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Stop missing out on your kids and put on your damn swimsuit!

“My kids will never say, my mum was such a good mum. She fit into a size 10 swimsuit…”

There’s  a lesson to be learned when you’re watching a video and a lump starts in your throat that’s so big you’re pretty sure it will never go away, Well, that’s how it feels to really absorb the amazingly raw message in this beautiful video from mum, Alice Seufrret.

As Alice’s video so eloquently describes, like many of us, she’d spent “too much time” focusing on what was wrong with her body. Until one day, while visiting the local pool with her kids, something  huge snapped her out of it.

A real “aha!” moment

Gazing with wonder at a mother with a “bikini ready body” who had loads of kids splashing around and having fun, Alice realised that her low self esteem had her missing out.  It was time to make a change, just not in the way she had always thought she “had” to change.

“I started listening to my favourite self-deprecating voices over and over in my head as I watched her. I don’t deserve to be in a swimsuit. I’m lumpy and have stretch marks. I haven’t lost the baby weight. I don’t belong. I don’t look good. Over and over I let these body shaming remarks play over until I felt uneasy. While I focused on my own inadequacies, the bikini lady focused on her kids - playing, splashing, making memories.”

The resolution…

Alice decided from  that moment, she’d have a great summer. She’d wear her swimsuit any chance she got and spend as much time in the water with her kids. Just like the bikini lady at the pool, she’d relish every single moment of her time with them instead of worrying about how she looked.

And that’s exactly what she did. She swam and went down waterslides, went to the beach and played with her kids.

The result?

Alice says it best:  “My kids will never say, my mum’s so good she fit into a size 10 swimsuit. They will say she loved water and she loved both them and herself fiercely.  I’m done missing out. I’m done starring at other women and trying to measure up. So put on your damn swimsuit. Make memories, stop comparing and start the process toward loving and accepting your body.”