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Tuesday, 15 November 2016

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Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Please don't submit copyrighted work; original poems, songs or prayers welcomed. reviews all Guest Book entries to ensure appropriate content. Our staff does not correct grammar or spelling.

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November 14, 2016
Rest in Peace our dear friend. We will miss your valued friendship, you will always be in our hearts forever. X
Paul , Rose, Aaron & Ashleigh Howarth
November 14, 2016
Dear Pete, it's still unreal to think we will no longer see your happy smiling face. You will be missed by our whole family. We all loved you very much. The Barnes Family
November 13, 2016
May you fly with the angels RIP dearest friend xxx
November 12, 2016
God speed Peter, till we meet again, no more pain love x
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