- published: 03 Dec 2016
- views: 652
Can Trump unify the nation?
Natten tänder sina ljus, med Urban Nilsson och Enar Haglund, Arvika
Extreme Hagglunds - Track Building
Woodkid - Run Boy Run (Official HD Video)
Special: X-Files Goes Alex Jones - AJShow COMP
Taking Fake Book Covers on the Subway
skateboard - Max Haglund - sponsor me!
Timbuktu - Fallskärm (Officiell musikvideo)
Militant atheism | Richard Dawkins
Trump Senior Advisor A.J. Delgado, former Army Helicopter Pilot Amber Smith, London Center for Policy Research Jessie Jane Duff and Conservative Commentator Kirsten Haglund on Donald Trump’s ‘thank you tour’ and his decision to nominate James Mattis as Secretary of Defense.
FULL ALBUM Listen: http://bit.ly/1yh0RxO Buy: http://smarturl.it/woodkid-tga Get RUN BOY RUN Ep - http://smarturl.it/woodkid-rbr ***FOLLOW WOODKID*** facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/WoodkidMusic twitter -- http://twitter.com/woodkid official SITE -- http://woodkid.com/ official STORE -- http://www.label-gum.com/collections Woodkid's MAILING LIST -- http://ymlp.com/xgjbyjmugmgus LABELGUM - http://www.label-gum.com/ Video directed by Yoann Lemoine / Iconoclast Post production by onemore production (p) & (c) 2012 Green United Music / Seize Zéro Trois / Iconoclast / Picseyes
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis present the official music video for White Walls feat. ScHoolboy Q and Hollis. White Walls is available now on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/white-walls-feat.-schoolboy/id560097651?i=560097803 THE HEIST available now on iTunes and In-Stores: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-heist-deluxe-edition/id560097651 and at http://www.macklemoremerch.com MUSIC VIDEO CREDITS: WRITTEN BY MACKLEMORE CO-WRITTEN BY RYAN LEWIS DIRECTED BY RYAN LEWIS CO-DIRECTED BY MACKLEMORE SECOND UNIT DIRECTOR WASHINGTON - JASON KOENIG PRODUCTION VODA STUDIOS & MACKLEMORE LLC EXECUTIVE PRODUCER - JOSH COURTNEY (VODA) LEAD PRODUCER - HONNA KIMMERER (MACKLEMORE LLC) MANAGING PRODUCER - CRAIG STEVENS SR (VODA) PRODUCER - CASEY GALGON (VODA) PRODUCER - ROBERTSEN ASHMAN (VODA) P...
EXPAND DETAILS FOR JUMPING TO TIMELINE AND CONTENT DETAILS Video Category: Special Broadcast: Tuesday 12 January 2016 0:01 - dean haglund, cia, lone gunmen, 9/11 3:14 - hollywood inside baseball, directors under short leash, 4:44 - Mark Cuban Indicted Over Loose Change 6:21 - Head of Film Comission Under President Bush threatened to kill Alex Jones, threatened lawsuit but backed off 7:50 - Smells like victory, AJ character in X-Files, system can't cover it up anymore, probably didn't let him 10 years ago. 10:41 - X-Files being influenced shows it is a reflection of the things happening in reality. 11:45 - huge manifestation - glenn beck and the pod, o'reilly - weird feeling 12:17 - going to play trailer - darrin mcbreen making x-files intro graphics joke 12:48 - some xfiles had 50 mil a...
Subways are a great place to catch up on your reading. But how do people react to book covers that are a little embarrassing, and also pretty hilarious? Watch how people react to comedian Scott Rogowsky “reading” some ridiculous books in public. Written & Edited by Scott Rogowsky Additional Material by Dan Wilbur Cameras by Samuli Haavisto & Dan Zimmer Music by http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music Special Thanks to Russell Wyner Chortle over here: http://ply.by/zl9i88 Today I F&%KED Up: http://ply.by/ro6Ifc It’s A Match: http://ply.by/oPdnpx Sketches: http://ply.by/IbzkRM Unboxing The Box For Your Box: http://ply.by/wUMy4b What's That Slang?!: http://ply.by/rAqlQE Lucky 7: http://ply.by/PZpLfR Tales of Tinder: http://ply.by/vNjenV Follow Playboy: Facebook: http://ply.by/UJ5Tbl Tw...
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/se/album/fallskarm-single/id498765376 Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/6MRLJwNsyDyhUHbiv6OfPL http://www.timbuk.nu CREDITS Regissör Mats Udd D.O.P Simon Rudholm Producent Jacob Eklund Produktionsledare Nils Nygårdh B-foto William Fredberg C-foto Josephine Owe Elektriker Anders Hedqvist El Ass Mats Svanborg El Ass Simon Elvås Passare Roland Trökfors Steadycam OP Nestor Salazar MUA Anna Lindström Prod ass. Andreas Lindholm Prod ass. Aksel Dalili Prod ass. Sara Efremova Pass ass. Rasmus Eriksson Ljustekniker Edward Hansson Grading och online Ida Svennonius Klippning Anton Skott Trumpojke James "Jamie" Bradley Dansare Karin Wiklund Annica Styrke Maria Burén Annu Ronkainen Malin Haglund Kajsa Samuelsson
http://www.ted.com Biologist Richard Dawkins launches into a full-on appeal for atheists to make public their beliefs and to aggressively fight the incursion of religion into politics and education. Dawkins' scornful tone drew strongly mixed reactions from the audience; some stood and applauded his courage. Others wondered whether his strident approach could do more harm than good. Dawkins went on to publish The God Delusion and become perhaps the world's best-known atheist. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the ar...