
Column 8

​I have noticed an increase in contributions from Tamworth, writes Paul Hunt of Engadine. "What used to be a trickle is now a raging torrent. I suspect this trend has a lot to do with the publication in Tamworth's Northern Daily Leader of an article – and here my modesty kicks in – trumpeting my success as silver medallist in C8's competition to find its most prodigious contributors. I spent my first 20 years in that magnificent capital of country music. So, c'mon Tamworth, maintain the rage." 

"I had to Google Tamworth Regional Council for some information and on their leading page came across the following, 'Jobs (Positions Vacant) Employment Opportunities; breadcrumbs separator'. I'm intrigued as to what the position of 'breadcrumbs separator' entails," says John Solvyns of Tamworth.

"After reading Barry's confession [C8: Barry scissorhands in cinema] regarding chocolate tops I have a solution. First, experience has shown that it takes Barry 15 minutes to remove the plastic top therefore why not buy it 15 minutes before the show so he can eat it without making a noise. Second suggestion – buy chocolate top after the movie and everyone is happy. Finally, be very careful sitting down with scissors in your pants, could be very painful," writes Bill Ward of Kellyville.

"Nearly as annoying as the 'crackle slurp and munch' club is the 'stand up but don't leave' mob, who block people behind from seeing the credits. With TV channels rolling credits too fast to read, how am I to learn who was best boy or second assistant dresser?" says Geoff Booth of Coffs Harbour.

"Taking my lovable but probably utterly untrainable labrador Snoopy to dog obedience school [C8], after a few nights of pulling, cajoling, tempting him and failing, the school presented me, not Snoopy, with a certificate for 'persistence'. What Snoopy didn't learn then, 10 years later he continues to be devoid of." Manbir Singh Kohli of Pemulwuy.

"Like many parents assume, we thought our gorgeous labradoodle was gifted when we took him to dog school," writes Peter Miniutti of Ashbury. "A few weeks later we were shattered to discover he was special needs."

From ​Kenneth Smith of Orange. "Joy Cooksey, lock-out laws [C8] would be unnecessary for Mars bars; if you were to enter a pub on the Red Planet you would soon find that it had no atmosphere."


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