WA News

Dashcam captures Kwinana Freeway mooners

Saturday was a day of blue skies in Perth but a driver on the Kwinana Freeway got a view of something more than he bargained for.

Driving south between Rowley Road and Mortimer Road about 1pm, motorist Andrew, who preferred not to publish his surname, was amazed to see two carloads of youths, all naked to various degrees, drive up behind him.

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Hoon moons on WA freeway

Dashman captures a young male distracting motorists on the Kwinana freeway in Western Australia. No sound.

He said they started hanging their bodies dangerously out of the car windows, possibly unaware their performances were being immortalised on Andrew's dashcam.

"I'm not sure how many people were in the cars, but both were definitely full," he said. 

"They were 'mooning' other motorists, distracting them with hand gestures and so on.

"I never actually wound down the window to find out, but it looked like they were yelling things. 


"I thought it was a bit of a laugh originally but, when you think about it, it's actually pretty dangerous when they did it at least three or four times."

Andrew said he thought the men were in their late teens or early 20s and that one of the cars was a silver Toyota Camry, the other a Ford Mondeo. 

The footage shows a youth distracting a motorist on the freeway.
The footage shows a youth distracting a motorist on the freeway.  Photo: Supplied

The incident has not been reported to police but oddly occurred just before a rare supermoon appearance on Monday over Perth.

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