
Thought for the dayNovember 14 2016

This is an auspicious day. We won't be bathing under the light of a regular Full Moon tonight. This is a Supermoon. And it's not any old Supermoon either, It's the closest a Full Moon has been to planet Earth this century... and the closest it will come until 2034. So what does it portend? A Full Moon signifies an opportunity for fulfilment. It's a time to listen, understand, realise an objective, and complete a project. Does this super Supermoon guarantee success? No. But it brings a wonderful opportunity to find it.

You should read your 2016 Guide to the Future. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. It's as close as I can get you to a one-to-one reading with me. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 2016 Guide to the Future here.


Mar 21 - Apr 20

You have been trying for some while to understand why someone keeps acting in a particular way. What point are they hoping to prove? You may never fully understand this, until you reach a new level of insight into yourself. You have been changing too. You are still changing and, with the light of today's Supermoon, you'll begin to see how far these changes can take you. As for what seems wrong with someone else? Well, you may just be about to discover that this is intrinsically linked to what is right about them. Plus, the Moon is closer to the Earth than it has been since 1948 or will be until 2034. It's super-powerful, it's super-potent and it's full of possibility. You can seize this rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. For this historic Extra-Super-Moon, there's 20% OFF the normal price. Download yours now!

Apr 21 - May 21

What fascinates us about celebrities? It seems we have an endless appetite for stories about their lives, their adventures and, better still, their misadventures. We simply cannot resist tales that prove how human our gods and goddesses really are. But aren't we gods and goddesses too? Don't we already know what it is like to be powerful one moment and vulnerable the next? Under the light of today's Supermoon, you are the true star. You may not be leading a perfect life in every way, but you can still shine. Plus, the Moon is closer to the Earth than it has been since 1948 or will be until 2034. It's super-powerful, it's super-potent and it's full of possibility. You can seize this rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. For this historic Extra-Super-Moon, there's 20% OFF the normal price. Download yours now!

May 22 - June 22

Let's both take a good look at the plan. You bring your copy; I'll consult mine. Given the amount of interaction between you and other important individuals, we'd better study their versions too. We don't, of course, possess actual documents, even if we did, we'd be most unlikely to find that all our plans agree. The Supermoon brings new light to an old situation, and there's a big question-mark hanging over the idea of what's 'supposed to be'. It may just be that it's 'in the plan' for something not to go quite to plan! Plus, the Moon is closer to the Earth than it has been since 1948 or will be until 2034. It's super-powerful, it's super-potent and it's full of possibility. You can seize this rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. For this historic Extra-Super-Moon, there's 20% OFF the normal price. Download yours now!

Jun 23 - Jul 23

Under the powerful Supermoon, positive possibilities now begin to arise for you. But can you recognise them? Or will you see them as irrelevant developments or even unwelcome impositions? Try to be open-minded. Think of the forces of fate, now at work in the universe, as your friend. In the way that one close companion can tease another, the cosmos has dressed up a gift inside a package that you're not so sure you like the look of. Don't just dismiss what's being offered. Open it up and take a good look. Plus, the Moon is closer to the Earth than it has been since 1948 or will be until 2034. It's super-powerful, it's super-potent and it's full of possibility. You can seize this rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. For this historic Extra-Super-Moon, there's 20% OFF the normal price. Download yours now!

Jul 24 - Aug 23

We like costume dramas and entertain romantic notions of how things were, long ago. We like the far future too - silver suits and jet-packs. Yet we're rarely so fond of what has just happened and we're often worried about what is about to occur at any moment. The day before yesterday is interesting. Yesterday is just something to move on from. Today, the Supermoon calls you to recognise something important in your emotional life. It deserves more attention and it will reward you with a much better tomorrow. Plus, the Moon is closer to the Earth than it has been since 1948 or will be until 2034. It's super-powerful, it's super-potent and it's full of possibility. You can seize this rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. For this historic Extra-Super-Moon, there's 20% OFF the normal price. Download yours now!

Aug 24 - Sep 23

You're not a victim of circumstance nor a prisoner of some fateful force. You're not a small voice in the wilderness. You're not the last person that anyone would ever listen to or the first one that they'd look for if they needed someone to take unfair advantage of. The Supermoon urges you to remember that you're someone who matters, someone important, someone powerful and capable of creating lasting, positive, change. You need to acknowledge it and start acting in an appropriate fashion. Plus, the Moon is closer to the Earth than it has been since 1948 or will be until 2034. It's super-powerful, it's super-potent and it's full of possibility. You can seize this rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. For this historic Extra-Super-Moon, there's 20% OFF the normal price. Download yours now!

