Angela Hartlin
Angela Hartlin is a mental health advocate, Child & Youth Care trained, and author of FOREVER MARKED: A Dermatillomania Diary. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Canadian BFRB Support Network with a goal of raising awareness for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors. For more information, please visit

Entries by Angela Hartlin

We Need Trudeau To Stand Up For Canadians With BFRBs

(2) Comments | Posted February 2, 2016 | 10:41 AM

Dear Justin Trudeau,

Do you know what "BFRB" stands for? Most Canadians don't, and even when it is explained to them, many who have a BFRB are met with discrimination and shame. With your desire to improve mental health services it is important you learn about people with...

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Living With Unexplained Chronic Pain Is A Nightmare

(3) Comments | Posted November 4, 2015 | 11:13 AM

On Thanksgiving weekend my husband rushed me to the emergency room in excruciating pain that emanated from the lower-left side of my back, around my side, to beneath my hipbone. I didn't know what was going on because the pain I experience daily never spreads from around my tailbone.

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My Advocacy of a Silent Disorder Led to My Recovery

(3) Comments | Posted September 24, 2015 | 12:15 PM

For the past six years I have been a vocal advocate about a disorder that not many people have heard of: dermatillomania. This means that I have been compulsively picking at my skin for years without any end in sight of how to break free of this chronic condition.


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I Am a Liberal and I Do Not Approve of Lena Dunham's Actions

(26) Comments | Posted November 7, 2014 | 7:39 AM

This week, allegations have emerged from National News correspondent Kevin Williamson, that Girls actress and creator Lena Dunham sexually abused her sister, Grace, who is six years her junior. The claim is that because Williamson has right-winged views, he is a part of the exploitative media that embellishes...

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10 Ways That Losing a Pet is Worse Than Losing a Human

(48) Comments | Posted September 16, 2014 | 5:20 PM

If a dog is man's best friend, why is it that society expects us to move on from the death of one so soon? Cats are supposed to have 9 lives but what happens to the people they leave behind when the last one runs out?

The standard set by...

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A Letter to My Suicidal Self

(0) Comments | Posted August 12, 2014 | 1:55 PM

On this very night eight years ago, I made the decision to try and end the continuous emotional pain I felt daily because no method of relief worked for me. Being alive was an excruciatingly painful task every day because nothing got better and my mind went to dark places...

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Why 'Privilege' Is Condescending and Manipulative

(28) Comments | Posted July 5, 2014 | 1:19 PM


When getting into human rights debates with others, I have heard the re-coined version of the term "privilege" being thrown around in order to recognize hardships in marginalized groups. The term "privilege" used to simply refer to "having an advantage over another" but...

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Would You Expose Your Darkest Secrets For a Documentary?

(3) Comments | Posted April 11, 2014 | 6:04 PM


Have you ever wondered what it would be like for a film crew to follow you day in and day out, documenting your daily rituals all in an effort to create a successful film? Is your life interesting or exciting...

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Explaining to Your Child Why Santa Gave the Neighbours More Gifts

(3) Comments | Posted December 13, 2013 | 4:42 PM

As a young girl, I always wondered why Santa lavished more presents on a few neighbourhood kids than he did on my sister and I. We were obedient, excelled in school, and rarely came in past our curfew, so why did we only get one stocking instead of the four...

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I'll Be the First to Admit It: I Compulsively Pick My Skin

(2) Comments | Posted December 6, 2013 | 11:16 AM

I will be the first to admit it -- I compulsively pick my skin. Chances are you pick at your skin too, but please don't tell me about it in a response to learning about my story unless you understand what a confession of "I can't stop picking my skin"...

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