Tag Archives: M’s trip

M — another day, another country

Now he is off to San Pedro de Atacama – Chile.

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Posted by on November 29, 2007 in M, travel



Polling Day in Surry Hills

Just past 8am and the polling booths will have just opened for today’s election. There will be no surprises in Surry Hills where Labor is 100% sure to win. But nation-wide? There were those at last night’s meeting still saying “landslide to Labor” but it does seem it will be a very close thing.

I have to say I thought Noel Pearson’s dummy spit yesterday was impolitic. He could have saved that for after the election. I really wonder too whether he bothered to look beyond the campaigning hype (on both sides) at actual ALP policy on Reconciliation and Indigenous Affairs, particularly Constitutional Recognition Of Indigenous Australians. All he has done is tarnish his own reputation for a degree of balance and originality — for which I have up to now tended to respect him — and made life difficult for himself if Labor gets elected.

Here in Surry Hills it is a grey morning and the sound of crows fills the air. Is this ominous? If so, for whom? I go coaching in Chinatown shortly and will vote either on the way there or on the way home, depending on the crowds. Meanwhile I note, if this relates to anything, the relative readership figures for the past 21 hours on my blogs here at WP:
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New taste (for me) and M’s travels

New taste

Coaching finishing a bit late last night I went to a tiny Uigur restaurant — a real hole in the wall — near the Entertainment Centre. They asked me if I wanted mild or spicy; I opted for mild — which was quite spicy enough for me. (Depends how much you like chilli.)

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Posted by on November 22, 2007 in blogging, M, Multiculturalism and diversity, my sites, Personal, travel


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Good news

I alluded to a hitch in M’s travels. It involved a really bad case of this in Brazil, but news of compensation has just come through. He enjoyed Machu Picchu and says nothing about earthquakes.

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Posted by on November 16, 2007 in M, travel



SMS from M

“Leaving Lake Titicaca 2 Cuzco. Love Bolivia so far…” I know he plans to go here:

The SMS arrived after midnight our time.
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Posted by on November 6, 2007 in M, travel



Speaking of M

Just had an email. He tried this:


He found it too hard… Glad he tried though.

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Posted by on November 3, 2007 in M, travel




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