The Sunday Times & PerthNow

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The Sunday Times & PerthNow

  • The Sunday Times & PerthNow are part of the fabric of life in WA.  We are engage with more than 1.5 million readers every month. Covering in-depth local, national and international news and sport, as well as a range of targeted lifestyle features, we serve up more content in more consumer categories than anyone else in WA. This means our readers get more of the content that really matters to them and advertisers get access to highly engaged audiences in a range of targeted categories and segments. Our products include:

STM  WA’s glossy fashion bible, a must read for all west side fashionistas and a glossy environment for aspirational brands.

The Sunday Times Guide A one stop guide for television and entertainment content, including music, film and theatre From serious foodies to time strapped Mum’s, Taste offers inspiration and information whether eating in or dining out

HOME The ultimate guide for all those setting up a new home or improving what they’ve already got

Realestate Property listings, area profiles, property investment reports - a popular read for people who are moving on or staying put and the ultimate branding vehicle for agents

body+soul From supermodels to superfoods, body+soul serves up  health and lifestyle advice and inspiration

Outdoor Living and ReadersMart Fishing, boating and camping content for all those with a love of the outdoors, including a unique platform for specialised buying and selling.

CarsGuide Devoted to anything that has wheels and a motor, an essential read for WA’s car loving population

ESCAPE Beautiful pictures and enticing editorial to inspire local, national and international travel

Source: emmaTM conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016, WA people 14+.

The Sunday Times & PerthNow Media Kit

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Jay Morris
Sales Director
08 9326 9167
Jamie Grindley
Category Manager, Realestate & HOME
08 9326 9219
Ryan Gower
Digital Sales & Operations Executive
08 9326 9217
Sharn Sewell
Sales Coordinator - Agencies
08 9326 9185
Linda Psanoudakis
13 11 13

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Key facts

Key facts: 

emmaTM conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016


Total Audience



The Sunday Times

Sunday is a day for family, friends, and doing the things you love. And we are an intimate part of this weekend ritual. We are spread out on kitchen tables, tossed across lounge room floors and taken to the park. And we tend to stick around for the week.  For thousands of families in WA, The Sunday Times means grabbing their favourite lift-outs and magazine inserts to peruse over individually and swap with other family members.

We keep our audience in touch with what’s happening in news, sport, finance, real estate, fashion, entertainment, health, lifestyle and much much more. We help them make decisions about their lives and the world around them.

Key Facts


Readership (SUN)


Circulation (SUN)


Cover Price Sun

Source: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016; ABC Audited June 2016 quarter



Whether creating a stand-alone digital campaign, or extending a print message for extra campaign clout, PerthNow is the younger sibling of the mighty Sunday Times WA. With a clean fresh look, user friendly features and award winning content across news, sport and lifestyle categories, PerthNow is designed to engage an audience who snack on their media across multiple screens throughout the week.

These days, smart digital campaign planning is all about big data, sniper style targeting and quality over quantity.  As result we have introduced the innovative new News+ platform to PerthNow.  A subscription style model that is being championed and successfully used by forward thinking media companies the world over.  With the might of News Corp and Foxtel behind us we can now offer consumers better quality online content (more of what matters to them where and when they want it) and advertisers access to an even greater audience and the best campaign ROI ever.

Key Facts


Page views


Unique Audience




Sessions per person


Time per person

Source: Nielsen Digital Ratings Monthly (Surfing) Total. June 2016