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“Here in Kronstadt has been laid the first stone of the third revolution.”

Monday, March 7th, 2016

“Here in Kronstadt has been laid the first stone of the third revolution, striking the last fetters from the laboring masses and opening a broad new road for socialist creativity.” On this day in 1921, the Bolshevik government launched its attack to suppress the uprising in Kronstadt. Soldiers, sailors, and workers had come together in [...]

“Anarchist History: Confessions of an Awkward Pupil,” by Barry Pateman

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015

There’s a new issue of the Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library out, number 84 to be exact. It’s not available online yet, but they’ve kindly given up permission to reprint Barry Pateman’s lead-off article, a great series of ruminations on the practice of researching and writing anarchist history. When you are done, you should check out [...]

Important and Unpleasant News From AK Press

Friday, September 25th, 2015

About six months ago, we started hearing some disturbing rumors that one of our authors, Michael Schmidt, was an undercover fascist. Soon after, another one of our authors, Alexander Reid Ross, provided us with actual evidence. We helped him investigate further for several weeks and then put him in touch with another writer. Over the [...]

Storm in My Heart: Memories from the Widow of Johann Most (excerpt)

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015

  Helene Minkin’s memoir, translated by Alisa Braun and edited/introduced by Tom Goyens, is at the printer. We’re excited about this one. This is the first time Minkin’s words, which provide a unique perspective on late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century anarchism in the US, have been available in English. She forces us to reassess many [...]

The Lyon Anarchist Trial of 1883

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

On this day in 1883, the trial of over sixty anarchists began in Lyon, France. The state rounded them up and charged them with reconstructing the French branch of the International Working Men’s Association, which had been outlawed the year before (in the aftermath of the Paris Commune). For their part, the accused used the [...]

Review of Ready for Revolution, by Jorge Valadas.

Monday, December 1st, 2014

A really sharp review of Agustin Guillamon’s Ready for Revolution: The CNT Defense Committees in Barcelona, 1933-1938 was just published on H-net. Links to the original below. Agustin Guillamon. Ready for Revolution: The CNT Defense Committees in Barcelona, 1933-1938. Translated by Paul Sharkey. Oakland: AK Press, 2014. 260 pp. $14.95 (paper), ISBN 978-1-84935-142-3. Reviewed by Jorge Valadas Published [...]

James Tracy / Dispatches Against Displacement @ La Casa, Washington, DC (Nov 17)

Thursday, November 6th, 2014

Reading, and discussion of James Tracy’s Dispatches Against Displacement: Field Notes from San Francisco’s Housing Wars. A housing activist in the Bay Area since before Google existed, Tracy excavates that history, exploring the battle for urban space—public housing residents fighting austerity, militant housing takeovers, the vagaries of federal and state housing policy, as well as showdowns [...]

Interview with Mark Bray about End of the World as We Know It.

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

 The New Significance recently posted this nice interview with author Mark Bray about his contribution to the book The End of the World As We Know It? TNS: Hi Mark, and thanks for taking the time to respond to some questions. Before we begin, can you tell readers a bit about yourself and the various projects you’ve been [...]

What are our plans for fall and winter, you ask?

Tuesday, May 27th, 2014

     We’ve got eight amazing books scheduled for the upcoming Fall and Winter seasons. We’ll share more detailed news in the future, but for now, here’s the list: Dispatches against Displacement: Field Notes from San Francisco’s Housing Wars, James Tracey Drug War Capitalism, Dawn Paley I Belong Only to Myself: The Life and Writing [...]

Marshall “Eddie” Conway: Free at Last! Interview on Democracy Now!

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

As we happily announced yesterday, Marshall “Eddie” Conway was freed from prison after being framed and locked up for nearly 44 years. At the age of 24, he was torn from his family and friends and political work by federal agents intent of shutting him down and shutting him up. As anyone who has read [...]

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