Envato says flexible work practices have helped its global spread

Envato's Cyan Ta'eed says it is a completely flexible company, where people can remotely work from where they want.
Envato's Cyan Ta'eed says it is a completely flexible company, where people can remotely work from where they want. Pat Scala
by Stuart Kennedy

Melbourne web designer market company Envato uses cloud applications, mobile communications and video conferencing to keep track of its work tasks, global customer base and wide ranging staff.

Envato was founded in a Bondi garage 10 years ago by husband and wife team Cyan and Collis Ta'eed, along with family friend Jun Rung.

Since those garage start-up days, the business has grown spectacularly. In the 2015 financial year it hauled in revenue of $US73 million ($96 million). Envato employs about 270 people all up with 210 based at the Melbourne headquarters and 60 based offshore.

The company operates a range of markets for web designers and has more than 6 million members worldwide. Its Themeforest site is among the top 300 most visited websites in the world and sells blog and website templates and themes for WordPress users. Envato does not design the templates but rather offers a market for design sellers, taking a cut from the transactions.

Flexible and deft

Flexibility and deft work practices are essential to Envato's operations, says Cyan Ta'eed.

"We are a completely flexible company so people can remotely work from where they want and our people can go and work overseas for three months of the year," says Ms Ta'eed.

"So it's really essential that everything is in the cloud, so people can collaborate wherever they might be. That way all anyone needs is a laptop and an internet connection and they are good to go."

Envato uses the Agile software development methodology which promotes collaboration, continuous improvement and fast, adaptive responses to change.

"There's a lot of interaction and a lot of working together to prioritise tasks," says Ms Ta'eed.

To help that process along, Envato uses the Trello work collaboration app which has a system of interactive boards and cards for tracking work in progress.

"Every team has a Trello board, every person has at least 10 or 12 Trello boards that they are keeping an eye on."

The business is also a heavy user of the Slack team messaging app and Google suite of applications including Google Calendar, Docs, Drive and Analytics.

Traditional advertising platforms don't work for Envato so Google Analytics gets a work out in honing in on online marketing opportunities.

'Diving deep'

"We are always diving deep. We have a business intelligence team who are looking at where our traffic is coming from and what sort of keywords are going to get us the largest customers from various areas around the world." Australia makes up just four per cent of Envato's market.

Video conferencing screens in meeting rooms allow employees to beam into meetings from remote work locations in Australia and around the world.

The company uses Telstra forĀ mobile communications and Ms Ta'eed is a fan of the Apple iPhone as a handset. "Most apps come out first on the iPhone, in my experience," she says.

Employees have mobile versions of business apps like Slack on their phones. "We have to have developers on call 24 hours a day. Our large US customer base is getting up and raring to go when we are all going to bed."

As for using Telstra, Ms Ta'eed says she goes along with advice from her freelance photographer father.

"He always said never skimp on coverage, you must have the best possible coverage, it makes a big difference to your business."

"We made the decision that we wanted to go with the carrier that has the best coverage," she says.