Trapped deer breaks window0:23

A deer stuck in Oklahoma American Eagle store jumps through a glass window to freedom. Courtesy: Fox News

Trapped deer breaks window

Deer gets stuck in Oklahoma store, jumps through window to escape

IT’S a scene that would make Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer weep.

As the Christmas season approaches, disturbing video has emerged of a deer smashing through a shop window.

The poor deer got trapped inside the American Eagle store in Stillwater, Oklahoma, on Thursday night.

Witnesses said it did a few laps through the store before jumping through the front window to escape.

Alec Williams, who works next door, shot video of the moment the animal comes crashing down and shared it on social media.

Stillwater Police responded but sadly were unable to locate the deer, local media reported.

How the deer got inside the store is also unclear.

Originally published as Deer smashes through shop window