

Help for our homeless falls short

The state government's $109 million plan to attack homelessness is a welcome initiative, particularly for the adult homeless, but it has a big blind spot. It fails to hit the target on the most tragic, yet most easily fixed aspect of youth homelessness.

In the past year more thanover 20,000 young people sought assistance from Victorian homeless services. Young people with backgrounds of state care feature the most heavily in these statistics. According to Swinburne University's national youth homeless survey, more than 60 per cent of homeless young people are from a background of out-of-home care. A further 35 per cent will have five or more places of abode within the first 12 months of exiting state care.

People sleeping rough in Melbourne.
People sleeping rough in Melbourne.  Photo: Wayne Taylor

These are young people whose childhoods have been blighted and disrupted by family breakdown, abuse or trauma. They live under the care of the state in foster care, kinship care or residential care until they are 18. But then they are "evicted" by the state. Subsidies for their place of care are cut off, they lose their case worker, and any state service they were receiving in care all disappears. They are on their own to fend for themselves regardless of their readiness and before they have the financial, emotional and domestic skills needed to live independently

It is little wonder they cope poorly. Current evidence shows that within 12 months of leaving state care 50 per cent will be unemployed, in jail, homeless or a new parent.

A general view of a camp set up by homeless people in the City Square earlier this year.
A general view of a camp set up by homeless people in the City Square earlier this year. Photo: Pat Scala

How many parents would show the door to their 18-year-olds in these days of unaffordable housing, high youth unemployment, drugs, street crime and the need for tertiary qualifications? It might have happened in previous generations when housing was cheaper and jobs were abundant for school-leavers, but rarely now. The average age of leaving home in the general population is 24.7 years.

If we want to make real inroads into youth homelessness, as this government intends, then it needs to allow young people to leave care later.


The US, Canada, Britain and, most recently, New Zealand, have all seen the moral and social imperative of extending care for their most vulnerable children to age 21. In the statement by the New Zealand minister when announcing why they were extending care to 21 years, she said "they could no longer tolerate 70 per cent of the young people leaving their care ending up homeless".

The international evidence shows that youth homeless rates were halved and educational engagement rates doubled when governments have stayed the course to 21 years and finished their "parenting" job.

Is cost the problem? Absolutely not. A study by Deloitte Access, commissioned by Anglicare Victoria this year, showed that governments can actually save money by providing the option for young people to stay in care until they are 21.

For every dollar spent extending support to age 21, the community would save between $1.80 and $2.69, depending on which state. The Victorian saving would be $1.84, if a quarter of the young people took up the offer – and even higher savings if more accepted the offer.

The main savings would be reduced homelessness (cut by half), the ability to leave care later also results in reduced hospitalisation (cut by a third) and reduced arrests (cut by 35 per cent) for this population.

Downstream savings for all governments are so compelling that even the US federal government goes dollar for dollar to the states to extend out-of-home care because Washington knows it will enjoy many of the benefits. Now here is a reform that COAG should consider when it meets to discuss Child Protection approaches at its December meeting.

The economic argument is powerful, but it is the moral imperative that should trump the case for this overdue reform.

The state government package announced at the weekend includes $10 million over five years for housing assistance vouchers for young people leaving care. While a good step, it is like tossing a tissue at the problem when a blanket is needed.

All parents deep down know, regardless of whether you are a natural parent or a state parent that their job is to see the raising of the child through to the end. You don't quit during the tough times, you don't quit when you are three quarters done and you certainly don't quit because it's their 18th birthday.

It is welcome that some of these young people will receive housing assistance, voucher or a board payment out of this package, but they still remain evicted by the state at a time determined by a calendar, not their readiness.

Paul McDonald is chief executive of Anglicare Victoria.
