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Archive for May, 2010

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A Surrealist Response to the Oil Spill

Saturday, May 29th, 2010

This just in: the Surrealist Movement in the United States, always friends of the earth and enemies of big business, has prepared a manifesto in response to the tragic disaster that’s filled the Gulf of Mexico with hundreds of thousands of millions of barrels of oil. Read on, and click the link at the end [...]

Radically Democratic Extremism: An Interview with Joel Olson

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

Many readers of this blog are probably familiar with Joel Olson, author of The Abolition of White Democracy. Back in the day, Joel was a member of the Love and Rage anarchist federation. He was a founding member of Phoenix Copwatch, and is currently involved with Bring the Ruckus and the Repeal Coalition. He also [...]

Fun in the Sun at the Oakland Jazz Arts Festival!

Monday, May 24th, 2010

This weekend, Macio and I had the pleasure of tabling at an Oakland event, the Malcolm X Jazz Arts Festival. This is the second year we’ve managed to attend, but the tenth of its existence. The festival is organized by the EastSide Arts Alliance, a group of artists, cultural workers, and community organizers of colour [...]

Eddie Conway on COINTELPRO

Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

An extremely special multimedia post for you today, dear readers. Last night (May 21), Red Emma’s Bookstore Coffeehouse, Baltimore’s collectively-run infoshop and radical bookstore (and a great AK customer!) played host to a book talk by Marshall “Eddie” Conway, former Minister of Defense of the Baltimore Black Panther Party and currently incarcerated political prisoner. Thanks [...]

Uses of a Whirlwind is at the printers!

Thursday, May 20th, 2010

Just like the subject line says: we’re pleased to announce that we’ve just sent another book off to the printers—Uses of a Whirlwind: Movement, Movements, and Contemporary Radical Currents in the United States. Actually, more than pleased. Ecstatic? Thrilled? Relieved? I’ve been stoked about this book since I first heard that Team Colors Collective was [...]

“History is made up of those events that couldn’t have been predicted before they happened”—An Interview with David Graeber

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

As a publisher, there’s nothing like reading a good interview with one of your authors. You get the same excitement and inspiration that any “regular” reader gets…but you also get to say: “Fuck yeah, that’s why we loved that guy/gal enough to devote so much time to publishing their ideas!” Case in point: Yiannis Aktimon, [...]

An Open Letter to Glenn Beck

Friday, May 14th, 2010

Dear readers: We here at AK Press were both shocked and (we’ll admit it) thrilled when right-wing media mogul Glenn Beck held up our new book on the Greek Insurrection of December 2008 on his FOX News program a couple of weeks ago, and compared it to The Coming Insurrection, saying that this book was [...]

David Harvey on gentrification in Baltimore and Barcelona

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

Way back in March of 2008, just as we were getting things up and running out here in the land of AK Baltimore, I helped to organize The City from Below Conference, a three-day gathering of activists, academics, artists, and other all-around interesting folks, at the 2640 Space, a radical community center that’s a part [...]

Distro Top Ten — May 2010

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

1. Firebrands: Portraits from the Americas edited by Shaun Slifer and Bec Young The Justseeds Artists’ Collective and Microcosm have collaborated to produce a collection of illustrious portraits accompanied by short biographies of radical activist, artist, and social justice thinkers from all over the Americas. Seventy-eight firebrands graces these pages with tales of their endless [...]

Get to Arizona!

Sunday, May 9th, 2010

A number of people have asked me about how to support groups doing good work against the nasty immigration shit going on in Arizona. Work that doesn’t limit itself to “mere” reform. I’ve also been sad witness to several toothless Facebook groups that seem to limit “support” to pressing a few buttons on your computer [...]

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