Laurie Gough
Laurie Gough is the author of the newly-released, Stolen Child: A Mother's Journey to Rescue Her Son from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Dundurn Press); Kiss the Sunset Pig: An American Road Trip with Exotic Detours (Penguin), and Kite Strings of the Southern Cross: A Woman’s Travel Odyssey (Random House), shortlisted for the Thomas Cook Travel Book Award in the U.K., and silver medal winner of ForeWord Magazine’s Travel Book of the Year in the U.S. Over twenty of her stories have been anthologized in literary travel books; she has been a regular contributor to The Globe and Mail, and has written for The Guardian, Macleans, The Walrus, The L.A. Times, USA Today,, The National Post, Canadian Geographic, The Daily Express, Caribbean Travel + Life, among others. See:

Entries by Laurie Gough

Arm Your Kids With History Lessons

(5) Comments | Posted November 10, 2016 | 6:34 AM

Are you wondering what to say to your kids in the coming New World Order of Trumplandia? How to furnish them with the tools they'll need to rise above the reactionary flood surely coming our way?

Arm your kids with something that people don't seem to find important anymore....

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Childhood OCD Can Be Conquered

(0) Comments | Posted November 1, 2016 | 9:20 AM

"Dear Dr. Jabour,

My husband and I are desperate for help. Our ten-year-old son has developed severe obsessive compulsive disorder. It began mildly in the spring but in the past couple of months it has ramped up alarmingly.

He can no longer function at school, or even get to...

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It Has Been 3 Years Since We Got Our Son Back From OCD

(4) Comments | Posted September 8, 2016 | 4:01 PM

When I wrote this letter back in 2013, my husband Rob and I felt so hollowed out with despair we were like ghosts you could see through.

Dear Dr. Jabour,

My husband and I are desperate for help. Our 10-year-old son has developed severe obsessive compulsive disorder. It began mildly...

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