
Uber 2.0: Autonomous and airborne

Flying cars, like this one designed by US company Terrafugia, are central to Uber's plans.

Flying commuters like George Jetson could be whizzing to work through the sky less than 10 years from now, according to ride-services provider Uber, which believes the future of transportation is literally looking up.

Don't let innovation agenda run out of STEAM

Students at Tempe High School are learning how to be entrepreneurs.

If our Committee for Economic Development of Australia report is right that 40 per cent of jobs existing today will be gone within 10 years, children now in primary school need an education that prepares them for a very different future.

TwoSpace turns closed restaurants into start-up co-working spaces

TwoSpace co-founders Tashi Dorjee and Rob Walker are launching their service in Sydney next week.

In a bid to foster new and deeper connections among Australia's entrepreneurs and the wider community, new start-up TwoSpace will next week launch a platform allowing nomadic workers to make a temporary, comfortable home in the cosy environs of inner-city restaurants — whose doors are normally closed during office hours.

How technology might save the planet

As the Saudis act urgently to escape the grip of fossil fuel addiction, what is Malcolm Turnbull's "agile and ...

It's a common assumption that the more of us there are on the planet, the more raw materials we extract and consume. In fact, since the year 2000, the opposite has been true in at least one major economy, and it might just save the Earth.

Scientists a step closer to bionic brain

Professor Sriram has won a ''science Oscar' as an emerging leader'.

It's been the stuff of science fiction since it was deemed theoretically possible in the 1970s. But Sharath Sriram and his research team at RMIT have finally cracked it. They have built an artificial memory cell which could one day function as the grey matter in a bionic brain.