Tinsel mess, be gone! 5 ways to conquer Christmas clutter

Yes, it’s the most wonderful time of the year… but with Christmas comes stuff. Decorations. Presents. Wrapping paper. Even food contributes to the Boxing Day clutter! So before the big day arrives, here are our top tips on clearing out the clutter.

1. One in, one out. Fact: you’re going to get presents. And not just the presents you’re counting on from your friends and family — keep in mind that you’ll might get gifts from neighbours, co-workers, and possibly anyone you see between December 1 and December 25. So to reduce clutter, first, clear out what you already own. Be ruthless and go through every room, searching for things you no longer wear or use. Pay particular attention to areas where you’re likely to receive gifts: if you’re a book lover, for example, give your shelves a good once- (or twice!) over.

2. Declutter your decorations. Broken lights? Let ‘em go. Tinsel you bought when Donald Trump was merely a businessman? Get rid of it. And so on.

3. Let go of cards. Yes, exchanging Christmas cards is a beautiful tradition — but you don’t have to keep every card you receive. Recycle all but those you truly cherish.

4. Clear out your “present cupboard”. Are you one of those hyper-organised people who has a gift cupboard, full of emergency presents? First: well done. Second: if you find anything in there that’s more dated than a Ken Done jumper, it’s time to donate it. While you’re at it, have a look at your wrapping paper drawer — scraps of mismatched paper, cards without envelopes and the thousands of booze gift bags you’ve accumulated over the years… they can all go.

5. Remember your other Christmas items. Do you have a dozen Christmas cookie cutters? Do you need a dozen Christmas cookie cutters? How about multiple Christmas cookbooks? Have a think about other Christmas items you own, and how you might be able to cut down on them.