Monday, October 31, 2016
Posted by Chuck0
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There will be no inquiry into the notorious events at the so-called "Battle of Orgreave", Home Secretary Amber Rudd has announced.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Posted by Anonymous
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The final Presidential debate of 2016 was a gala event in Las Vegas pitting a reality TV star against the latest representative of a political dynasty. It was set up as a symbolic clash between business and politics, with the roles cast so convincingly that it was really possible to imagine the... + continue reading

Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Posted by Chuck0
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Anarchists are against nationalism; everyone knows that. Instead of solidarity across borders and anti-hierarchical antagonism within them, nationalism engenders loyalty to the state with its armed forces and public symbols, encourages the oppressed to identify with their compatriot oppressors,... + continue reading

Monday, October 17, 2016
Posted by Anonymous
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Anti-police sentiment is on the rise in America and around the world. In the wake of the death’s of Mike Brown, Eric Gardner, and countless others (Rest In Power), even the... + continue reading

Monday, October 17, 2016
Posted by Anonymous
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At some point in the late fifties or early sixties, Pacifica Radio’s Charlie Hayden interviewed the inimitable Robert Anton Wilson on all things anarchism. Wilson waxes poetic on anarchism’s foundations and answers some challenging questions from a presumable skeptic in Hayden. While the exact... + continue reading

Breaking News - Black Lives Matter

Updated: October 20, 2016; 1:00 am CDT

I was reminded this month of James Baldwin’s enduring words from a 1965 televised debate with William F. Buckley Jr., the conservative author who opposed the civil rights movement and denied the existence of systemic racism. Baldwin described the mind-set of those empowered by the system, saying, “The Mississippi or Alabama sheriff, who really does believe, when he’s facing a Negro boy or girl, that this woman, this man, this child must be insane to attack the system to which he owes his entire identity.”
~ Jared Odrick, Jacksonville Jaguars player, NFL

Our full coverage of Black Lives Matter

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Wednesday, Oct 26, 2016 - 0 comment(s)

To get a picture of the anarchist movement in Chile and, further, to understand the phenomenon of its impetus, resurgence and persistence over time as an irreducible practice, threatening capitalist normality and unchecked of any negotiations with bourgeois legalism, one must understand the ongoing tension between the mechanisms of repression... + continue reading

Wednesday, Oct 26, 2016 - 0 comment(s)

We've launched two new Facebook pages, one for Infoshop News and one for our neverneding meme spigot.

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Friday, Oct 21, 2016 - 0 comment(s)

Iain Banks’ The Culture series is a technological space opera that is well-known for its smart investigation into the interplay between various alien societies. Each of the alien societies that have an associated political presence in space have a different form of government. The various systems of government each... + continue reading

Friday, Oct 21, 2016 - 0 comment(s)

Pointing to the concentration of political and economic power in the hands of the few and acknowledging "the weakness of the proletariat against the centralised state," Orwell was far from optimistic about the future — but he was quite certain that the economic status quo would eventually give way.

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Friday, Oct 21, 2016 - 0 comment(s)

Who benefits from the protests of anti-AirBNB activists? Billionaires with last names like Trump, Hilton, and Marriott.

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Thursday, Oct 20, 2016 - 0 comment(s)

An interview with the three authors of a new book — “Revolution in Rojava” — about their experiences and observations witnessing the birth of a new society.

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Tuesday, Oct 18, 2016 - 0 comment(s)

Since the 45th Anniversary of the Attica prison riots – September 9th, 2016 – an estimated 24,000 people have been on strike in the USA. If you haven’t heard of the strike you are not alone. It has mostly been ignored by the mainstream media and even much of... + continue reading

Tuesday, Oct 18, 2016 - 0 comment(s)

George Woodcock, a prominent Canadian writer and anarchist thinker, writes that anarchism’s “ultimate aim is always social change; its present attitude is always one of social condemnation, even though it may proceed from an individualist view of man’s nature; its method is always that of social revolution, violent or otherwise.”

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Anarchist News

88 today
Wednesday, Oct 26, 2016 - 0 comment(s)

We've launched two new Facebook pages, one for Infoshop News and one for our neverneding meme spigot.

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37 today
Tuesday, Oct 25, 2016 - 0 comment(s)

The final Presidential debate of 2016 was a gala event in Las Vegas pitting a reality TV star against the latest representative of a political dynasty. It was set up as a symbolic clash between... + continue reading


5 today
Thursday, Apr 07, 2016 - 0 comment(s)

The driverless revolution may seem convenient, but public transportation means we can already skip driving. Not only is it better for the planet – it also keeps us out of traffic jams

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28 today
Monday, Oct 31, 2016 - 0 comment(s)

There will be no inquiry into the notorious events at the so-called "Battle of Orgreave", Home Secretary Amber Rudd has announced.

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Climate Change

11 today
Friday, Oct 21, 2016 - 0 comment(s)

However, the emergency I’m most worried about is the state of our natural ecological systems where things like climate change, species extinction, and generally our ability to function on this... + continue reading


White People in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter: Dara Silverman and Chris Crass

Laura Flanders Show

Published on Jul 17, 2016
A social justice group that invites white people to fight racism is spreading like wildfire in the US. From 12 to 150 chapters in two years. Clearly a whole lot of white people are interested in fighting systemic injustice. But how? This week's guests have dedicated their lives to grappling with that question, for the sake of making real change. They are both organizers, educators, and feminist anti-racist activists. Dara Silverman is the former Executive Director of Jews for Racial and Economic Justice and is currently the National Coordinator for SURJ: Showing Up for Racial Justice, a network with over 100 chapters and affiliates across the United States moving white people into action for racial justice. Chris Crass is the former co-coordinator of Catalyst Project, an antiracist training organization in the San Francisco Bay Area. And the author of two books, Towards Collective Liberation: Anti-Racist Organizing, Feminist Praxis, and Movement Building Strategy and Towards the “Other America”: Anti-Racist Resources for White People Action for Black Lives Matter.

More videos available at our new Infoshop Video site!

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Photos in the News

Woman embraces Kurdish female fighter after being rescued from #ISIS in #Manbij. After two years under ISIS, the city of ‪#‎Manbij‬ is now liberated by Democratic Syria Forces.
Photo: Rodi Said