:: Friday, July 29, 2005 ::


at Bath, originally uploaded by aesop.

I came across this brilliant picture on Flickr. It is part of a cache of photos from the 1920's which have just been uncovered at the Art Library in Bristol.

Aesop's Flickr page here

Adminicle blog here

:: Alister | 12:34 p.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Thursday, July 28, 2005 ::


Avebury, originally uploaded by alister.

A farmers field and gate on part of an ancient mound at Avebury. This is one of the most important neolithic sites in Europe an awesome arrangement of mounds and stone menhirs.

:: Alister | 11:25 a.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Thursday, July 14, 2005 ::

We're all going on a moblogging summer holiday

There will be very little blogging over the next two weeks. It's summer holiday time and I will be losing my web access for a while anyway. However I have just worked out how to blog pictures from my cameraphone (rather easy actually). My first experiment is below taken of one of my pals in a rare trip to darkest Leith. So I might put up some mysterious pics.

:: Alister | 3:38 p.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments


Image002.jpg, originally uploaded by alister.

:: Alister | 3:37 p.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 ::

Hiding the real story

From the justice not vengeance website The London Blasts: "Now that the police have identified at least three of the four bombers who struck London last Thursday as young British Muslim men, the question of how British Muslims could become so alienated as to carry out such a horrific attack has come to the centre of political and public attention.
In this context, it is absolutely extraordinary that the most authoritative source of information about this crisis, the joint Home Office and Foreign Office report, 'Young Muslims and Extremism', which was leaked to the Sunday Times and published with a front-page headline three days ago, has been entirely censored from today's coverage and commentary in the serious British newspapers.
Extraordinary, but predictable. The conclusions of the 'Extremism' report are politically explosive. The mass media is once again serving power, not truth - and not the security of the British people.
It is of overwhelming importance at this time of national crisis, when British Muslims are facing a massive backlash, that the anti-war movement stands by the Muslim community both physically and politically, and forces the media, local, national, and internet, to acknowledge the existence of the 'Extremism' report, and its conclusion that it is British foreign policy, not rabid preachers or medieval theology, that is driving young Muslims towards suicidal and murderous protest."

:: Alister | 1:23 p.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 ::


Hamish, originally uploaded by alister.

Bust of Hamish Henderson in his favourite haunt Sandy Bells in Forrest Road Edinburgh, a bottle of his favourite malt by his side.

:: Alister | 3:41 p.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

Did ye see him as he came down by Gorgie?

The other day there was a programme on Radio Scotland which looked into Bob Dylan's claim that he based the tune of 'Blowin' in the Wind' on an old Scots folk tune. The investigators came up with the conclusion that he probably meant 'The 51st Highland Division's Farewell To Sicily' by Hamish Henderson, itself based on an earlier pipe tune 'Farewell to the Creeks'.

I subsequently received a very interesting email today from a book-seller who appears to have purchased the library of the late Hamish Henderson.

"We are pleased to send you catalogue No. 14. from the personal library of the late Dr Hamish Henderson of the School of Studies in Edinburgh.
Poet, songwriter, folklorist, soldier and political activist, Hamish was widely regarded as the father of the Scottish folk-song revival and his interests are reflected in the books he acquired."

It would appear to contain some irreplaceable texts such as:
"55. MacLean, Norman and Henderson, Hamish: Script profile. Tinker-Roads. 24/8/94. 1st Draft. 1994. 'The programme will document a road journey by Norman MacLean from Perth, north to the Kyle of Tongue. This journey retraces one Norman MacLean made in 1957 with the folklorist Hamish Henderson. The aim then was to discover and record the rich oral traditions of the Sutherland Travelling People, The Summer Walkers. The aim today is to check what remains of this culture and in particular to document traditional routes and camping sites before they disappear or are forgotten.' 4to. 14pp. Typewritten manuscript. Printed on one side only. VG. £16.00"

This isn't online anywhere but either contact myself or the booksellers Gordon & Carmen Wright of Edinburgh for the catalogue. Oh yes, my birthday is coming up soon by the way.

