:: Friday, November 30, 2007 ::

Happy St. Andrews Day

Here is a bit of a strange one for St. Andrews day. Richard Jobson got a Tartan Clef award at a recent awards ceremony hosted by music therapy charity Nordoff-Robbins (Scotland). Presented by U2 guitar hero Mr T. Edge who said "Stuart Adamson's guitar playing left me feeling wholly inadequate. He had a big influence on me" and "We tried as a band on numerous occasions to do something as good as Into The Valley." Aye, tried and failed mate.

Here is an all star acoustic performance of said Pars anthem courtesy of the Skids site.


:: Alister | 10:45 a.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 ::

Treasure Island

This, on the other hand looks great (so far). If Tales of the Black Freighter, Pale Horse, Knot-tops, Gunga Diner and Nostalgia perfume mean anything to you that is. Mr Grumpy Beardy won't like it of course.

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:: Alister | 9:42 a.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Monday, November 26, 2007 ::

Feck! Arse! Drink!

Higgins In US "Father Ted" Remake (November 26th 2007)

"Comedic actor John Michael Higgins ("Best in Show," "Fred Claus") has been cast in the lead role of an American remake of cult British comedy "Father Ted."

Higgins tells Teletext UK that "It's not on Craggy Island, it's a fishing village down on its luck in New England."

The big question is, will it work? Only a scant few shows (eg. "Pop Idol," "The Office") have made the transition, most have crashed and burned or not even gotten off the ground.

Higgins himself is dubious "The English have a very robust history of being unkind about religion. We don't have that in our country, we're frightened of it. It's basically that you guys are doing an Irish joke also, we don't have that. So I'll be Father Ted, we'll see how it goes."

This could be terrible.


:: Alister | 7:33 p.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Thursday, November 22, 2007 ::

Burn Blogger Burn

Yeah I know I'm a bad blogger, not updating enough. Part of the problem is that I spend more of my online time in social networks and stuff like facebook, myspace, flickr and youtube. Stuff I stick on youtube gets many more hits than blog posts. I understand that this is because it is 'sought after' content. Ah well, I may as well carry on here out of habit if nothing else.

Today I am mostly reading: Another Witch To Burn.

"Decided to open up a feminist blog based in Edinburgh. I want to catalogue the incidents of men's violence against women as I just don't think it is being taken seriously and I am aware how much there is out there."


:: Alister | 9:42 a.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (3) comments

:: Saturday, November 03, 2007 ::

Bin The Bomb

Bin The Bomb, originally uploaded by alister.

Thousands marched through Edinburgh for the 'People and Parliament Against Trident' demo today. This is another issue where the SNP government of Scotland are picking a fight with Westminster, although the first minister Mr Salmond only sent a message of support. So far the strategy seems to be working quite well for him, with the Tories backing the idea of an English grand committee to solve the West Lothian Question (and if you don't know what that is, google it.). He has also adopted some key parts of the SSP programme in a watered down way - free prescription charges and free school meals.

Another thing at this demo was the huge amount of police monitoring of protesters. Individual cops wielded digital cameras and video cameras were brazenly wielded. All this at a demo which was practically backed by the Scottish Government.

:: Alister | 9:47 p.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (1) comments