:: Monday, June 14, 2004 ::

West End Girls and Boys

Schools Out crowd

A day of unbroken sunshine in Scotland is unusual enough. But in Glasgow, unheard of. What's more it was the occasion of Schools Out - Belle and Sebastian and Friends at Glasgow's West End Festival.

Schools Out Stage

As you can see it was a full but very relaxed and happy crowd who came to see a line-up of bands including mother and the addicts, the james orr complex, v-twin, camera obscura, trash can sinatras and of course belle and sebastian.

camera obscura

Camera Obscura (above) were the best of the support acts. The website I have linked to is down at the moment, hopefully as a result of the interest generated by this gig. Hope you like the posterised pic.

belle and sebastian

Belle and Sebastian didn't disappoint. They made a couple of mistakes, but that is kind of their style. But all in all they were the kings of the west end. It seems that they are having to pay some royalties to the Shadows for one of their songs. I would have thought that David Bowie and Thin Lizzy stood a better chance of getting a cut of a couple of songs from their last album...

:: Alister | 11:53 a.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | |


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