jen Kish Slams Brian Jean For Joke About Beating Notley

CP | The Canadian Press | Posted 09.01.2016 | Canada Alberta


Brian Jean Sorry For Joke About Beating Rachel Notley

The Huffington Post Alberta | Sarah Rieger | Posted 08.31.2016 | Canada Alberta

Notley's been the target of violent threats since becoming premier.

Alberta To Stick To Budget Plan, Despite Deficit: Notley

CP | The Canadian Press | Posted 08.26.2016 | Canada Alberta

Notley noted the extra cost is due to the Fort McMurray wildfires last spring.

Notley Says Power Companies Expected A 'Free Ride' From PCs

CP | The Canadian Press | Posted 08.25.2016 | Canada Alberta

She said her government "is committed to protecting the public."

Notley Says Power Companies Expected A 'Free Ride' From PCs

CP | The Canadian Press | Posted 08.25.2016 | Canada Alberta

She said her government "is committed to protecting the public."

Notley Says Austerity Measures Would Make Alberta's Deficit Worse

CP | The Canadian Press | Posted 08.24.2016 | Canada Alberta

"Our province, we know, cannot run deficits indefinitely."

Rachel Notley To March In Calgary Pride Parade

The Huffington Post Alberta | Sarah Rieger | Posted 08.24.2016 | Canada Alberta

It'll be her second year marching as premier.

Online Threats Against Rachel Notley Are Part Of A Disturbing Trend

Jerry Dias | Posted 08.17.2016 | Canada Politics
Jerry Dias

A disgusting image was distributed on Twitter late last week and over the weekend, part of a disturbing trend that is increasingly all too common in its open targeting of women in positions of power. This image and any that threatens violence against any woman are completely unacceptable. None of these incredible women need me, or any man, to come to their defense. But as a man, and as an ally that is committed to stopping violence against women, it is my duty to tell other men that this sort of behaviour is completely unacceptable and must end.

Trade Deal Among Premiers Looking Less Likely

CP | Bob Weber, The Canadian Press | Posted 07.25.2016 | Canada

A deal could go through without including the always-contentious issue of alcohol.

Premiers Committed To Freer Trade Within Canada

CP | The Canadian Press | Posted 07.20.2016 | Canada Politics

Canada's provincial and territorial leaders gather in Whitehorse to discuss trade, health, climate, and pensions.

Notley Says Wall's Beer Tax Comments Are A 'Political Drive-By'

CP | Dean Bennett, The Canadian Press | Posted 07.19.2016 | Canada Alberta

Alberta's markup on beer in increasing in August.

Sask. Minister Says Alberta's Beer Tax Is 'Off Side'

CP | The Canadian Press | Posted 07.18.2016 | Canada Alberta

Starting Aug. 5, Alberta will charge a $1.25-per-litre markup for all beer.

Trudeau Celebrates 'The Friendliest, Happiest Week In All Of Canada'

CP | Bill Graveland, The Canadian Press | Posted 07.17.2016 | Canada Alberta

Any celebration in Alberta is under a cloud these days.