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Dyeing Easter eggs

Dyeing eggs naturally is as much a science experiment for the kids as it is an art and craft activity. By experimenting with different foods, you can create a rainbow of coloured dyes for your Easter eggs.

Hard boil your eggs first, and then get the kids to draw on the eggs with crayons before you dip them in the dye. The patterns will appear once they are dyed.

If you want to keep your dyed eggs for a long time, you will need to blow out the egg. This can be tricky, so perhaps it’s easier to simply make a basket full of colourful, hard-boiled eggs that will last as long as a chocolate stash from the Easter bunny.

Below are the instructions on how to dye eggs using crepe paper and also directions on how to naturally dye your eggs with different foods. There is also a handy natural dye colour chart for you to reference.

Crepe paper-dyed eggs

What you need

  • different colour crepe paper
  • hot water
  • small bowls or cups
  • slotted spoon
  • cooking oil
  • soft cloth


Soak crepe paper in hot water in individual bowls or cups for each colour. Add boiled eggs and allow to sit in water until the desired colour is achieved. Remove with slotted spoon and allow to dry. Polish with small amount of cooking oil and soft cloth.

Naturally dyed eggs

What you need

  • natural dyeing agents (red cabbage, turmeric, onion skins, beetroot and coffee)
  • a big pot (3L capacity or larger)
  • white vinegar
  • strainer
  • small bowls
  • eggs
  • large metal spoon
  • paper towels
  • drying rack

Natural dye recipes

Select a dyeing agent, and place it in the pot using the amount listed below. Add 1L of water and 2 tbsp white vinegar to the pot. If more water is necessary to cover ingredients, proportionally increase the amount of vinegar. Bring to a boil, then lower heat. Allow the ingredients to simmer for 30 minutes. Strain dye into a bowl.

  • Red-cabbage dye: 4 cups chopped cabbage
  • Turmeric dye: 3 tbsp turmeric
  • Onion-skin dye: 4 cups onion skins (skins of about 12 onions)
  • Beet dye: 4 cups chopped beets
  • Coffee dye: 1L strong black coffee (instead of water)

Directions for cold-dipping method

With this method, the eggs and the ingredients for the dye are boiled separately. Using a metal spoon, lower cooled, hard boiled eggs into a bowl of cooled dye. Let them soak for as little as 5 seconds or as long as overnight, depending on the depth of colour you desire. Remove eggs with spoon, pat dry with paper towels and let the eggs dry on a wire rack. The cold-dipping method produces subtle, translucent shades but can result in uneven colouring unless the eggs are rotated vigilantly while in the dye.

Directions for boiling method

This method involves boiling the eggs with the dye; the heat allows the dye to saturate the shells, resulting in intense, more uniform colour. Set raw eggs in a pot of strained dye; bring to a boil for the amount of time specified in the colour glossary below. Remove and dry eggs as with the cold-dipping method.

Natural dye colour chart

  • Deep gold: Boil eggs in turmeric solution, 30 minutes.
  • Sienna: Boil eggs in onion-skin solution, 30 minutes.
  • Dark, rich brown: Boil eggs in black coffee, 30 minutes.
  • Pale yellow: Soak eggs in room-temperature turmeric solution, 30 minutes.
  • Orange: Soak eggs in room-temperature onion-skin solution, 30 minutes.
  • Light brown: Soak eggs in room-temperature black coffee, 30 minutes.
  • Light pink: Soak eggs in room-temperature beet solution, 30 minutes.
  • Light blue: Soak eggs in room-temperature cabbage solution, 30 minutes.
  • Royal blue: Soak eggs in room-temperature cabbage solution overnight.
  • Lavender: Soak eggs in room-temperature beet solution, 30 minutes; follow with room-temperature cabbage solution, 30 seconds.