
GMB calls for police crackdown against anti-frack activists

Pro-fracking service union GMB has written to politicians urging them to ensure that police take a harder line against protesters so that frack company employees don’t get held up on their way to work.

In an apparent total disregarding of the long history of police dirty tactics breaking strikes and picket lines in Britain, as well as numerous reports of police misbehaviour against fracking protesters, GMB sent out… Continue reading

Calls rise for full Scottish spycops inquiry as police admit holding secret files

Police Scotland has confirmed the existence of 1,168 files linked to the policing of protests in 2005 against the G8 in Scotland, including one described as holding “intelligence briefings” on spycops — prompting campaigners to raise new calls for a Scottish inquiry.

A full inquiry into abuses carried out by the disgraced National Public Order Intelligence Unit at the time should be commissioned, rather than letting the… Continue reading

Moreton Hall inmate speaks out: “People are coming in here normal and going out mental”

Campaigners managed to make contact with detainees in the notorious Moreton Hall immigration detention centre yesterday after one refugee scaled a 20 foot fence to talk about conditions inside. The unnamed man said:

We are not criminals! We are asking for asylum here. People here need medical attention and social care”” (two people have died within six weeks). People are coming in here normal and going out mental.… Continue reading

Picturehouse’s union-busting job ads brag about union-won wage

Union activists who have been campaigning to get Picturehouse Cinemas to negotiate on implementing a living wage in London got a nasty little surprise when they came into work on Friday, after the Hackney branch covered its front door with a giant “we’re hiring” advert.

And adding insult to injury the firm was bragging about its £9.05 pay offer — which was only won after a major campaign… Continue reading

Smash IPP hits out at scandal of UK’s “death sentence” prisoners

March will see the first major series of events in a year-long campaign against the hidden scandal of people serving indefinite sentences in UK jails under legislation that breaks human rights law and was formally repealed five years ago.

Nearly 4,000 people are serving IPP (Imprisonment for Public Protection) sentences in British prisons and Smash IPP is embarking on an info tour to raise awareness and pressure to end the… Continue reading

Belgravia squatters occupy THIRD mansion

Squatting collective the Autonomous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians (ANAL) continue to underline exactly how much high-end housing is lying empty while homeless people sleep on the rain-soaked concrete, having spent last night moving into another mansion.

The group wrote: “Facing a police enforced eviction at 4 Grovesnor Gardens, ANAL have decided to relocate AS CLOSE TO THE QUEENS BEDROOM as possible…. Overlooking Wellington barracks, introducing our new squat,… Continue reading

Anonymous group claims acid sabotage on superjail’s foundations

An anonymous group claiming responsibility for a raid on controversial superjail HMP Berwyn in May 2015 which destroyed the engines of diggers and construction equipment has said in a letter to insurrectionist site 325.nostate that they also fatally undermined houseblocks with acid powder shortly afterwards. The letter states:

It is important to announce one week before the opening of HMP Berwyn that two of the houseblocks in… Continue reading

Anti-fracking update: Mobilisation tour kicks off Monday

As part of its campaign to keep shale gas deposits in the ground, campaign group Reclaim the Power will be kicking off a two-week campaign with local groups across Britain, aiming to bring together information on the industry’s latest plans and operations.

The tour, which will visit campaigns in the areas around York, Retford, Darlington, Wigan, Lytham St Annes and Northwich before finishing in the Next to Nowhere building… Continue reading

Obituary: Simon Chapman, A Very Distinguished Fucking Anarchist

Over the last couple of days the strangest thought has plagued me.  Two simple ugly words have kept emerging, only for me to lock them out and ridicule them as bizarre.  Simon’s dead.  Just to write it down feels like treachery.  Part of me looks forward to seeing him, to sharing a drink and dispelling this nonsense.  He’d say something wry, and witty and that… Continue reading

Met Police finally apologise to spycop abuse survivor

Sarah Hampton has become the latest woman abused by undercover police to secure an apology in the fallout from the spycops inquiry.

Sarah is the eighth person to have received a formal “sorry” from the Metropolitan police for the actions of their officers, who repeatedly deceived women into beginning relationships while infiltrating activist groups in the 2000s while working for the shadowy National Public Order Intelligence Unit … Continue reading