:: Alister | 3:11 p.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Monday, July 11, 2005 ::

G8 police accused of hiding identities - The Herald

G8 police accused of hiding identities - The Herald: "
A NUMBER of police concealed their identities during the G8 summit, perhaps to prevent complaints about their behaviour, a Scottish Socialist MSP claimed yesterday.
Chief Superintendent Stewart Carle of Strathclyde Police said at the time: "It is unacceptable that officers do not give their numbers. We are wearing fire-proof tunics today in response to violence in this area on Wednesday night. We usually have helmets on showing our numbers on the back but I will be suggesting that numbers are stitched on to tunics, as is this case with some of our English colleagues."
Yesterday, Acpos said it would consider the move for all forces in Scotland.
A spokesman said: "This was the first time that police in Scotland had worn the level one public order uniforms and numbers may be stitched on to lapels for future policing operations"

This is a complete lie, police did have numbers on their tunics, but had them covered with cloth. I was with Frances Curran MSP when she asked for one police number. The officer removed the cloth to show his number then replaced it. He wouldn't give his name or any other information however. I can provide photos of this event which I will post later. He was from West Yorkshire. If you weren't an MSP it is unlikely you would get even that. Many others have reported that they requested numbers only to be refused. MSP's and others were verbally abused by members of the Met. There is a chilling report on the Met's attempt to 'get' some protestors here.

:: Alister | 3:21 p.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

Real London

Warrenellis.com: London Will Fucking Twat You In A Minute, Son Real (ie cynical and sarcastic) Londoners respond to cloying US tribute site around the theme 'today we are all londoners'.
eg, "today I'm a Londoner and today I got a day off'.

:: Alister | 11:36 a.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Friday, July 08, 2005 ::

Things to Come

chinook full of riot cops, originally uploaded by alister.

Military helicopter which landed riot police at Gleneagles. A taste of things to come.

:: Alister | 2:31 p.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (1) comments

:: Thursday, July 07, 2005 ::

A better world is possible

I have just returned from a vigil in Edinburgh for the victims of the bombings in London. Called by activists in the city it expressed solidarity with the victims of the bomb and with victims of war, terror and poverty around the world. It was attended by around a hundred, both local people and international visitors, many of whom had come to protest at the G8 summit.

A better world is possible.

Update: There is a Reuters picture from the vigil last night here.

:: Alister | 10:59 p.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

No to terror, no to war

The attacks on London today are, of course, outrages. Ordinary working people who are just trying to get to their jobs are the victims just as they were in Madrid.

The actions of the theocratic extremists will bring new waves of repressive legislation. I have seen this in action in Scotland this week with our streets occupied by countless police. Yesterday I tried and eventually succeeded in getting to a legal demonstration at Gleneagles having been told it was cancelled by the police. My bus was held at a remote spot with other buses while we negotiated furiously for the right to proceed to our destination. Hundreds of others were banned from travelling at all and were forced off coaches in Edinburgh. When I got there I watched in astonishment as US military helicopters landed in a field to drop off British riot police. On Monday I saw my home city occupied by police wielding 'section 60' orders giving them the power to stop, search, photograph, video and arrest anyone they felt like if they thought they might be involved in a crime at some time in the future. This is the Orwellian situation we are in which will only get worse now.

Bush is saying now that this will increase his resolve in the 'war on terror'. Again it will be working people and the poor around the world who will suffer at the hands of Bush and the hands of the small group of religious extremists of al-Qaeda.

Our response can only be to come together in solidarity in London and throughout the world to say no to terror and no to war.


:: Alister | 2:23 p.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 ::


pow!, originally uploaded by alister.

Clown Army Website

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Clown Army conquers Edinburgh

Indymedia UK - [Picture report] Clown Army conquers Edinburgh

The Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) rule. See more clown fun here.

:: Alister | 11:42 a.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Monday, July 04, 2005 ::

G8 Alternatives Summit

G8 Alternatives Summit, originally uploaded by alister.

Frances Curran MSP speaking at the Usher Hall on Sunday night as part of the G8 Alternatives counter summit. A very successful and educational day which will do a lot to bring a movement together in Scotland. Excellent speeches from the likes of George Monbiot and Susan George. The only downer was at the conclusion of George Galloways speech. I applauded but didn't stand (I only stand for exceptional individuals) and was berated by an outraged Galloway fan because I wouldn't stand up. I still didn't stand up.

:: Alister | 9:36 p.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (4) comments

Send in the Clowns

clowns, originally uploaded by alister.

The revolutionary clown army dust off the riot police at the Carnival for Full Enjoyment. More later.

:: Alister | 7:33 p.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Sunday, July 03, 2005 ::

control and fear

control and fear, originally uploaded by alister.

A display at Teviot G8 info centre.

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blocKadeg8, originally uploaded by alister.

The letter K from a graffito spelling BLOCKADEG8. Each letter had a little debate below it.

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