:: Monday, February 02, 2004 ::

Twilight of the Dogs

The Twilight Singers - King Tut's Glasgow 31st January 2004

Greg Dulli of the Twilight Singers

The Twilight Singers hit Glasgow this weekend. They are the current band of former Afghan Whig Greg Dulli and, live at least, they are in the same ass-kicking category. Greg is a charismatic if somewhat Belushiesque frontman and name-checking Big Country does no harm although my requests for Into the Valley went unmet. Highlights were The Killer, Teenage Wristband and Papillon from current album Blackberry Belle and there was a nice run through of some old Whigs numbers (Uptown Again and Faded plus snatches of some others) not to mention Outkast's 'Hey Ya'. Fair play to Greg who not only did a brief Darkness medley but also came on for the encores wearing a kilt.

More photos from Mr Z. here although the one above's mine.

:: Alister | 1:53 p.m. | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | |


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