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This raw and powerful birth video is taking the world by storm

Donné Restom

We can’t get enough of birth videos at the best of times, but this one is just divine.


You can’t polish a birth video. A woman going through labour is an extraordinary thing, but aside from some clever angles and a moving soundtrack, what you are ultimately watching is a long, drawn-out process involving extreme discomfort, ungainly postures and (if you’re lucky) a dad who is doing his best to not look bored. And this is in no way a criticism, rather it is the discomfort of birth videos that makes them so fascinating.

For when those moments do happen, when the partner engages with our labouring woman, squeezes her hands and holds her gaze, it is a moment of profound beauty. And when that baby finally emerges from the woman’s body, it’s almost impossible not to feel the same sweeping joy and surprise you felt at the birth of your own child.

This video is no exception

Ngaroma Crown from Christchurch, New Zealand chose to share the video despite her initial hesitations. She wrote:

“I really wasn’t sure if I wanted this personal and not so glamorous video of myself to be viewed by my friends on Facebook. But after watching this video a few million times, I have a huge respect and  appreciation for our bodies as women through pregnancy and labour and I feel so proud of my body and what it went through and proud of my strong baby and all she had to encounter to come into this world. So I decided I would share this special moment with everyone.”

What she probably didn’t expect was for the video she shared with her friends to be viewed over 324,000 times with over five thousand people sharing it again with their friends.



Wow! What an incredible journey. Source: Facebook

A labour of love

Ngaroma says her labour went for a long night and day, with two hours of intense pushing at the end.

When her seriously gorgeous little girl, Nova,  emerged, the strong little bubba weighed in at over four kilos!

Ngaroma ends her post with a heartfelt message to her new baby:

“Even though this day was quite a blur to me (thankfully), the moment you were laid on my chest I will never forget. I felt my heart overflow, like how could I love someone this much.

“If there was anything I ever did right in this world, it would be you. Nova, you are my biggest & greatest blessing. My heart has never felt so complete â?¤ï¸? #BabyNova”