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Kidspot Pregnancy

Your Pregnancy - Week 25

You are now 25 weeks pregnant and at the beginning of week 26. Your baby measures about 33 cm from head to toe (13.2 inches) and weighs about 800 grams (or 1lb 12 oz).

Your baby’s eyelids are no longer fused, so they can now open their eyes and blink! It is also possible for your baby to respond to bright light (such as shining a torch through your belly). Newborns have vision that is perfectly focussed from about 20 to 30 cm, usually as far away as the face of the person holding them.

Your baby’s movements are generally more regular now and he or she may physically respond to you if you press on parts of their protruding feet, bottom or hands. Some parents play games with their unborn baby when they seem awake and alert! Your caregiver can now probably hear your baby’s heartbeat with a Pinnard’s stethoscope (rather than just an electronic Doppler) beating at around 110 to 170 beats per minute.

You can read more about listening to your baby here.

Physical changes
Your growing baby is much larger and now big enough for your caregiver to feel where their head is situated. Your caregiver may even be able to guide your hands during a routine pregnancy visit so you can feel your own baby’s head. Ask them to do this next time you see them. Your caregiver may also measure your belly’s fundal height, which is explained here.

Babies change position frequently during this phase of pregnancy and are quite often in a breech position (bottom down) or lying across your belly in a transverse position. Your caregiver may start to write your baby’s position on your pregnancy record card. You can read more about the different ways this may be written here.

Other considerations
Tests you may be offered
Between 26 and 30 weeks your caregiver may recommend further tests. Depending on their preferences and/or the hospital or birth centre’s policies, these could include a glucose tolerance test (GTT) to screen for gestational diabetes; a full blood count (FBC) to check for anaemia and to see if you need iron supplements and perhaps a vaginal swab to screen for Group B strep.

You can read more about these tests here.

Natural therapies during pregnancy
T’ai chi means ‘supreme and ultimate power’. It is a form of meditation in motion originating in China and derived from Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist teachings. The art of T’ai chi is a physical and mental discipline aimed at promoting health and well-being to prevent or treat many minor ailments, stress and anxiety. You can read more here.

Yoga means union – uniting body, mind and spirit. Yoga originated in India and is a holistic therapy based on meditation, static exercises and breathing techniques. Yoga is designed to calm, strengthen, protect and cure. Some styles of yoga are more powerful and active aiming to improve cardiovascular health, flexibility and coordination through serious exercise. Hatha yoga is gentle, used primarily for relaxation and breathing control, toning muscles and body systems. You can read more about yoga here.