The most iconic image of UFC 205.


CALL him what you want, but Conor McGregor is one composed man inside the Octagon.

The Irish featherweight — and now also lightweight — champion stunned the world by knocking out Eddie Alvarez at UFC 205 in the second round.

McGregor’s dominance over the former champ included three knockdowns in the first round — and with the fight well and truly in control “The Notorious” produced a move that thrilled the crowd.

McGregor held both of his hands behind his back as he stared down Alvarez. It wasn’t Diaz-level taunting but it was close enough.

Fans were shocked at the 28-year-old’s gutsy move, interpreting it as a display of confidence to taunt his opponent — but if you believe what the champ said after the fight the real reason was much more practical.

'The f*** is my second belt'1:13

UFC: Conor McGregor blows up about the lack of his second belt in the octagon after taking out an historic win over Eddie Alvarez

McGregor revealed in a post-fight press conference his right hand had been in pain in the weeks leading up to the fight, so he developed a technique that removed it from the action for as long as possible.

“This (holding up his right hand) was out of action for the whole camp,” he said. “That’s why I developed that putting the hand behind my back.

“I would be doing it in sparring, then I’d jar it or hit it and it would be swelling up in the middle of the rounds — I just figured out ways to fight around it.

“To be honest I was icing it up until today but it’s actually alright now. I’m brand new. There’s not a f***ing scratch on me.”

Spectators, including the great Tyson Fury, reacted to the daring display with delight.

McGregor is notorious for a few reasons but one is certainly his habit of speaking his mind, and after becoming the only dual-champion in UFC history at UFC 205 he’s made his demands clear.

After claiming the lightweight title at Madison Square Garden McGregor cut loose on UFC management.

His desire, equity in the company, which was recently sold for billions. “They have got to come talk to me now. No one’s come talk to me since the sale has happened,” McGregor said.

“As a businessman I’ve been approached like ‘hello’ and that type of stuff, but I’ve earned something. I mean, who owns the company now?

“People have shares in the company, celebrities ... Conan O’Brien owns the UFC nowadays, so where’s my share? Where’s my equity? If I’m the one that’s bringing this, they’ve gotta come talk to me now.

“I’ve got both belts, a chunk of money, a little family on the way. You want me to stick around, you want me to keep doing what I’m doing, let’s talk. But I want the ownership now. I want equal share. I want what I earned.” With very few viable challengers available in the featherweight division and his decimation of Alvarez at lightweight it was suggested McGregor may try and fight at welterweight — but he dismissed the idea, demanding clarity on his financial future.

“Whoever runs this whole s**t has to come to me and give me the real slice, because that’s what I’ve earned. I’ve earned this. Biggest gate. Biggest everything.”

McGregor annihilates Alvarez1:11

UFC: Conor McGregor made history after he knocked out Eddie Alvarez in UFC 205 to now own a belt in two weight divisions.

— with AAP