

Hazelwood is only the beginning of the end for coal power

The truth about Hazelwood is that it was never meant to last this long.

The giant power station's closure is terrible news for its 750 workers and their families, and for a regional community that has already had more than it share of job losses. But if the Latrobe Valley is hit hard in the years to come it will be due to a failure by those in power to plan or respond, not a lack of forewarning.

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The end of Hazelwood power station

After nearly 50 years of power generation in the Latrobe Valley, what legacy does this enormous station leave behind?

Back in 1971, as the last of Hazelwood's eight units started generation, The Latrobe Valley Express quoted an official saying the plant would probably close before 2000. The State Electricity Commission of Victoria later expected to retire it in 2005. That changed when the station and mine were sold in 1996 for $2.35 billion with the prospect it may run another 40 years.

That was always unrealistic. The plant is old. When its first units came online Robert Menzies was in the Lodge, the Beatles were playing Festival Hall and Melbourne were still winning premierships.

It uses outdated technology, emitting more carbon dioxide and pollutants for what it generates than other Australian power stations. It is riddled with asbestos, and beset with problems the company says would costs hundreds of millions of dollars to fix. Its time has passed.

But this is not primarily why it is closing. It is shutting because the world is moving away from coal.


We've known this for some time. In 2010, then-premier John Brumby announced he would shut it gradually, but then lost an election. The Gillard federal government wanted to pay to shut it down in 2012, but mishandled the negotiations with the owner.

But in the end its demise was only tangentially linked to Australian or Victorian government policy. French company Engie – the world's largest energy business and Hazelwood's majority owner – is taking the Paris climate agreement as a clear signal of where the world is headed.

The sun is setting on coal-powered energy.
The sun is setting on coal-powered energy. Photo: Matt Davidson

The global deal implies Australia will have zero net emissions by mid-century. Think about the change that demands: it means all traditional coal plants have to shut well before then. Already this year, Engie has sold or shut coal operations in India, Indonesia and Europe. Hazelwood is just the latest.

Engie is not acting out of a moral obligation to save the planet. It is making a business decision about which investments are least risky. If there were a long-term market for Hazelwood the company would likely have sold rather than shut it. There wasn't.

A wind farm.
A wind farm. Photo: Louise Kennerley

In the short term, there is a danger the closure registers as little more than a blip outside of the shell-shocked Latrobe Valley. Unless there is a catastrophe we have enough electricity capacity to cover its loss. Bills are expected to increase, but not so much that many households would necessarily notice it over other factors driving up costs. Reduced competition will give other coal plants a short-term burst of life.

But it will be a mistake - and a lost opportunity - if governments respond to this as an isolated incident and resume normal transmission.

Maintenance work on solar panels.
Maintenance work on solar panels. Photo: AP

The Turnbull government is under increasing pressure to back up its Paris commitment with a plan to guide the transformation of Australia's electricity system. Business, energy, union, welfare and environmental groups are making unprecedented joint calls for action. Investors want clear bipartisan policies so they can confidently build the new power stations the country will need.

Serious heads in the Coalition and Labor know this. And the government is soon going to need to say something about how it is going to reach its target of a 26-28 per cent cut in emissions by 2030.

If that doesn't include a policy that sets a map for the electricity sector, it will increase the risk that in the years ahead coal plants will shut abruptly. That would leave the country open to the sort of blackouts that shut down South Australia in late September. It would be expensive.

Part of the answer being considered in Canberra is adapting the existing "safeguard mechanism" - promised to stop industry increasing emissions into the future, but full of loopholes - to put a hard limit on how much carbon dioxide a plant can emit for every unit of electricity it generates.

Under this approach - an emissions intensity scheme - there would be no cost unless a generator broke the limit. The limit would be reduced over time to gradually make dirtier models less commercial and encourage investment in cleaner plants.

It has three key things in favour. It could help keep a lid on inevitable price rises. The pace at which the emissions intensity limit is reduced could be increased in future to help meet more ambitious targets. Most significantly, after years of ragged division over climate change, an emissions intensity scheme appeals to senior members of both major parties. Whether the ideologically divided Coalition partyroom can agree on the need to act is another matter.

Beyond this - which will be described in many ways, but is really just another form of carbon pricing - policymakers will need to consider introducing fixed closure dates for coal plants, based on age. It would give energy companies the concrete map needed to plan new investment.

If Australia is going to do its bit to keep global warming below two degrees, government agency modelling suggests fossil fuels will need to be phased out at an eye-watering pace. Traditional coal and gas-fired plants will need to be gone by 2035. Victoria's brown coal power stations would be the first on the block.

What, in this transformed future, might the state's electricity supply look like? Think more wind farms, some large-scale solar fields in the north, an expanded array of rooftop solar systems backed up by battery storage, a stronger connection with other states - particularly Tasmania's clean baseload hydro-electric stations - and fossil fuel gas-fired power to act as a bridge.

Market rules, already being reviewed by chief scientist Alan Finkel, would need to change to make sure the diverse and intermittent system delivers when and where it is needed. It is achievable, but don't believe anyone who says it will be straight-forward.

In the process, the Latrobe Valley - described as the "state's powerhouse" in the 1971 Express story marking Hazelwood's opening - will also be transformed. Whether the transformation means heightened disadvantage and unemployment or some new path will depend on how Spring Street and Canberra respond, not just with a cash-splash today, but in the years ahead.

Adam Morton is on Facebook and Twitter.