Sep 24 - Oct 23

We do things, and then wonder why we've done them. We try to rationalise. We act as if it had been our plan all along. To concede otherwise might reveal terrible weakness. Yet with great irony, we all do this. All of us. And we all deny it. Well, almost all of us anyway. You fear that you've lately done or said something crazy. Actually, you've just had a wise, unconscious reaction. Relax. With the Supermoon comes clarity and understanding. You'll soon see why your instincts have actually been very smart. Plus, the Moon is closer to the Earth than it has been since 1948 or will be until 2034. It's super-powerful, it's super-potent and it's full of possibility. You can seize this rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. For this historic Extra-Super-Moon, there's 20% OFF the normal price. Download yours now!

Oct 24 - Nov 22

Why do people suffer from problems like post-traumatic stress syndrome? Because when something hard is happening to us, we generally have no control over it. We have to put up, shut up, and cope as best we can. Only later, when we start to get our strength back, do we allow ourselves to recognise the full intensity of all we have been through. There is a Supermoon in your opposite sign tonight. The fact that you can now complain about what's bad, is proof that things are not as bad as they were! Plus, the Moon is closer to the Earth than it has been since 1948 or will be until 2034. It's super-powerful, it's super-potent and it's full of possibility. You can seize this rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. For this historic Extra-Super-Moon, there's 20% OFF the normal price. Download yours now!

Nov 23 - Dec 21

A visit to the dentist is generally considered a chore, rather than a pleasure. But we all have to go and, if we delay, it's likely to be even more of a chore. So, there's something that's good for you, even if it's not a joy. I won't insult your intelligence by turning the analogy around. We're all quite capable of listing activities that can't possibly benefit us, even though we can't resist indulging in them. Just be aware that, under this Supermoon, something may be perfectly right, even if it doesn't feel that way. Plus, the Moon is closer to the Earth than it has been since 1948 or will be until 2034. It's super-powerful, it's super-potent and it's full of possibility. You can seize this rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. For this historic Extra-Super-Moon, there's 20% OFF the normal price. Download yours now!

Dec 22 - Jan 20

'Some people are born great, others achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.' I'm not suggesting that the first two statements don't apply, but the third is true of you now. You're in a situation you can't easily get out of. It's not entirely of your own creation. You may have had some hand in shaping the circumstances, but you're also carrying the can for others. You're doing it admirably and can only benefit. The Supermoon insists that this is the time for you to 'own your own power!' Plus, the Moon is closer to the Earth than it has been since 1948 or will be until 2034. It's super-powerful, it's super-potent and it's full of possibility. You can seize this rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. For this historic Extra-Super-Moon, there's 20% OFF the normal price. Download yours now!

Jan 21 - Feb 19

How strong are you? How much can you take? What can you handle? I ask only because I want to encourage you to re-evaluate your potential. The Supermoon represents an exceptional invitation for you to think again about where your life is going and how it is getting you there. In particular, the cosmos would like you to think about what seems to be stopping you. Somewhere, in the back of your mind, there is an anxiety bordering on a fear. What right does this have to exist? You can banish it, if you choose! Plus, the Moon is closer to the Earth than it has been since 1948 or will be until 2034. It's super-powerful, it's super-potent and it's full of possibility. You can seize this rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. For this historic Extra-Super-Moon, there's 20% OFF the normal price. Download yours now!

Feb 20 - Mar 20

When people get romantic, misty-eyed and idealistic, they sometimes speak of unconditional love. It's the Holy Grail of emotions; the supreme, yet elusive, state of benign forbearance towards one's fellow humans, regardless of whether their actions deserve such warmth. Is that love? Or is it, as some people suggest, a state of sublime stupidity? Actually, it's a wonderful thing to feel, if only we can ever allow ourselves to feel it. Under the influence of the Supermoon, you may yet get a taste of this today. Plus, the Moon is closer to the Earth than it has been since 1948 or will be until 2034. It's super-powerful, it's super-potent and it's full of possibility. You can seize this rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. For this historic Extra-Super-Moon, there's 20% OFF the normal price. Download yours now!